Chapter 6: Waisiting time till the game

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Cherries POV

I stood in the room and it was quite spacious. It was on a private floor with a couple of the other legends and had everything I needed.

Like a small apartment. I smiled and looked at the card they gave me. They said to keep it on me at all times and that it opened my door and activated everything else.

Smirking I went to my suitcase they brought and took out a small computer and attached it to the one already in the room.

I did some work and removed any restrictions and surveillance in my room and computers. When I finished I took the card and felt its weight. Barely noticeable.

I took it apart and saw it had a tracker. Smiling I sent a coded message. 'Maybe next time', then reassembled the card.

I made sure it worked then unloaded my things. I set a handgun at my bedside table then put on a smaller version of my goggled headphones. They worked like hearing aids.

I found some black sweats and sweatshirts with the apex logo on the front and decided to use these to sleep in.

I went to brush my teeth and put my hair in their curlers again. It was quicker, than I put on a black sleeping cap and stretched.

I was pretty tired by now so I just got comfy and laid down to sleep.


I woke up to a knock and I immediately grabbed my gun from the bedside table and held it up to the door. I waited then heard another knock.

"It's 7 am, breakfast starts in 5 minutes!!" I heard a cheery voice shout to me. I groaned and got up. I went straight to the bathroom then brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I didn't bother dressing or anything and instead put my goggles on. The sweatshirt itself was big enough that it hid a hunting knife I put in my sleeve.

Grabbing my phone and the card, I put on some sneakers that were smaller versions of my boots just in case I needed to make a getaway.

I opened it and saw Pathfinder. He stood there looking down at me. "I'm here to escort you." He said cheerfully. "You're my escort, or rather guard?" I asked him scratching my arm.

"Yes." He said then moved so I could exit my room. I chuckled lightly because I'm sure he wasn't supposed to agree with me on that.

We walked and went towards an elevator making our way to a large cafeteria. We went to a separate area and finally stopped in a room. This one had several tables that the legends sat at.

I sat at a table by myself with Pathfinder going to a window and ordering food. I waited with a yawn and noticed everyone was dressed in their gear minding their business. No one seemed to notice I came in.

I liked that little fact and looked up when a tray of food was placed before me. Pathfinder sat down beside me and watched.

"So, your an AI right? As real as me." I asked him as I bit into an apple. Pathfinder seemed to be taken aback and thought for a second.

His chest screen showed a smile which I noticed right away. "No one has ever considered me as 'real'. But yes, I am an AI." He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Really? What do you mean by that? You're like me. Someone brought you into this world and like me, you make memories by collecting data. Same thing. The only different thing is that I'm made of flesh and bone." I said confused but open.

He seemed happy and began to talk to me about his fondest 'memories'. It was a pleasant conversation and I even told him a bit about myself. Mainly my abilities and sharp hearing. This is because he pointed out my hearing devices.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now