Chapter 10: Lifeline

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Cherries POV

I woke up with my chest aching. I had a breathing mask and removed it slowly. When I did I sat up and looked around the room.

I was in a hospital bed. I sighed and looked out to a dark sky. I looked down at myself and saw I was naked but in a hospital gown.

I looked around and saw a table on the opposite side of the room with folded clothes. I looked at a clock by the bed and saw it was a whole week after.

I got up from the bed and took off the IV and connections to the machines. I picked up the clothes and began to change.

I finished and picked the shirt up looking at it. I put it on and looked out the window realizing we were still in the building I slept in so it was midday.

I need my phone. I opened the door and heard shouting because my rooms alarm was going off signaling my heart was no longer beating.

I was able to dodge the doctors rushing to my room and made it to an elevator. I took it to the floor my room was on and as the doors opened I glanced around not seeing anyone.

I quickly made it to the room and realized I didn't have the key. Annoyed I popped the pad and began to play with the wires.

I stepped back and soon there was a electric shock and my door opened. I went inside taking the card out of the trash and fixing the pad than closing the door.

I stood in my room and looked around. I first went to the bathroom and lifted my shirt. Stitches were on the outside and my back. The butterfly knife did a number on me too.

I had various slashes covered by bandages around my arms, legs, and face. Annoyed I took a shower and scrubbed my body and hair hard.

When finished I was bleeding a little but not enough for me to care. I than exited the bathroom in a towel and went to my suitcase.

I got dressed into my undergarments and the apex sweatshirt and sweats. I than picked my phone up and saw missed calls.

I opened one and it was my brother. I gave him a call and he seemed annoyed. "Why haven't you been answering? Is it true you played in the Apex Games? The little monster said she saw you fighting someone and get hospitalized." I heard Ares say to me as he seemed to be in a motorcycle.

"I wanted to die, but you know how these things are. People are so eager to keep others alive. Anyway, I'm gonna be busy for a bit so tell dad." I said. He grunted and gave a tsk.

I than hung up and proceeded to grab fluffy socks. I put them on as well as some glasses. Circular lenses that were hot pink.

Annoyed at how fücken gross my hair was, I went to the bathroom and moisturized it so my curles were ok. After running a quick hair dryer over certain spots my hair was fine.

I noticed that my gear and stuff from the game were in a cardboard box beside my bed. I searched and could only find one knife. I pocketed it and kept looking.

I than heard banging on the door. I sighed knowing they are gonna think I'm crazy. But honestly I still wanna die. I want Octane to kill me like I planned.

He's the only worthy one at the moment who I would accept to kill me. Maybe I'll jump off the building later to finish myself off.

I went to the door and opened it seeing Lifeline and Pathfinder. "Good afternoon friend, did you have a good nap." Path asked before Lifeline could tell me anything.

"I slept like the dead." I said. I laughed at my own joke and actually cracked myself up enough I felt my stitches loosening and dripping blood.

"Come with us." Lifeline said as she motioned me to follow. "I'm not gonna be in a hospital bed if that's where you're taking me. I have no interest in being tested or examined by those strangers." I said as I leaned on my door.

"Will you at least let me check you over?" She asked. I looked at her for a second and shrugged my shoulders going into my room. I heard them come in and I sat on the bed pulling my sweatshirt up.

Lifeline sat beside me and took some supplies out examining the stitches. She looked at my back then all the slashes around my body.

She put some bandages back on after my shower and added ointment.

When she was done she sat in front of me on a chair. She took a deep sigh and looked at me concern and tired.

"Why?" She simply asked. Pathfinder sat beside eme curiously with question marks on his chest screen.

"I have no interest in living." I said bluntly as I lowered my glasses taking them off. Lifeline looked stunned and don't know how to respond.

"Life is just something that is currently entertaining me. You see, after certain events...I came to the conclusion to die. But I didn't want to do it in a boring way like dropping dead of old age or suicide, I wanted someone worthy and someone equal to me to take my life." I said standing and taking a grenade from my suitcase.

"Someone entertaining and fun. And maybe they would spark my want to live if they were fun enough. I've tried to entertain myself with the dangers of this existence but I've seen and done it all. I have nothing else I want to do, and when we played the game, I wanted to experience a true death game. What better way than to put my life on the line for real?" I said showing her the bomb.

"These bombs are a good representation of my want to die. I can be walking and maybe I set them off on accident, or I could be in the process of making one and they could explode as well." I said grinning as I set the bomb down.

She seemed lost for words. "It's ok. You don't understand. No one does. My family is ok with it, so I guess that's a win. Anyway, where's Octane? I need to speak to him." I said standing and looked at Lifeline.

"But life is so precious. Why would you want to throw it away so carelessly!??!?" She shouted as she stood.

I didn't move and instead put my hand on her shoulder. "Unfortunately not everyone asked to be born into this world. Not everyone was born to cherish every moment. I don't have anything holding me back here, so why give life more time to fuck me over when I could just move to the next part." I said. I than removed my hand and looked at her.

She was thinking about my words. "Listen. I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing you. Ill get out of your hairs soon." I said as I grabbed my sneakers and put them on.

She stood and walked with Pathfinder to the door and I closed it. I stood beside them looking at Lifeline.

She seemed down and unsure of something. "Sorry for making you gloomy. I didn't mean to come off so harsh." I said.

I looked at Pathfinder and he seemed concerned. His chest face was showing it. "You dying would make me sad. You're my friend." He said.

I looked at him a bit stunned. "We talked once. And you were my guard. You really consider me your friend?" I asked as I leaned against the door. He nodded and held his hand up.

"Friend high five!" He said excited. I giggled then laughed and gave him a high five. "No ones ever called me their friend before." I said excited.

"I grew up with only my family. The normal kids were afraid of me because of my dad, so I never really got to know the kids. He always told me we lived in separate worlds." I said looking up at the ceiling.

"We can all be your friends. Isn't that a great reason to live??" Pathfinder said happily as he stood beside Lifeline motioning to them.

"It would be, however, I don't think I made a good first impression. I mean you guys brought me here to keep an eye on me after all. It's kinda hard to be friends with your prisoner." I said as I looked down the hallway.

"Anyway, where's Octane?" I asked glancing at them. Lifeline looked to the side sadly. "Im sorry you feel like a prison, but know we are only doing our job. The boss gave orders, we just carried them out." She said approaching me with caring eyes and understanding body language.

"It's fine. Im over it either way. I'll get out of here soon so you guys can continue your lives." I said with a softy smile.

I then turned and turned my shoes on slowly and lazily skating forward. My hands in my pockets I slid without a care in the world.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now