Chapter 24: Lunch, and Octanes Concerns

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Octanes POV

After I grabbed her things I jobbed back to the elevator and waited to get to the floor. When I arrived the doors opened and I saw Watson.

She smiled awkwardly at me and moved passed me as I got out. I was gonna keep going but I held the doors open and faced her.

"Listen chika, about earlier-." I said but she cut me off. "It's ok. I'm fine now. I see that you and her are the same. You both need each other, even if she doesn't see it yet or wants to admit it. And I should stop chasing what I know deep down would never have worked." She said as she smiled.

I felt myself smile and thanked her. She gave me a quick hug and pressed the button as the doors closed. I turned and walked down the hallway with a skip in my step.

I than got to my door and opened it. "Hey hermosa, I'm back." I called leaving my key by the door and looking at the couch.

I didn't see her and closed the door walking in, and looked around. I than peaked into the bathroom and didn't see her in there.

"Catalina?" I called and searched to her. I than entered my room and heard a soft snore. I approached and saw her pink bright hair. Peeping form the blankets.

I felt myself smile softly and blushed as I knelt down before the bed and moved the blankets a little. I saw her calm sleeping face as she laid in my bed.

She seemed to be enjoying the bed and I didn't want to wake her. I found myself staring for a bit and reaching to touch her. My fingers ran up the side of her face and touched a curl that quickly bounced back.

Chuckling I stood up and looked at the clock it was two in the afternoon so I decided to make lunch for us. First I showered because I was dirty from running and searching for her.

Pasta seemed fine so I did that and now I just stood there with my sauce. I was eying it for a second. It didn't look right. I than heard a fire detector and realized my garlic bread I had tried to make was burning.

I was freaking out and threw it in the sink with water. I than turned the fire detector off and opened a window to let the smoke out.

Catalinas POV

I woke up when I heard an alarm and thought it was my phone. I looked and didn't find it. Growling I got up and looked around. I was still tired...

Grumpily I walked over to the door and glanced out and saw, in the kitchen Octane panicking. I walked over and he seemed spooked but relaxed when he saw it was me.

I noticed some pasta sauce. I smelled it and it was dull. I grabbed the spoon after washing my hands with my eyes closed and tasted the sauce. I than set the spoon down as he watched me grab some spices and salt.

After adding somethings I set the flame on low and covered it. I than looked at the sink and saw bread. Octane quickly grabbed it and trashed it and just kinda looked at me awkwardly embarrassed.

I ignored him and looked to a counter to see another pan of bread ready to go into the oven. I walked over to it and saw it had the right seasonings but the pieces were big.

I sighed and grabbed a knife cutting them a little as Octane watched form over my shoulders. I than turned to the kitchen and turned the fan from the stove so the smoke would leave faster.

When the smell was almost gone I opened the oven and made sure it was at the right temperature. I noticed it was 100 degrees over. With a sigh I adjusted it and closed it waiting by putting the drained pasta into the sauce.

When I was done with the pasta I grabbed the pan of bread and put it into the oven. Also grabbing a small timer and turning it on. I than washed my hands and yawned going back to the room.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now