Chapter 1: On my way

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Cherry's POV

I woke up and got my suitcase from the compartment above. I had just endured an 8-hour train ride to my soon-to-be new home and job. Hopefully, they provide what I'm looking for.

When the games were first announced I was so ecstatic, but when they announced that anyone could participate in the game, I began to train harder than before. I wanted to experience the ultimate thrill and even started practicing other forms of parkour and martial arts, besides the ones my family had taught me.

From what the announcements on websites said, everyone in the games was the best of the best and considered themselves all to be ruthless fighters. It got my blood pumping just thinking about how much fun I would have, burning their hopes and dreams down the drain.

Most of the requirements were already in my field, but others I had to get good at. I didn't want to enter a game and not know how to use a certain gun, especially if it was the only one available to me. I wanted to be prepared for anything coming my way.

Today was my audition, though just by looking at the people who boarded the train alongside me, I understood it wasn't gonna be easy. Some looked fairly beatable, but others looked scary and intimidating which was funny. After a couple of minutes, I began to doubt anyone here could actually be a challenge since looks can be deceiving.

I also noticed there were only 2 women on the train. Myself and the attendant, which I think the others noticed. I mean, when I first sat down, I got cat-called really quick, but it didn't bother me.

I made it up to the surface because I was the first off the train, and looked at the sky. It was glorious. We would next make our way to a hotel and then relax a bit before we were sent off to a ship to be dropped into the in-action audition.

I quickly got on the bus that would take up to the hotel. I sat at the front and waited for the rest to board. It was exhilarating, I was practically shaking from excitement, just ready to pop off on these bastards for underestimating me and seeing nothing but my body and gender. It was disgusting, but the feelings I would get after shooting them all down would be more than worth it.

Someone sat beside me and I didn't look, instead, I kept my gaze fixated on the window and the view of the city passing by. However, I felt them staring at me, which made me a burning ball of fury.

I then went over my limit when I felt them put a hand on my thigh. I immediately turn to look at them while simultaneously pulling out a pistol I had always kept on my boot. I shoved it into his mouth which he immediately reacted to by moving his hands over his head.

The pistol changed and almost got bigger while moving a compartment from its barrel showing a glowing orange bullet filled with liquid ready to be shot into his face. "Move," I said, my hair covering my eyes now.

He immediately did as told when I removed the gun from his mouth. He then stubbled with his bags walking to the back of the bus.

I chuckled to myself and holstered my weapon and kept looking out the window. The driver didn't seem to notice, because they too were a woman and had more of a smile plastered on their face.

When we arrived at the hotel, I got off the bus first and gave a nod to the driver which she returned with a tip for her hat.

The hotel was beautiful and soon our handler arrived and took us away. We were divided into our rooms and given envelopes with instructions for after we got settled.

I quickly closed my door after saying thank you and waited for a second then locked it. I set my suitcase down and opened it, removing the top layer of my clothes which revealed my weapons. A whole lot of pink smoke bombs and pink grenades.

I had them all inactive till I entered the game so there's no way they would go off. I stripped the comfy clothes I used on the train ride because it was fairly cold and you don't want to be in full gear for an 8-hour train ride.

I put on a black and gray camo bodysuit that stopped mid-thigh and was sleeveless. It went up to my neck and turned into a mask that covered my mouth and nose. I slipped on my matching thigh-high stockings that started about 2 inches after the main suit stopped. Along with that, I had fingerless gloves that matched the body suit and stopped before my shoulders.

I adjusted myself and made sure it was a snug fit then put on my second layer. I put on a bright neon pink full-body harness that wrapped around my legs and arms and such but stopped at my neck. The hip section was thicker because it doubled as a utility belt which had side bags and such, as well as secure hooks for my grenades and explosives. It also came with neon pink knee pads and elbow pads.

I next grabbed my black converse which was the long one that went up stopping before my knee. I had customized and added metal plating to the tip and heel of the shoes. I also changed out the white laces for neon pink, which if you haven't noticed is my favorite color. Not to mention the wheels I had put into the shoes that came out of the souls when I wanted. They looked more like boots at this point.

Almost finishing my look, I then slipped on a black and gray matching camo raincoat with the inside being pure neon pink which complimented my fit.

After a quick run-through to make sure my gear was secure, I pulled out my goggles and put them on. They had pieces that covered my ears to protect them from sound and amplify them even more as an advantage.

I then began to put my deactivated grenades and explosives on my belts. I also grabbed two hunting blades and put them on the sides of my thighs with sheaths and holsters.

Making my way out I grabbed my instruction and left my temporary residence. I made my way up some stairs and noticed some participants were there already. Some were changed from the beginning and others had plain gear.

Smiling, I touched the side of my goggles and adjusted them to the outside light then looked towards the landing pad on the roof where the ship would come to pick us up. I waited eagerly to begin and patiently.

I had my hood off my head and my coat was left closed for now. My short pink hair rustled like leaves as the ship flew close. My hair was bubble gum almost neon pink, and slightly curled up, I also had an undercut that was also pink. I did not wear any makeup today which was fine because no one could see my face anyways.

Once the ship got here, it took a couple of minutes to land which was entertaining. I giggled to myself when one of the participants fell over when the plane landed. He was slimmer and pretty ordinary compared to everyone else here and definitely looked to be the youngest if anything.

He had what appeared to be fancy gear that from a distance looked like a piece of football equipment. As well as some additional military-type modifications. The others made fun of him because he was just a 19-year-old so they were picking on him for his age.

He couldn't seem to stand because of the force so I walked over and held a hand out. He seemed to be taken aback by me because I was the only girl and I wasn't affected by the force. He seemed embarrassed but took my hand regardless.

I in turn pulled up to his feet and he almost fell forward. Once I let him go, I made my way toward the ship. Instinctively glancing back, I saw him pushing forward and making it on.

I chuckled a little but boarded as well, taking a seat and waiting patiently for the others to get here. I pulled my hood up and just closed my eyes and hummed to myself.

It wasn't that long till we took off with the rest of the participants, but some also got left behind which was funny to see them scramble.

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