Chapter 12: Octavio Silva

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Cherries POV

It has been five days. I've just been helping myself slowly and looking all over town for distractions but nothing.

I however found myself watching the games. The Apex games stalled for a two days I'm guessing in search of me, but continued short after.

I was watching them kill each other which was fun. But Octane seemed lost at times, and wasn't playing his best. He would forget to Stim and he would just suck in general.

I got tired of this after a while and when the games were over for the day I took a little computer out of my suitcase.

I attached my phone to it and tried to find his contact phone. When I did I rang him up making sure the call was as untraceable as I could make it.

After a couple rings I got an answer. "Who's this?" He asked without saying hello. He was tired sounding and depressing.

"Terrible way to answer the phone. I've been watching your game play, and if I must say not the best amigo. You're really getting dragged out there." I said sitting on the bed.

There was silence and for a minute I thought he hung up, but then he was calling me for a video call. I thought for a second than set my phone up.

I faced it away from the window and to a blank wall with a couple paintings. I sat on a chair and pressed the button.

There was a ring than a video feed. I saw him sitting at his lab looking at me with his gear still on. He removed his goggles and mouth cover just looking at me.

"Where did you go?" He asked looking around the room. "If I told you, would it make you play like Octane again? You're getting sloppy." I said as I crossed my legs.

I was currently in some black fluffy shorts and a white tank top. I had my goggles and mouth cover on however.

He didn't answer and rubbed his neck. "I've just been distracted lately." He said sadly as he leaned back in the chair he sat in.

"I can imagine. Apologies for participating in the games in the first place. I didn't mean to upset any of you. I thought me leaving would help, maybe this call is a mistake." I said. I than reached over to hang up but he looked up quickly.

"No please!" He shouted telling me to stop. I froze and thought for a second than retracted my hand slowly. I sat back and just watched him thinking to himself.

"Can I meet you somewhere to talk?" He asked removing his vest. I giggled and he looked at me confused. "I just realized you wear crop tops. Anyway, I'm not in the city if that's what your wondering." I said reaching over to the side of the phone and grabbing a monster.

I opened it and pulled my mouth cover down taking a swig. He looked in thought and smiled a little. "That can is limited edition and only sold in the city." He said hopeful.

"Picked a couple of them up before I left. Nice try though." I said as I set the can down smiling. We stared at each other for a second than he smiled at me.

"Found you." He said as he grinned. I than realized a flash of light on his face. "Computer guys beside you right...?" I asked as I stood up.

"Unfortunately my train leaves soon, so I'll be gone before you arrive. Nice chat, maybe you'll catch me next time." I said and quickly hung up.

I dressed into a suit and left the coat off. I had a vest however. I than grabbed my things exiting the room leaving my phone on the bed. I made sure to not use my real name when booking rooms and didn't even leave my trash there.

After exiting the building I put a hat on covering my pink hair and putting on some black sunglasses making sure none of my personality showed.

I had transferred most of my things on my phone to my computer so I just need to buy a new one. I found and store, made two purchases and exited.

I than walked down the street to a different hotel. They took my things up so I just made my way to a bench across the hotel I was at earlier.

I bought a bag of candy and just sat waiting. I than saw a car swerve in and saw Crypto come out in full gear as well as Octane. They busted in and I watched entertained.

They were at the front desk. I than took one of the phones out and set it up. I watched as they went to the elevator in a rush from the glass doors facing me.

When I finished I set the other one up, than used the first and put the second away in my pocket.

I waited than saw them come down the elevator taking to each other while looking around. I made a call not looking at them.

Octane seemed alert and opened his phone. Cars passed in front of us so I was out of sight for now. He than answered.

"I was right, your still here." He said excited and determined. "Not for long Speedy. Fun cat and mouse game though. Either way, it's better if the Apex games and legends forget I even participated. It's better for everyone." I said. I stood and began to walk down the street.

"Can't do that my friend." He said. I felt him shifting to look around but I didn't bother to look back. "I'm not asking you, Im telling you. And unfortunately we aren't friends, maybe in another life. But for now, it's best if I disappear from your lives. Just wanted to say goodbye and apologize. Play better, and keep up the daredevil life Octane." I said and hung up.

I tossed the phone in the trash and kept walking. It felt sad to say goodbye, especially to such a weird and eccentric person who I wanted to end my life. How odd.

I than got startled by a sound. I turned and saw Octane fly across the street. He used his jump pad. I acted normal and went into a small restaurant sitting at the back. He stood by the trash can and I just watched while ordered a drink.

I watched as he ran to the trash can and stopped when he picked up the phone. "Quick tracker..." I said to myself.

I watched as Crypto ran across the street and they spoke. I was intrigued to keep playing but unfortunately I only have one more phone. I decided to wait till they left but they seemed determined to look around the area.

Feeling trapped I went to the kitchen even if they yelled at me and went out the back door. Turning some corners I made it to another street. I than kept walking and thought about there persistence.

Are they really that determined to keep me prisoner? To chase me because I'm a danger. How stupid...

I sighed entering a store and buying another Monster. I stood outside now opening the can and taking a chug. This makes me feel better.

"Octane, why keep chasing me? Just forget I even existed." I said to myself as I played with the can and the brim of my hat.

I leaned on the side of the building and froze when I felt something. "It's Octavio Silva." I heard someone say. The street was so busy I didn't even see him coming.

I looked beside me and saw Octane looking forward, leaning against the wall as well. I tried to move away but I felt a tug. I looked down at my hand and saw handcuffs. Advanced ones.

I than saw Crypto run over putting his computer away as well as the drone that was probably following me.

I looked at Octane and while I wanted to laugh and congratulate him on finding me but I wanted to hit him. I didn't say anything and just finished drinking the monster.

I then crushed the can and threw it in a near by trash can. "Let's go." Crypto said. Octane nodded and he began to walk making me follow him.

I refuse to be a prisoner....I refuse to be contained...I refuse to be captured. He won't kill me and rather let me suffer in a world of boredom. How idiotic.

"I'm not letting you go amiga. Never again. I won't let you die, rather Ill show you the crazy this existence has yet to show you." He said to me. I looked up and he kept walking forward.

I contemplated on slamming my hand into the stitches and ripping them out, our breaking these handcuffs.

Something to get away. But he intrigued me. Odd.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now