Chapter 20: Not my place, and a decleration to fight

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Cherries POV

Some of the legends cheered and others laughed at each other. I on the other hand felt myself out of place.

One of the reasons I wanted to stay/join was because of how persuasive Octane was, and how I've noticed he's made me feel something I haven't wanted to feel in a long time.

I than noticed as one by one the legends had begun to separate into teams of two to fight. It was entertaining and we all sat in different places. I was currently on a higher ledge just watching.

I watched as Octane walked over and looked up at me. "That was an awesome trick earlier amiga." He said chuckling and climbing up to sit beside me.

"I'm sure blonde thought so," I said as I pulled my mouth cover-up. He didn't respond and instead looked down and fiddled with his fingers.

"Listen, about earlier. I just want you to know there's nothing going on between me and Natalie." He said as he looked at me.

I glanced at him and tilted my head. "I never said there was, but ok," I said nonchalantly. He seemed taken aback and looked forward. "It's just, Ajay told me about the chikas outburst." He said as he looked forward to see Lifeline fighting Mirage and schooling him.

"I didn't really know what she was shouting about," I said looking up at the sky swinging my feet. "You're clever amiga. Not the best liar, however," he said as he glanced at me. I stopped swinging my feet and glanced at him.

"I know, but remember I'm smart. I've practice reading emotions and body language when I was a child. Im also a really good liar. It's just not my place to get involved." I said as I looked forward again.

"For example, I can't guess what that little outburst of her trying to kiss you was about. But it's not my place, so me bringing it up to start something isn't exactly the best decision." I said as I watched Mirage get punched in the face when he said not to aim for it.

Lifeline laughed as he hit the ground and next was Bangalore and Gibraltar. I glanced at Octane as he looked away from me.

"You saw that...?" He asked. "I hear everything, remember. And these googles let me see everything. They are convenient because you can't tell where my eyes are looking." I said adjusting them to see farther.

"I see...." He said. "Catalina." Someone called. I felt my blood boil a little as I glanced down to see Watson setting gloves on a lower ledge before me.

"You and me." She said putting gloves on. "Nata-." Octane said but I cut him off by jumping down. I was fast but when they noticed I was crouching in front of her on the lower ledge an inch from her face.

"Cherry. Any other word revolving my first name leaves your mouth, and I'll cut your tongue out." I said. There was silence and I picked the gloves up not looking away.

She was breathing heavily unsure and kinda frightened. "Now let's get to the ring!!" I shouted excited as I jumped down taking my gloves off and putting these on. I saw as Bangalore and Gibraltar left the ring and I entered.

I glanced back and saw Watson determined and get in the ring. I chuckled and removed my mouth cover and threw it to the side.

I than kicked my sneakers off and socks leaving myself in my bare feet. "A little to confident.." she said getting angry as she began to circle me.

"The Titanus family is know for its strength, not just its bright pink hair and insanity." I said as I removed my shirt being left in my sports bra.

I was clearly fit and had a slightly muscular build with a slightly large rack and I could feel her staring. "Staring isn't nice Mrs. Paquette." I said standing in a fighting stand.

She looked up at me and removed her jacket being left in a sports bra as well with a smaller chest, but still muscular like me. We than circled each other until Pathfinder shouted Go!!

She ran at me and I to her. I waited patiently as much as I could control myself. She swung and was decent at fighting. I analyzed her stance and her swings.

"Don't tease her to much!!" Bangalore shouted as she clapped. "Yes ma'am." I said as I dodged and planted my feet firmly.

I than swung as she was open. I got her gut and was able to slam her to the ground. She held herself as I stepped back waiting for her to get up.

"Mrs. Paquette!!" Caustic shouted. The legends tried to calm him down but he was genuinely concerned.

"Have faith in your friend!!" I shouted to him not looking away from Watson. He went quit and Watson struggled but got back on her feet standing and coughing a little but stood ready.

"A fight is a fight, declared and set in stone. Practice or not, she either accepts defeat or stands to keep going." I said as I got ready to go again.

She than got closer and began to swing, this time it was faster and she put everything into every punch. I kept dodging and swung at her again but this time she dodged and punched me hard enough to push me back a bit.

I grinned and got ready again. "How was that?" She asked as she spit to the side smiling a little. "Good." I said walking closer grinning. "AGAIN!!" We both shouted and ran at each other.

She dodged and I dodged. At times she made contact and I did too. I could tell she was hurting but she didn't give up. Eventually we were both breathing hard and standing a bit apart.

Her knees gave up and she almost fell to the ground. "Why did he chose you...." she said trying to stand again.

"I feel like nothing without him." She whispered so I could only hear. She than coughing a bit.

Suddenly she fell forward. I quickly caught her and slid on my knees scrapping them a little.

She was breathing heavily and hanging desperately breathing in my arms. "Is it ok if I explain somethings to you later?" I whispered to her.

She looked at me and nodded tiredly. "I technically hit the ground first to catch you. So you win this one Blonde." I said carrying her in my arms as I exited the ring.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now