Chapter 94

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Only a few weeks had passed, and this time I rarely left my bed. Seeing all of them and then having to leave them right away literally ripped my heart out. "I made you something to eat." Kreacher yelled outside my door. Slowly I stood up opening the door for him, "thanks."

"You have the dark mark now," he whispered nodding at my arm. I sighed pulling my sleeve up, "getting it was the only reason I survived the Malfoy house. They thought I was my sister."

I followed him down to the table shoving a spoonful of soup into my mouth. "I heard the war has begun." I choked on my soup, "what did you just say?" He met my eyes, "the death eaters are there." I dropped my spoon, "I need to get there." He slowly shook his head, "that's what the gps if for, there's no other way to get to Hogwarts." I scoffed, "of course there is we just need to figure it out." Kreacher put a glass of water in front of me, "you're about to have a baby. The whole point of running away was not to run right back." I bit my lip, "I'm not letting them do this alone."

I whipped my head around as the gps lit up, without giving it a second thought I rushed towards it bracing myself as I lifted up from the air.

I almost screamed when I saw Snape in front of me collapsed on the ground. He was bleeding badly but he was still alive. I quickly looked around me making sure no one was here and then knelt down in front of him. "Put pressure on it," I whispered using his cloak to press down on his stomach. "Clara. Stop." He grabbed my arm and I shook my head, "I'm not letting you die." When tears started sliding down his face I sat back accepting the fact that there really was nothing I could do. "Call the elder wand to you. It will answer." I gently set my head on his shoulder biting down hard on my lips to stop any tears from falling.

"You'll be fine Clara. You always are." I lifted my head when I felt someone kneel beside me, "hey Clara," Harry whispered putting one arm around my shoulder and using the other to place a hand on his. "Take them," Snape weakly whispered. I watched as Harry turned to Hermione demanding a vile to catch his tears in. "Clara, Harry, you both have your mother's eyes."

I took a shaky breath as Harry gently squeezed my hand lifting me up. "I'm sorry Clara. I'm so sorry," he whispered pulling me into him. "I forgive you."

"We have to go," Hermione whispered pulling us behind her and Ron. My heart almost stopped beating when I saw the damage that had already been done to Hogwarts. "When did the fight start?" I whispered. Ron sighed, "last night some time."

I slowly followed the three of them into Hogwarts feeling sick when I saw the lines of dead bodies. "Clara you don't want to be here," Hermione whispered. Her face had gone completely white and I knew something was wrong. I pushed away from her losing my footing when I saw Fred laying motionless on his back.

I dropped down beside him staring in disbelief at his still face. George had tears stained deeply onto his cheeks and I tensed as he knelt down beside me squeezing my hand tightly. I let tears out without even realizing I did, they came so fast they were falling onto Fred before I could even wipe them away. "No," I whispered cupping his cheeks in my hands. "No, no," I repeated pushing myself away from his body.

"Clara. Don't." Harry ordered covering my eyes. "Don't touch me," I spat shoving him away from me stopping when I saw what he didn't want me to see. I screamed. I screamed louder than I ever had before. My legs started shaking so badly Harry and Professor Mcgonagall had to hold me
up. Remus was stretched out on his back reaching his hand out to Tonks. They were both dead.

"REMUS." I screamed kneeling down to his holding tightly onto his shoulder. "GET UP." Harry knelt down beside me, "Clara he's gone." I was barely breathing at this point, memories of everything this man did for me kept playing in my head. "I can't lose him Harry." I cried wrapping my arms around Remus. "I NEEDED him." Harry squeezed my hand, "I'm not going anywhere." I refused to let go of Remus, "you don't get it Harry. I'm pregnant. You heard me right that night. I can't do this without him."
Harry lifted me off Remus pulling me into his own arms rocking us back and forth, "I'm sorry Clara. I'm so so sorry." I held onto his arms not looking away from Remus, "where's their kid? Where's my brother?" I asked quietly. Harry placed his hand on the side of my face pulling me into his shoulder, "he's alive." I tipped my head back letting out a breath of relief.

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