Chapter 35: A Beautiful Change

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Catalina's POV

Shattering the smoke bomb, I began to become surrounded by the pink smoke and soon it gathered in a thick cloud around me. Using it as cover, I exhaled and felt myself relax my bones.

I felt heavy and fell to my hands and knees. My body then began to grow in size and stature. Feeling my legs now, the strength going through them felt amazing like taking off a tight corset and being free.

I then stood tall around 10 feet, and with a mighty glare, the smoke cleared. This created a gust of wind. He stood ready but seemed uneasy about it. I had grown, unlike Ares who just gets more muscles and looks monstrous.

My eyes now fully glowing with no detection of where I was looking. I then clicked into a traditional fighting stance and got ready.

In a blink of an eye, he shot forward and was now in the air holding the hammer back. Slamming it down a large gust of wind blew as my hand caught it. It hurt a little which made me chuckle.

I then spun and threw him swiftly. He flew but quickly regained his composure before hitting the ground. He caught himself with the hammer and stood up quickly.

Walking over, a growl left my lips which made him stand uneasy. "Catalina?" A voice called. I froze and halted in my path.

While I was in thought Jesse launched at me and swung his hammer. I dodged this time to the side and when he landed he got ready again. "This was a mistake to do it here.." I said softly enough for Jesse to hear. He stood beside me and relaxed, glancing behind me.

"Pull a smoke grenade," I ordered softly. He didn't question me and quickly kicked a grenade up off my belt like a socket ball. Then be instantly hit it with his hammer. It exploded and quickly consumed the air.

I slowly shrunk down to my normal size and relaxed my eyes. I was too worked up however and I felt my eyes not turning back. I grabbed my things quickly and after putting my goggles on I relaxed and glanced at Jesse.

"I'm sorry, a Titanus form isn't something I want to show many people, especially him," I said apologetically in a whisper.

"I understand, we should fight again in a more controlled setting." He said as the smoke cleared. He spun his hammer and it reverted back quickly and set it upon his back.

I felt a bit panicked to turn because I felt my eyes not reverting so I took a couple of breaths but didn't feel better.

Then someone grabbed my hand. I froze then glanced to my side seeing Jessie. He removed his goggles and was left staring at me calmly. "What's a single person compared to Tartarus?" He asked, trying to assure me. He also seemed rather confused at why I was so panicked and worried.

"More than you'll ever know," I replied and looked at his hand. "You remind me of Ares. Almost as if you still hold some of his influence, as expected." I added smiling softly then letting his hand go taking a deep breath. I skated forward-looking at the ground and glanced up a little.

I saw Octavio standing at the top of the steps looking down at me. The look in his eyes was one of confusion. I was sure he was afraid or maybe disgusted, but he did not have much of an expression to read.

I then went up the stairs and stopped a step from him. "Hey.." My hair was blowing in the wind a little. "So that's the kid?" He asked.

"At this point in time, he's no longer a kid," I said, chuckling awkwardly and rubbing my neck. I was nervous and embarrassed but I had to face him. This was a part of me after all, and a big one at that.

"If you're gonna ask about it, please do it before I blow up.." I said wincing with my arms strait to my side, clenching my hands into fists. I then panicked when I felt him remove my goggles. I covered my eyes and squatted down.

"Hey, I'm not gonna make fun of you or anything Chika, after all, my legs are made of metal. I assumed you were different when Ajay told me more about your family she had discovered. I just didn't know what else about you was peculiar." He commented. Putting his hand on my shoulder then grabbing one of my hands and pulled me up.

I stood slowly with my hair covering my eyes and gasped when I felt him put his arm around my waist and pull me in. Because of the loss of balance, my hands caught themselves on his shoulders, and I watched as he ran his fingers through my hair.

He watched my eyes curiously and for a second smiled. "That looks awesome linda." He commented looking from eye to eye.

I looked down to the side. "It's not exactly the most appealing characteristic," I noted closing my eyes. Taking a deep breath and relaxing I felt my eyes return.

"Don't do that." Octane commented holding my face. I looked up at him confused. "What?" I asked unsure of what he meant.

"Don't put yourself down like that. I think your gorgeous chika, and besides who would dare insult you. If I knew you could turn into a giant, I would never say anything to upset you, because I would know who is the strongest. I consider myself lucky enough to not have been crushed by you before." He commented. He then leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

"Shut up." I giggled pushing him a little. "I'm serious. Catalina, I am so glad to have met you, and I am honored to be by your side." He said putting his hands on my face once more. He then pulled me into a hug. "And besides the bigger you are, the more love I can give you hermosa!!" He shouted picking me up bridal style and spinning me around.

I giggled and eventually, he set me down. I smiled at him and glanced at Jessie who was at the bottom of the steps. I motioned him to come up and he started walking.

"Jessie, this is Octavio Silva, or more well known as Octane from the Apex games," I said. He stood a step below us and I noticed his goggles were back on. Jessie didn't say anything then seemed to be in thought for a second before tilting his head.

His left eye became visible at this angle. He looked empty yet hints of anger appeared. "Aren't you the one that killed her?" He simply asked.

When he finished his sentence, the surroundings became quiet.

Past him, I saw the wind blowing sand and leaves but no sound. The trees rustled silently and I couldn't even hear anything with my amplified hearing.

Absolute Silence.......

"I-" Octane mustered but I could tell he became aware of the soundless and the empty void that was filling the air. He's threatening him...and I could tell Octavio is tensing up a little.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now