Chapter 8: Shutting off Respawn

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Cherries POV

I stood and looked at myself disappointed. I'm not bleeding....this game sucks if I'm not gonna die if I mess up.

We finished raiding and I fixed my shields and health then we made our way to the circle because earlier we were in it, but because of our fight it was catching up to us for the second round.

We made our way to containment keeping our guards up. We didn't find anyone and I was getting bored which I think Crypto sensed as I played with my knives.

"We aren't finding anyone.." Caustic pointed out disappointed and bothered as well. "We can fake a fight. Loud enough to get a third party and down them.." I suggested taking out a grenade that's smoke was white.

They looked at each other and nodded. We got to a mountain close to the bunker and they got ready as I got down to the bunker with Caustic. I searched and saw no one. I than set down bunch of grenades and smoke bombs that were white.

Caustic left some traps at random spots and left back to Crypto. I on the other hand, left the door open and moved to a hiding spot. I than set one off throwing it in. Simultaneously as they went off I shot all around the air in different patterns using a Volt I lotted from Wraith.

I than stopped shooting and threw another smoke grenade that was white at the roof to be more viable. I waited and glanced at the banner screams seeing only 4 squads remained.

I than glanced at the mountain my team was at and still saw them waiting. Then I heard a sound.

Hiding, I adjusted my headphones to a sensitive setting and heard footsteps. Three to be exact. I saw Lifeline, Mirage and Horizon.

They got closed and I waited grinning. Mirage was bragging and telling the girls how easy this third party would be, especially because our health would be low becaus all the noise they heard.

He than dumbly bumped into a trap and as it went off I saw Cryptos Longbow shooting and knocking Mirage.

Lifeline and Horizon looked around with there guns up and hit the sides of the building away from where the shooting was coming from.

I threw a grenade there way as well as a smoke bomb that was white. "TRAP!" Mirage shouted as he crawled to the girls.

The bomb went off and the girls got damaged. I threw a smoke bomb signaling to my team that was pink and that was the signal for them to come in.

I skated and circled them going in and out of cover as I shot at them with the R-301.

I got shot a couple times but killed Mirage and downed Lifeline before she could fix her shields. Horizon tried to pullback and was attacked by Caustic and Crypto at the same time.

They got her down and I approached Lifeline finishing her off with a pink grenade. It blinded her and I pulled my hunting knife out slitting her throat.

She died and the box appeared. I stared at it bored and pulled my apex device up. Not caring that one more shot would kill me.

I was able to open it and quickly disabled the respawn feature. This game might be more fun if I actually have a chance to die.

I covered my mouth as I put my device back trying to control my laughter. Just imaging how much more real and blood pumping this game will be if I actually die.

I pulled my sleeve down and ran the knife up my arm a little. It bleed and my damage went down a little. I than used a med kit, and while my health went up on my apex device the blood and mark were still there.

I chuckled and hid my injury then grabbed Lifelines purple shield. Caustic and Crypto came over and also raided.

We looked at the screens and saw only 2 squads remained. One was killed by the ring. "Maybe Rampart played her dirty trick on a team." Caustic said fixing his shields.

I glanced curiously but he didn't seem to want to talk to me. "Rampart recently won a game by trapping Caustic and his other team at the time in a room in the bunker. She would put her covers down in front of the doors in pairs of twos. This prevented the group from leaving the room." Crypto explained as he looked around with his drone.

"Fun." I said as I went into the rooms. I than looked out the window and saw a green flash heading our way. Octane. He dropped his jump pad and his team mates used it as well hiding under the bridge.

My team didn't notice them yet so I grinned and dropped all my heals and shields. I kept my purple body shield on but other than that I got ready.

I die or they do. The ultimate death game. I got on the roof and glanced at my team. I looked up and saw Rampart and Watson getting closer. Octane was flanking us. I pinged Watson and Rampart and my team quickly got ready and ran at them.

My team got the jump on them but Rampart seemed to put sheila up. Caustic was able to get her from a distance because she didn't have time to put shields up.

He however was simultaneously downed. I saw Octane running over to help but I smiled and threw a smoke grenade at him.

He jumped back and his stim was done so he threw the syringe. He didn't seem to know where the smoke grenade come from but it was white.

"Come out Bangalore." He declared excited. I glanced at my team and saw Crypto had downed Watson but he was also badly injured. He didn't have heals and I saw Octane spot him and shoot him and Caustic dead.

"Just you and me my friend." Octane shouted as he looked around. I grinned and threw a grenade and ran to a different spot to see him. It went off pink and he seemed confused than I heard him chuckle.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now