Chapter 13: A new deal to live

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Cherries POV

Crypto had brought the car over and they took me to the hotel I was staying in. Crypto got my things and they made their way to the building I escaped from.

At the front stood their boss, as well as all the other legends. Octane opened the door and held his hand out to me.

I looked at him and ignored the hand getting out myself. "Sorry friend." Pathfinder said walking over. He than cuffed both my hands in front of me and removed the one Octane had on me.

"It's ok, you're just doing your job Path." I said. He then took me to the boss. "Afternoon warden, what's for dinner today?" I asked uninterested.

He sighed and walked over. He told me I wasn't a prisoner, that I could leave when I wanted with escorts.

"Bullshit. I'm a prisoner. Escorts, more like guards. This is illegal detainment, and you know it. As of right now, I haven't committed a crime, but you have. So skip the crap and tell me what you want, or you'll all regret fucking with me!" I shouted as I slammed the cuffs on my knees breaking them.

My strength from my fathers side shows when I'm angry. And trust me I'm beyond pissed.

They looked stunned and the boss was cautious. "Join us." Octanes voice said from behind me. He walked over standing in front of me.

"Sounds like a cult." I said losing my patience. "Come on amiga. Let's start over." He suggested holding his hand out.

"I want to die, you won't let me. I want to leave, you won't let me. I want to walk a hallway alone, you won't let me. I'm not gonna be a prisoner, that's final!" I shouted pushing him.

"Leave me alone already! I've made your lives terrible just being here. I should never have participated in the first place. Why can't you guys just move on!! It's better!!" I shouted pushing him again.

"Did you enjoy the game?" He asked as he grabbed my hands. I tried to pull away but he held on. I stood there not wanting to look at him. "When I was dying, yes. When it was fun." I answered honestly. "What if we could mimic death for you?" He asked.

I stood there unsure I heard him right. Crypto walked over and showed me his computer. "We could mimic the feeling of death and pain for you. And if one day you don't want to feel that way anymore, we could take it away." He said showing me his program.

"I don't want you to die, I won't let you. But if it's what you truly want, that's what we can give you." Octane said as he held my hands tighter.

"Why?" I asked. "Because we know when someone belongs here. We know that sometimes there's nothing left for someone, so why not make the best of it." Lifeline spoke out. She walked forward and stood beside Octane.

"You're a natural. I've never been so surprised when playing with someone new." She said to me. The others chimed in and complimented me and pointed out my gameplay.

"I would have to make some calls, but I can leave out the escorts if that's what you truly want." The boss said crossing his arms and thinking it over.

"What do you say amiga? Wanna try dying together sometimes? We could have another death game? Kill each other forever." Octane said. The entire time he spoke to me he didn't seem excited or spontaneous.

He was serious and determined to win me over. I was lost for words and stood there unsure as he let my hands go.

I looked at the legends and they all seemed different for once. They were all here for different reasons, and some of them didn't seem interested in the situation at all.

I sighed and took my hat and glasses off. I took my phone out and made a call. My dad answered. I spoke in his language and asked him about an opportunity.

I told him this job/life would prevent me from visiting as much, but it might make me happy. It might make me want to live again. He didn't respond and asked me, 'is it worth it.'

I looked at all the legends and than up at Octane. 'As of right now, it feels like it's worth a shot.' I said back. He told me I could decide on my own, but he wanted to meet the person or people who made me consider living again.

I talked some more than looked up at Octane. He held his hand out to me one last time. I sighed and took it. He got excited but I squeezed his hand.

"There's a catch." I said putting my phone away. He listened and I thought of how to word this. I let his hand go and walked over to the legends to stand before them.

"My name is Catalina Titanus." I said. They seemed shocked and looked at each other. "Daughter of Cronus and Valentina Titanus. My family is aware of my wishes for death and have tried to convince me to live. While they are all crazy, they value our family. And so, my father wishes to meet the one who has convinced me to live." I said. I than turned to look at Octane.

He walked over and looked confused. "The Titanus family are known to be one of the most dangerous you could ever meet. Cronus in particular comes from a line of warriors that stands tall and towers over normal people. Strong and mighty are an understatement." Lifeline said picking up a piece of the handcuffs I broke.

"I would be lying if I told you I wasn't afraid as well, so just make a good impression." I said scratching my neck. "He's coming in like an hour." I said awkwardly and nervous.

After a bit of explaining we all went inside. I got sent to my room with my things and I quickly dressed into my gear. I than skated down the hallway alone to a large meeting hall the boss had cleared. It was big enough that my dad wouldn't hit his head or anything.

Once everything was ready the legends all sat at the table. With the boss at the head and the other end open for my father. He might also bring my family so they had extra chairs open at the long table.

I made sure everything was good and left the room waiting at the front beside the landing pad. After a bit, Octane came out beside me.

"Nervous?" I asked him. "You would think after doing a bunch of crazy stuff I wouldn't be, but my heart has never pounded this hard before. Maybe the stim finally caught up to me.." He said chuckling.

"Thank you." I said to him. He looked at me and I to him. "For a long time, I wasn't sure what I wanted in life anymore. I had done everything and seen everything I could think of, so death was the last on my list. Like many, my father wanted me to live. He wanted me to do great things and be happy. I mean, what father wants there kids to get bored and just kill themselves." I said rubbing my neck chuckling.

"I guess I'll be seeing more of life. Although I can't think of anything else." I said looked off at the city. "That's where I'll come in. I'll show you everything, starting with this." He said is a tone that seemed promising.

I felt my face heat up as he looked at me getting closer. He than pulled me into a hug. "I meant what I said earlier. I won't let you go." He said in my ear.

It sent a shiver down my spine and when he pulled back I didn't know what to say. Instead I just stood there as he looked forward again waiting.

I looked forward too and played with my fingers unsure of what to do next.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now