Chapter 35

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We parted ways with Cedric and Amos, following Arthur to our tent. I threw my bags in with Fred's, getting ready to head up to our seats. As we were waiting for the game to start I was listening to Fred and George explain their new products. I turned my head when I saw Lucious, Draco and Pansy walking below us.

"How high up are we?" Ron asked. Lucious stoped walking and stared up at us, "think of it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know." I ignored him and made eye contact with Pansy, "I'm sorry," I whispered praying she could read my lips. I sighed when she simply shook her head glaring at me. "It's not my fault." She now looked down at her feet completely ignoring my existence.

I sighed as the three of them walked away. Fred wrapped his arms around me, "you alright?" I nodded avoiding the question.

I heard Fred and George making bets, scoffing that they took on the bets they did. "I'm gonna win love," I rolled my eyes, "I'm not so sure." The game started and I watched carefully following the player Ron idolized most, Victor Krum.

When the game finished I turned to Fred impressed he won his bet. "Time to celebrate." We rushed back to the tent and I began drinking some of the fire whiskey Fred snuck here. I offered Harry a sip, smiling when he made a face.

We heard explosions outside and Fred pulled me up to dance. "The Irish are getting their pride on," George laughed. Arthur ripped the curtains open, "that's not the Irish we need to go, now, back to the portkey."

I immediately stood up running with everyone else, there were several people also leaving their tents I tried to stay with Fred but people were coming between us, I ended up by myself looking around for somewhere to go. I screamed when I felt hands on the back on my neck. "Get down, Clara."

I spun around and my heart dropped, this was the death eater who killed my mum. "You're going to kill me? Killing my mother wasn't enough?" He pulled his mask back over and he sent a curse my way causing me to crumble onto the ground. He then grabbed my wrist running his fingers over them, "I'll be seeing you sooner than you think."

I tried to sit up, but I immediately threw up. I never heard of the curse he used, my face was bloody I tried to get up and when I turned around I came face to face with Lucious. "I see someone else got to you before I did." He shoved me down onto the ground pulling his wand out. I held my hands up, "please." He just laughed, "I bet you wish they just killed you." I stared up at him, "I don't understand what I did."

He shrugged, "that's not my problem." I just looked at him unsure of what to do. "Are you going to kill me, if you are just do it." He smiled, "no I'm not going to kill you but someone is. You just have other purposes first." I fell back as he flicked his wand, "best of luck."

I stared up at the sky, watching the dark mark twisting around. I tried to brush my tears away, but I couldn't stop shaking. I lightly touched my face smudging the blood once again. "Fred." I called out as loudly as I could. I rolled over throwing up again. The man who killed my mother stood directly in front of me, I let him hurt me, I let him threaten me.

"Clara?" I heard voices calling my name. "I'm here," I said back, not nearly as loud. "She's here," I heard Harry call.

He knelt over me staring in shock, "what happened?" I just shook my head trying to not cry in front of him. "Help me up," I whispered. He grabbed my hand and I put my arm around him standing up. "Who did this?" I bent over throwing up again, "can you get Remus?" He shook his head, "Remus is not here."

"Clara? Harry?" Hermione yelled running up to us. "We've been looking all over for you Clara." I nodded using her for support as well. "I want Sirius and Remus." Hermione sighed, "that's not a possibility right now."

I stopped them, "I just need a break." I continued getting sick thinking of that man and what Lucious said. We finally got to where Arthur and all the Aurors were standing. "Where was she?" Tonks asked running up. "Can you get Remus?"

She looked up at Arthur, "I'll take her there." She held my hand and I felt us apparate.

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