Chapter 17: Laughter and stranger

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Cherries POV

I chuckled at his action and closed them. I heard some noises but tried to ignore them. "Open them." He said. I did and as soon as I did I laughed so hard I actually fell backward.

Octane had taken his legs off, sat on the counter, and held them over his head like bunny ears. He was also making a funny face.

I laughed so hard I was slamming my fist on the floor holding my chest. I kept laughing until I couldn't breathe. Octane had put his legs back on and was now sitting on the floor beside me as I tried to control myself.

"It's so stupid!! You idiot!!" I shouted rolling onto a ball holding my stomach. "But it was funny, wasn't it Catalina." He said leaning with his elbow on his leg holding his cheek.

He was smiling softly and happily as I sat up breathing and whipping away the tears. "Damnit, Octavio," I said chuckling and looking at him.

"You know, you have a perfect smile. I would like to keep you laughing forever if I could." He said. I snickered at how cheesy it was and stood up adjusting my clothes.

"Funny," I said leaning on the kitchen counter. "I wasn't kidding." He said. I looked as he stood up and walked over to me. He stood before me.

I didn't respond and just analyzed his face. "Sure," I said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood and tried to intimidate him to move but he seemed determined.

"I was also serious earlier..." he said leaning forward putting his hands on both sides of me getting closer. "Octavio, if I may ask. When was the last time you brushed your teeth?" I asked covering my nose.

He seemed taken aback and moved backward smelling his breath. "I was joking but nice try," I said giggling and sitting in a chair.

He seemed frustrated but smirked and sat in a chair in front of me. He then reached over and grabbed the armrests pulling the chair to get closer. Our knees now touching.

"Silva, what is it you want from me exactly?" I asked crossing my arms raising an eyebrow. He smiled and looked to the side crossing his arms back.

"Did you want someone to mess around with? Or maybe you wanted arm candy?" I asked chuckling. He looked up at me. "No, you misunderstand. At the moment, I want to get to know you hermosa." He said shaking his head and putting his hands up.

"For what?" I asked. I then glanced at the clock and saw it was about to be 11. Not good, my body's already feeling tired, and this hole in my chest is making me extra tired.

I looked back at him and saw him trying to put his intentions into words. "I...I truly just want to show you how amazing life is, and how much left it has to show you. Just imagine what I could give you. If I could, I would bottle up excitement and gift it all to you." He said standing so quickly his chair fell backward.

He was excited and energetic now. I smiled softly at his response and stood up. "What would excitement be if I couldn't share it with others?" I asked with a shy smile.

He didn't know how to respond and chuckled. "I guess you got me there. Catalina." He said. He specifically said my name in a Spanish way, which is how you normally say it, but others don't really pronounce it in that way.

"Anyways, it's getting late," I said pointing to the clock. "And unfortunately, my body is fücken tired. I usually start shutting down around this time, so maybe we can pick up this chat tomorrow." I said walking over to the door.

He sighed upset and walked over. "I know big guy, I would miss me too," I said chuckling. He walked out and just kinda stood there.

I sighed and gave him a tap. He turned to see what I wanted and so I gave him a big hug. He tensed up then relaxed and chuckled hugging me back.

"Welp, goodnight Silva," I said pulling back. "Goodnight to you as well hermosa." He said a bit loudly walked down the hallway giving a wave and a smile.

I waved back and soon be turned a corner leaving out of sight. I was gonna go back in when I heard someone behind me. I was standing in the hallway so I quickly turned to see someone peeping out of a room.

They quickly shut the door and they were gone. I mentally noted where the room was and which one then went inside. I got ready for bed and turned the lights off shutting down for the night.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now