Chapter 30: Octane and Being a Titanus

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Catalinas POV

"I came back chika, like you asked me to.." He simply spoke softly pulling his mouth cover down, and held his googles looking at the ground. I watched him for a second then stood straight turning my gauntlets off and placing them on the table.

There was silence until I turned away from him walking to the shower. "You can sit on the couch while I shower, I'm covered in oils and ash," I spoke. I stopped at the bathroom door as I held the doorknob. "Thank you for giving me space for a bit..." I said. I then opened the door and walked in.

I stripped and began to shower. I didn't take long and was in a white robe putting my clothes in the hamper in 15 minutes or so.

I then opened the door and peeked out to see Octane in deep thought in the small living room area. He seemed to be looking through some video games I got.

I turned and went to my room closing the door and getting dry. I was now in black undergarments, as I searched for some comfy clothes from the clean clothes.

I grabbed some black larger sweats as well as a pink fluffy socks. Instead of a shirt I grabbed the matching sweatshirt which I had gotten for it's cute cherry on the left chest.

I than ruffled my hair with my fluffy towel and opened the door. I went to the bathroom without looking up at Octane. I than brushed threw my wet hair and than put on some products.

When I finished I walked out and flanked into my room. I grabbed a pair of goggles putting them on and grabbing some bubble gum.

I chewed and walked over standing at my doorway. Octane turned to look at me as he sat on the couch. I walked over and stood near him blowing a bubble.

He looked down than stood up. "I'm sorry." He said running his fingers through his hair. "Unfortunately that phrase is losing it's worth with me....I've heard it to many times and seen it turned around." I said as I scratched my undercut and leaned on my right leg.

He looked up at me than looked down ashamed. "Do you trust me?" I questioned as I examined his expressions. "What do you want me to say Catalina??? Just tell me, and I'll say it.." he said pleading to me.

I sighed knowing I wouldn't be satisfied with anything he would say and turned on my heal heading to my table.

"Never mind. I clearly won't accept anything you say. It's fine, just forget about it..." I said as I grabbed the box from the table and took it to my room.

I heard him follow and sat on my bed as I put stuff away. "It's not fine chika, that's why I'm here. To apologize for being a total asshat." He said setting his goggles and mouth cover down.

I stayed silent for a minute and when I finished glanced at him threw my goggles. "Kaius...." I spoke. He flinched and glanced up at me. "You Octane...." I said as I approached him.

"You were acting like Kaius." I simply stated as I went around the bed siting on the right side against the pillows. I turned the tv on with a remote and laid back.

Octane glanced back at me than looked down at his hands. He didn't know what to say after my words and just kinda sat there.

"It wasn't intentional Octane, but in that moment, when you demanded where I was...I didn't see you anymore. I saw a feint Kai." I said putting a movie on.

"You clearly didn't trust me enough to leave me alone and let me leave the building. But I guess it's my fault for pointing out the fact that I could have left forever....but in the end, you can't control what I do. So engrave that in your head if you want something between us Octavio. I am Catalina Titanus, and I won't tolerate being treated like anything less than what I'm worth. Never again..." I said as I laid back my hands resting behind my head with my eyes closed relaxing. My tone however never changed to anything but serous.

"If you agree to my terms, I'll acknowledge yours. But pull something like that again, and I promise you'll regret it." I said. I stayed like this for a minute to let him process my words.

I than sat up and took my googles off setting them down on my bedside table. I than looked up at Octane who was crying a little. "I really am sorry chika. I never meant for my words to cut you so deep and to hurt us so much." He said as he than rubbed his eyes with his arm.

"Catalina." He called standing as he composed himself. "I don't slow down for anyone, but for you, I will gladly do so." He said as he stood with a sad expression.

I stood up on the bed and approached him. He watched unsure as I than stopped before him. "Such a funny expression, yet for your quick life, it means more. So I guess I'll accept it for now."

I than surprised him by hugging his neck to my chest. I felt him stiffen with a sniffle than hug me back. He took a deep breath almost like he was holding it in for a while.

Feeling bad I pulled back and held his face in my hands. I than planted a kiss on his forehead. "Such a gesture like that, still sends butterfly's to my belly Hermosa." He expressed softly to me as his hand grabbed my face.

I giggled and let him go shoving him playfully. "Dork." I chuckled a little at his comment with a hint of blush. I than stepped back and plopped onto the bed against the pillows.

I patted the spot beside me and Octavio walked over, and contemplated on laying beside as he looked down at his legs.

"You won't hurt me metal legs, it's fine." I said patting the bed. He chuckled and laid down carefully. Once he was settled I hugged his chest and nuzzled him.

I heard him chuckle a little as he ran his fingers through my hair and held me close. I blushed feeling his fingers which I knew at times held knives and guns, but in this moment were soft like kissed and as slow as I could ever tolerate

We stayed like this for a while, and after a minute or so he had fallen asleep. I stayed in his embrace and just relaxed.

I was interrupted by my phone buzzing.

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