Chapter 42

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Snape stared at me, "you need to come with me." I shook my head, "I can't move." He sighed, "you're going to have to, you just called yourself a murderer and the minister is right there." I groaned standing up, using Snape for support. "Cedric," I whispered.

McGonagall shook her head sadly, "I'm sorry Clara." I gasped for air, "they just killed him." She nodded, "take her in." Snape began leading us inside and I held my arms out. "I'm going to die anyway." I whispered. Snape shook his head, "no you're not."

"Is Harry in there?" I asked. Snape kicked the door open, and I stared I disbelief. He was in there but someone had a wand pointed directly at him. Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall hurried in immediately forcing this man into a chair.

My heart stopped beating for a moment when I realized who it was. "Your eyes." I whispered. "I should have known, you bastard."

That evil man who killed my mother sat directly in front of me. I walked forward, and Dumbledore shook his head, "you need to get to the wing Clara, you've lost too much blood."

I ignored him coming face to face with this death eater. "I killed my father tonight, what makes you think I won't do the same to you?" He just laughed, "the dark lord made you do it." I shrugged, "no ones making me do it here? But I will. Where's my wand?" I asked desperately searching. Harry shook his head, "you left it there." I scoffed, "you dumb son of a bitch." As I said this I lunged forward hitting the death eaters face as much as I could, before I was ripped off. I cried when I saw his blood, not because I was upset about what I did, but because I couldn't stand the thought of what these people did to me, my family, and my friends.

Snape grabbed my arm, helping me out to the room. "You knew he was here didn't you?" I cried. Snape shook his head, "no stupid girl." I scoffed, "how can you actually have the nerve to call me stupid right now. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HAPPENED. What you and that awful man put me through." I harshly pulled away from him using the wall to balance myself. "Are you even taking me to the wing? Or are we going back. Are you going to kill me? Just do it now you pathetic git."

I tried to wipe away more tears, but I saw Amos standing in front of the wing. "Clara?" He whispered running over to me. I was surprised when he pulled me in for a hug. I shut my eyes, listening to Amos' soft sobs. "I've got to get her some help." Snape announced pulling me back. I sighed, brushing my tears away again, "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I begged them to kill me. I'm so sorry."

Before he could answer Snape was leading us away. "I'm not going to kill you." He said as I lay down in a hospital bed. "I wish you were." I whispered gently closing my eyes.

I looked over as Madam Pomfrey came rushing towards me. "This is going to hurt." I took a deep breath staring at the ceiling. "Can it hurt worse than it does right now?" She gave me a kind smile, "I hope not." I saw Snape standing beside me, staring at the cuts. I did the same and noticed there was at least four on each wrist, it was a wonder I didn't bleed out earlier. I bit my lip and Pomfrey poured some sort of liquid directly in the cuts. I didn't move, or react, it burned like hell, but there was nothing I could've done to stop it. She finished up, "you need rest, lots and lots of it."

Snape sat down still staring at the cuts. "Why'd they do this." I didn't answer, instead I stared blankly up at the ceiling. Replaying tonight's events. I heard Harry's voice as he was put in a bed next to me, but Snape drew the curtain. I was trying to keep the room from spinning, but it wasn't working. "I think I'm dying," I whispered. He shook his head, "they're saving you." I tried to force myself to stay awake, "I don't know who's side your on.... but please don't let them kill anyone else." Snape didn't answer he just stared at me for a minute. "Why do you hate me?" I spat. "None of this was my fault." He sighed, "Rest."

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