Chapter 25: His strange attachment

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Catalina's POV

When I made my way back I knocked once and the door was opened. I saw a grinning Octane stand to the side and let me in.

He closed the door behind me and watched as I removed my shoes and set my things down. He than handed me something.

A different hoodie. It was black. I unfolded it curiously and saw Octanes face logo on the side small. I than turned it to it's back and saw a larger one with his name on the top.

I tried to keep it in, but ended up busting into laughter. "Did you just try and give me your merchandise?" I asked between laughs.

He nodded agressivly and grinned. "Alright, alright, I guess I'll use it. I'm so honored." I said gigging and putting it on.

When I did I adjusted my hair and looked up to a blushing Octane. He than lunged at me with a hug and spun me around.

He seemed rather excited. I chuckled at his actions and pushed him off me. He laughed a little then motioned me to follow him. We arrived at the kitchen were I saw a cookie with a scoop of ice cream on it, and a candle slammed into it.

Octane excitingly went over and lit the candle and sat down. "Whats that for? My birthday passed already." I said as I sat in the chair across from him.

"TO CELEBRATE YOU BEING A LEGEND!!" he shouted shaking the table a little. I giggled and got close to the candle. "WE WILL CELEBRATE WITH A PARTY SOON IN YOUR HONOR CHIKA!!" He added ecstatic.

I smiled and blew the candle out. I was then handed a spoon and we ate the icecream on top than split the cookie.

"In all serious hermosa, I'm glad you decided to join." He said as we got up and went to the couch. I plopped down and waited as he put a movie on. "I don't think I had a choice." I said as I put my knees in to the hoodie and hugged myself nuzzling the warmth.

I heard him sigh and walk over sitting beside me. "About that, I'm sorry if it seemed forced. I would never want to pressure you into anything, but just know we were doing our job. It was nothing personal." He said as he nudged me trying to break the awkwardness that arose from my comment.

"Personal?? You hunted me down and told me you wouldn't let me go. It also seemed really personal when you guys made a realistic death feature for me." I said as I giggled and ran my fingers through my hair.

Octane glanced at me unsure and kinda sad. "It's fine Octavio. I'm not upset because of that anymore. I just hope I wasn't handing my freedom over to you guys." I said with a smile, but when I added that last part I looked away from him to the tv.

"I promise won't be like that." He said putting his arm around me and bringing me into his side. I glanced up at him as he looked at the tv pressing the remote to play the movie.

"Did you have questions?" I asked seriously. He didn't respond but I felt his heart quicken its pace. "It's fine if you do. Everyone does when they hear about my past." I said as I held the arm that brought me to him and hugged it closely.

"It's strange, isn't it? Someone like me, putting myself in chains willingly to please a dead person. Changing everything about myself and slowly falling into the emptiness of boredom." I added as the movie showed a girl climbing a mountain to find her dragon.

"May I ask than, what happened after you left chika? Did...he come looking for you..??" He said out of the blue after a minute of silence. I didn't answer at first and took a deep breath.

"His name was Kaius, Kai for short....and yes. He did. He didn't know who I was before we met. I lied to him about my upbringing and how I lived a normal quit life. So when he looked in the places I told him I spent time in, he didn't find me. I was long gone.." I said.

I felt Octanes tense up a little when I told him his name, as well as the last part. "Are you afraid?" I asked. "You could have left...forever." he said quietly. I glanced up at him and saw him looking to the side away from me.

"I could have, yes. When I escaped from here, I could have left without a trace. You would never have been able to find me. That's my specialty after all. Running...or rather skating away. Either way, I needed to heal a little if anything, and when I called you, my train was to leave that night." I said looking back at the movie.

He didn't answer and instead seemed to be in thought. "You are afraid, aren't you? That I could leave if I wanted to now. Because I don't have escorts anymore, assuming that part was true in the agreement. I could easily pretend to love it here, and leave one day without a second thought." I added drawing circles on his hand.

I glanced back up at him and saw a concerned face watching the movie. "I won't leave." I said. That seemed to get his attention and he looked down at me. I stood up and faced him.

"You told me we could die together sometimes, remember? Or was that a lie?" I asked with a soft smile holding my hand out. He quickly stood up before me and looked down at me.

"I wasn't lying hermosa." He said with a hopeful smile. He took my hand and spun me around then brought me in dipping me as if we danced.

"If it's what you want mi amor, we will kill each other forever...." He said softly as he held me closely. I giggled at this and held his face with my hands.

"Octavio Silva, you are a mystery to me. Never would I have imagined craving life and death at the same time. " I said and examined his face.

I than looked at his eyes. He was looking at my lips. But he didn't seem to want to kiss me without me wanting to.

"You know Silva, you are a strange creature. But I guess that's why I like you so much." I said and leaned forward kissing his forehead softly.

I than pulled back and saw his face was crimson red. This made me blush a little and giggle. He looked at me and smiled than moved my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I guess I'll take what I can get for now Catalina." He said in an almost whisper as he touched my forehead with his. "Weirdo." I said giggling.

I than gasped in surprised as he picked me up bridal style and plopped on the couch. He kept holding me and just watched the movie.

I smiled and cuddled closely as I closed my eyes again and felt myself falling asleep again. "I hope you know, I haven't forgiven you completely yet. But I guess I'll let this slide for now." I said as I felt myself falling deeper.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now