Chapter 36: The Book

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Catalinas POV

"Jessie," I called. His attention went to me and quickly I saw his eyes widen a little. My eyes were deadly and serious. No black whites, or glowing eyes, just a predator looking at his alpha.

"Stop." I simply said, but without caring for him to stop himself, I used sheer force to break the air. A large gust of wind erupted between the three of us and sound returned. I could tell Jessie was sweating a little. I sighed and looked to the side.

"Absolute Silence, verse 4, Still Air..." I said, I then ran my fingers through my hair, "Used on enemies who can combat the magnified hearing of a Titanus." I said reciting the book.

"You know who wrote that chapter of the Titanus Arcana, right?" I asked him. He did not respond and instead opened his coat and took out my book.

I facepalmed and tried to gather my thoughts.

It was a hefty book that was once a beautiful dark grey and now had splashes of white and pink ink. At the center of the cover, a pink gem complemented by black jewels and silver corner protectors.

The black pages were lined with silver and the words were written in white and sometimes pink ink. He stopped near the middle and skimmed through the page. His finger landed by the bottom. He then looked up at me.

"You did." He said, looking to the side. "Of course. Only the head of the family may write in it. I created that whole chapter. My abilities and techniques are described to the very tiniest of details." I said rubbing my temples.

"And you took it from my house?" I asked him taking a deep breath. He closed the book and shook his head. "Ares showed it to me!!" He said defensively.

"Of course he did. His sticky fingers always find a way to locate my book..." I said taking my phone out. I called him up and waited.

He answered and as soon as he did I cursed him out in our language and scolded him for taking the book from Tartarus.

"You know as well as I do, that Tartarus is the safest place for the book, so why grab it, shit head??" I asked, completely done with his shit. He gave me some shitty excuse so I hung up on him.

"Jessie, I'm not blaming you or anything, and I'm not mad at you. But the Titanus Arcana isn't a library book. It's only to be read by the Heir and who they deem worthy to peek inside its mysterious pages. Plus, it carries the secrets of the family. Not exactly the best thing to give any of our enemies, especially an outsider..." I spoke, crossing my arms and looking at him sternly.

He rubbed his head and handed the book to me. I took it after another sigh and glanced at Octane then back at him.

"I'm sorry." He said and bowed for a second. "I'm sorry to put it like this, but until you complete your trials, you are not considered a Titanus. As such, you are an outsider Jessie, unfit to open the book.." I said putting my hand on his shoulders.

"I guess I should schedule a trip to Tartarus to complete them. It will take some time to get there, but it is the official grounds for my trials." I said putting my finger to my chin and thinking.

"Come with me, I'm getting a bit tired from all this moving around," I said, hinting at my injury that's still not fully healed up.

"Of course Mrs." He said as I turned to walk inside the building. "Cherry is fine. Mrs, makes me feel like an old lady." I said walking to the elevators. Octane walked beside me and seemed curious and full of questions.

"I'll look into the rules Octavio, for there are things I can't tell you," I said, glancing at him. He nodded and seemed content for now.

We all got inside and I quickly realized something. "Tartarus doesn't have running water," Jessie explained without me even saying anything.

"My home does, but the rest of the world just has masses of water, so no soap," I added as I pressed the button to move.

We waited in silence for a while then I glanced at the book in my hand. My thumb ran over the gem and I could feel its beauty.

The doors opened and I walked forward with Octane. "You can use my shower. And please be thorough. I can only imagine how well you were able to get clean with just water for so long." I spoke as I opened my door.

I motioned him to the bathroom and told him I would get him clean clothes and to leave his dirty attire in a bag for now just so my apartment didn't smell. He understood once I gave him the bag and closed the door. I sat on my bed with the book and Octane beside me. Glancing at him, I knew what he wanted to know.

"There have been many before, since the beginning. Different forms like wall carving, stone tablets, scrolls, and over time we began writing in books." I spoke looking at the details of the cover.

"I am the recorder of my family. I write down our advances, accomplishments, current events, skills, and abilities. There are things in here, any normal person would consider legends and fables." I added standing and setting it on my work desk.

Sitting back down I glanced at Octane. "There are worlds of information that I could tell you, but I can't, for even you are considered an outsider to my people," I added leaning on his shoulder.

"It's fine Catalina, it's just another reason as to why I would love to join your family," he said holding me to him.

"If you are truly considering joining my family speed demon, you have to be fully committed to training and becoming stronger. The tests are overseen and conducted by monsters after all." I said looking off into the distance.

"Then you are an angel among the monsters hermosa." he commenter which gained a giggle from me.

"First time I've heard that one. After all, it is a prideful thing in my family for one to be compared to monsters." I commented turning to face him. I put my hand to his face and held him.

"Than what does that make me?" he asked. I found interest in his eyes as he held my hands holding his face.

"If I am a monster then that makes you the foolish human who fell in love," I said leaning in and kissing his forehead. He gave me a soft smile and looked me deeply in the eyes.

I then said a simple word and put our foreheads together. "What does that mean chika?" He asked curiously.

"The true way to say our name. Titanus, Acceptance with faults." I simply said as I got up and walked to my closets. I grabbed some unisex sweats and a big t-shirt.

I walked to the bathroom and set them on a small table nearby for him to grab. I knocked and told him he could reach out and get them then walked back to see Octavio laying down looking at the ceiling.

With a smile, I lay beside him and watched his tired face. "It's been an insane couple of days linda." He said chuckling.

"I can only imagine. After all, a whole new world of beings and possibilities has opened up before your eyes. What a wonderful thing to experience." I said looking up at the ceiling and wondering what goes on in his fast pace head.

I heard a sound and glanced seeing the clothes gone and not long after I saw Jessie emerge from the bathroom. He looked refreshed and relaxed. I walked over and ruffled his hair then went to the fridge and offered him a cold can of coffee to which he smiled and took. He sat down content as I cooked some food for us all.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now