Chapter 25

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I looked back up to see Snape standing there. He had Sirius pinned up against the wall with a wand to his neck. Harry grabbed his wand disarming Snape and sending him flying back. "Tell me the truth." Harry demanded still holding his wand up.

"I didn't sell your parents out, he did." Sirius shouted pointing over at Ron. Ron's face went bright red, "I did no such thing, he's mental." Sirius scoffed, "not you, your rat." Ron held Scabbers close to him, "it's not him he's been in our family for..." Sirius stepped forward, "TWELVE YEARS."

"Is he missing a toe?" Lupin calmly asked. Ron hesitantly nodded. "Ron give them the rat," I whispered. He stared at me, "did you know he was here? You lied to us?" I shook my head, "I promise you I didn't." Sirius stepped forward, "she didn't. Give me that rat now."

Ron let go of it and I watched as it started running towards me. Right as it was about to get through a hole, Sirius and Remus hit it and I watched the rat slowly turn into the ugliest looking things I've ever seen. The two of them pulled the man out and they both held a wand up to his face.

"Together?" Sirius asked. I grabbed onto Harry's shoulder and he turned my head away so I didn't see. "Wait." Harry stopped them. "My father wouldn't want his two best friends to become killers, and Clara's not watching another person get murdered, not here." I sighed relieved. Peter came towards Harry and I, making me step back away from him. "Thank you sweet boy, you're so kind just like your mother."

Harry pushed us back further. "Don't thank me you're going straight to the dementors." Peter lunged forward grabbing my arm. "Sweet girl please help me, your father and I are friends. We worked together. I knew your mother, please." I looked down unable to look at him. "You're really okay being responsible for another death?" I stared at him in disbelief, watching Sirius grab Peter throwing him to the ground.

"Don't talk to her, let's go." Sirius and Harry pushed Peter out and they were followed by Ron and Hermione. Lupin started to walk out, and I turned around catching my breath, peters words echoed in my head. "Responsible for another death." I bit my lip shaking my head.

"Clara?" Lupin whispered. I looked at him, "yes?" He walked over putting his arm around my shoulder, "come on dear." I sighed looking around the shack once more. "You were going to kill Peter?" Lupin took a deep breath, "we'll talk later, let's just get back to the castle. Alright?"

We went outside and Lupin put Peter onto the ground using his wand to keep him still. I saw Sirius and Harry talking, and made my way to them. "Clara," Sirius smiled. I leaned up against him exhausted. "You have a lot of explaining to do," I whispered. He placed his hand on the back on my head, "I have to say I did miss you these past few months." I nodded, "I agree. This year was awful." Sirius sighed, "well it's almost over now. I have a room for you at home." I looked up, "home?" He smiled, "your new home."

I smiled at Harry, "thank you." He nudged me, "for what?" I looked over at Peter, "for not letting them kill him." Harry nodded, "you've had enough for one year I think." I agreed enjoying the company of these two.

"Harry," Hermione shouted causing all of us to look her way. I stepped back seeing Lupin transform into a werewolf immediately recognizing the full moon. I backed up until I had hit Hermione and Ron. "Potter," Snape growled, storming towards us. Lupin let out a howl which stopped Snape immediately. He backed up throwing his arms up. "Get back," he whispered tripping, all of us fell and hid behind Snape. I dug my head into Harry's shoulder unable to look. "Where's your wand?" I asked Harry. Just as he was about to give it to me, I saw Sirius come out as his black dog viciously attacking Lupin.

The two of them took off into the woods. I stood up ready to take off after them. Snape grabbed my arm, "what the hell do you think you're doing?" I pulled away aggressively running as quickly as I could. "CLARA." I ignored Snape and turned around when I saw Harry running behind me. "Keep going," he said, running alongside me.

We saw Sirius alone, collapsed by the stream with dementors surrounding him. "Sirius," I cried running up to him. I knelt down checking to see if he was breathing. "Harry," I whispered shaking my head, he was barely breathing. The dementors were closing in. I grabbed Harry's hand and I noticed the dementors were now coming for me.

Harry was trying to get his patronous charm, and I layed directly over top of Sirius allowing the dementors to come for me instead of him. "CLARA GET OFF," Harry screamed. I stayed firmly on top of Sirius facing the dementors. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine." I whispered repeatedly trying to reassure myself. I felt my body go limp, it felt frozen. I didn't fight the darkness my eyes shut firmly, and I couldn't move or think. I saw my family, I saw everything they did to me. My sister, my father, my mum dying it was repeating steadily.

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