Chapter 21: The past

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Cherries POV

Crypto went in quickly and came out holding our things. They continued and Caustic came over. He didn't talk to me but asked Watson if she was ok.

She said yes and how it was ok to be worried but he might get wrinkles. He chuckled and followed as I carried her to the airship nearby. The others kept fighting as I went into the airship.

I set her down at a couch and she seemed fine next to Caustic. I grabbed a first aid kit and walked over setting her shirt down as well as the kit.

She thanked me and I sat down at the rolling chair removing my gloves across the room. "Mrs. Cherry." She called.

I looked over and saw her with an ice pack Caustic had gotten her. I walked over and sat across from her.

Octanes POV

I was concerned about leaving them alone so Ajay and I walked over to the ship. We got on and stopped when I saw Catalina siting down in front of Natalie and Caustic.

I held Ajay to the side and listened curiously and cautiously. I was sure to be as quit as possible as to not alert Cherries hearing.

Catalinas POV

Watson was smiling at me. She seemed to want me to speak. "Catalina." I said removing my goggles. "It was my grandmothers name. She was the head of the Titanus family before my father took over." I said setting the googles on the table between us.

I looked up at her and she sat up listening with her shirt on. I chuckled nervously not sure if I wanted to continue.

"...3 years ago, my grandmother passed away. And so my father inherited the family's estate and we held a funeral. My grandmother wanted to be buried on the mountain overlooking the estate. That day when the funeral was carried my grandmothers will was read out to everyone." I said looking to the side the entire time as I hunched over holding my hands.

I than clenched them. "She had written something for me, encouraging me to live my life how I want to, even if it means disappointing my family. You see, my family aren't exactly the most normal, and when I was younger I always asked my grandmother questions regarding our personalities. I used to tell her how it must be nice to be normal." I said feeling myself tear up. I cleaned my tears and took a deep breath.

"So in a time when I resented my family, I decided to try and be 'normal'. I left my family and moved to a new planet to live my life how I thought my grandmother would like." I said as I felt myself almost shrinking.

"I changed myself." I said looking up at her. "In a way, I looked like anyone else. And than I met someone I thought would support the normal life I thought I wanted....but instead he forced me to drift so far away from who I used to be that I become someone I didn't recognize." I said as I laid back in the chair.

"He controlled everything." I said and when I did I felt my blood boil. I than controlled myself and looked back up at her. Pity..

"Mrs. Paquette don't look at me like that, the pity makes my blood boil..." I said standing and walking to the rolling chair again. I stood before it and held my hands embarrassed.

"It's funny!!" I shouted turning with tears in my eyes but a smile. "A Titanus crying. A rare sight!! A Titanus being manipulated and controlled!!! A Titanus being put on a leash like a dog!!" I shouted as I covered my face.

"But I stayed....I wanted to be normal...I wanted to be someone my grandmother would be proud of....and so...I stayed. I stayed until I couldn't take it anymore. Until I wanted to die. Stayed till I jumped off a window hitting water below me. Ever since than I've never craved life..." I said as I walked over grabbing a grenade from my belt I had set down.

"After I returned to my family, it felt so good to be me. To be a pink haired maniac. A Titanus." I said as I set the grenade down. "I don't want to love." I said sitting down.

She looked at me confused and overwhelmed. "I don't crave love in this life. I hated how it ended up and made me feel. So even if Octavio did have feelings for me, it would be hard for me to respond and reciprocate them. I'm scared to feel captured and imprisoned." I said chuckling feeling crazy as I held my face looking down being filled with tears.

"For so long, I've hated my name....I've hated how people would say it...regardless of there voice, all I could here was his damn voice!!!" I shouted slamming my head on the table hard.

"Mrs. Cherry!!" Natalie shouted trying to stop me. "'s so hard to hear makes my blood boil and my rage take over...." I said looking up at the ceiling and leaning back.

"Cherry Bomb. A nick name my father gave me after I turned back into my old self....I can't stand people saying my normal name, so I just go by Cherry." I said as I looked down.

I felt warm liquid and saw Natalias face go concerned as she grabbed a rag. She tried to clean my face but I grabbed her wrist and took the rag standing.

"Blood is meant to be shed..." I said as I went to a small mirror in Mirages area. I got a small cut.

"I'm sorry if you misunderstood anything my family said regarding Octavio." I said as I walked over again.

I was caught off guard when she approached and moved my hair up to put a bandage on. "It's ok Mrs. Cherry." She said with a soft smile.

She than hugged me. "Mrs do you feel about Octane?" I asked hugging her back.

"I thought I loved him, but now listening to you, I think I love the idea of being in a world like his. An exciting world in constant motion..." she said pulling back and looking down.

"I just want to be loved.." she said chuckling sadly as she looked to the side. I grabbed her face and she looked at me. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved, but if you don't love yourself it will only hurt you. If your happiness and love is only fueled by others than is it really love?" I asked as I let her go.

She looked at me than thought. "I've never thought of it like that. I guess I still have a lot to learn Mrs. Cherry." She said smiling. "Try Catalina. I have to take my advice too, to love myself before others." I said as I ruffled my hair.

"A beautiful name, Catalina." She said smiling. It felt good to hear others say it and so I smiled and grabbed her spinning her around.

She giggled but I let her go asking if I hurt her. "It's alright Catalina, I'm fine. And as for Octane...if you two end up together, I'm fine with it. I still need to accept it, but you two deserve happiness." She said smiling.

I smiled wide and we sat down and chatted. I asked her about her electricity and she was happy to explain it. It was interesting so I listened.

She than began to talk to Caustic so I grabbed the water bottle I had and went to the exit of the ship. I stood outside and poured the water bottle on my head feeling it run down my body.

I than turned to go back to the fighting ring and froze. I saw Octane and Lifeline hiding by a wall on the ship that you couldn't see form the inside.

I than realized my hearing was to busy muffling out the fighting and yelling from outside and I didn't hear them.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now