Chapter 7: Game and loser

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Cherry's POV

When I got to my room I went inside and closed the door removing my shoes and plopping on the bed. I opened my phone and played some games for a bit.

When I got bored I got all my gear ready and made some more bombs. I didn't have a lot of material to work with but I did my best.

I even tried to make some normal uncolored smoke bomba to imitate Bangalore's smoke, this could trick the enemy. I was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I was embarrassingly in lazy clothes with my goggles, mouth cover, gloves, and my hair tied in two goofy tails above my head. 

I walked to the door, opening it. I removed my gas mask and took a deep breath looking up. I saw Bloodhound and Octane.

"The ship will be leaving in half an hour. We are all getting ready to leave soon." Octane said looked down the hallway.

"Ok. I'll be out in a bit loser." I said closing the door in his face. I walked over to my things and quickly finished up. I than packed my stuff up and slipped my gear on.

I finished and I removed my hair from there little Pom-poms. I adjusted them than put my mouth cover up. I walked to the door and opened it leaving my card in the trash.

I walked out and was followed. I felt a rival like glare and kept walking. I knew it was Octane. But he is boring to me, so I don't really care for him anymore.

We got to the elevator and went strait to the roof. When we got there we took out apex devices and put them on ourselves. Then we loaded the ship.

I sat bored just playing with a pink pocket knife. I glanced up at the ceiling just twirling the knife and stopped when I kept feeling the glare.

I glanced at Octane not facing him. Through my goggles I saw him sitting at a computer station full of neon green beside a lab of stim.

He was sitting still which was an odd sight. He's probably still mad. Him staring at me was getting annoying.

"Hey, hey!! I just realized I never got your name!!" I heard someone say walking over to me. I glanced and saw Mirage. I think he did... or his boss told him.

"Cherry Bomb." I said standing. Octane stood up walking over and standing beside Mirage. "But-." He said but I cut him off looking away.

"I'm not interested in talking to boring people." I said. "When does this ship get to its destination. I can't stand being in one place for so long.." I said siting and glancing at the other legends.

Octane was shaking and stomped over to his chair sitting and turning to play some video games. He was pressing those buttons hard. I seemed to have created some tension in the room.

I than heard talking through speakers. "No weapons are allowed on the drop ship." It said. I stopped listened as I give a little chuckle because most of the people here had a weapon of some sort.

Suddenly I heard a sound. I looked at the ground and saw the floor dropping down in sections. I than heard more talking through the speakers and saw pictures on the screens.

On my team I saw, Crypto and Caustic. Everyone moved and jumped down to their spots. I jumped down standing beside Crypto and knew he was the one deciding where we dropped.

We stood over Kings Canyon and I noticed him ping the Cage. Soon we dropped. As we did I heard Crypto yelling at me so I could hear him.

"When we land and we gather supplies, I need you to explain your abilities to us!" He shouted. I gave him a thumbs up and so we kept falling.

When we landed I quickly ran and I got the building followed by my partners. "Currently, my passive involves my hearing. I can change the frequency on my headphones to hear footsteps and voices from a distance. My tactical is grenades. I can decide if they are electric, explosive, or just smoked. The smoke itself is pink, but I have some mimicks of white that can appear to be Bangalore's from a distance." I said calmly as I picked up an alternator and grabbed the little amo available.

I then turned and followed them up a zip line. "Ultimate?" Caustic asked as he picked up a R-99 putting a sight on it as well as grabbing amo.

"My shoes. They are modified and double as boots. I get a timed boast of speed and can skate around." I said as I grabbed a shield and a R-301 dropping my alternator and picking up more amo.

"What type of fighter are you?" Crypto asked running past me and picking a weapon up. "Close combate and offensive tactics. I'm a heavy hitter." I said getting excited as I put a 2x sight on the R-301 as well as a stabilizer.

After I was done we continued raiding around the cage, simultaneously they told me all there abilities and fighting styles.

"Do you have a weapon to carry when your not using your guns?" Crypto asked as we scoped out the areas around us for people.

"I have two hunting knives. They are pink. My brother gave them to me." I said putting my gun away and wiping out my twin blades.

Caustic than pulled out a longbow putting a 4-8x scope. We crouched beside him as he looked around.

"By the bunker." He said as he pinged some buildings in the distance by the river. We than all moved and went down to the river. We stayed against the wall sneaking up and as we did Crypto signed some stuff to us.

Caustic went over to the building with his R-99 in hand. He stood bedside the building and quietly placed traps by the doors.

He than pulled back at a good distance and Crypto sat behind me. He used his drone and went closer. I knew they detected the drone so I looked through my sight and saw them going through a door setting off caustics trap.

They tried another door and as they opened it Crypto  initiated his EMP pulse. Simultaneously they set off another trap of gas.

I grinned as I took a smoke grenade and threw it in. As it went off we raided the place shooting them down.

Wrath put up a tough fight and even shot me a bit but I was able to get her down. We finished and realized there was only 2 of them here.

We than got scanned. We closed the doors with caustic setting up another trap and crypto using his drone.

I put my headphones on sensitive and heard footsteps under us. I motioned to Crypto to the floor and he nodded not looking at me and pinged bloodhound.

We went upstairs and got on the roof crouching patiently. We than heard Bloodhound throw a grenade at the door. He was able to get the door open enough to shot one of Caustics bombs.

"How disrespectful." Caustic said angrily. "He appears to have a spitfire. Cherry." He said than call me.

"Already on it." I said going down to the second floor and looking down at Bloodhound grabbing his team remembers banners.

I threw an electric grenade shutting his shields off half way and zooming down stairs. I circled the room and he kept shooting as I dodged and jumped but kept shooting.

I was able to get him closer to another trap and he set it off. When he did Crypto came down stairs with Caustic and finished him off.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now