Chapter 3: The battle, and the legends visit

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Cherry's POV

I was skating for a bit till they timed out and I began to walk. "Come out and dance with me~!" I sang happily. I removed my raincoat and set it down on a rock then looked around.

"Can we do hand to hand?!?" I heard shouting. Strange. I can't pinpoint where it's coming from. "That's a nice ability you have there kid. Honestly I didn't think you would last this long. You better have taken some players down for all the trouble I went through to keep you alive....Oh, and hand to hand is fine with me.." I said chuckling as I dropped my guns and stripped my shield and items.

After I finished I saw the kid come out from a tree a bit away in front of me. He dropped his stuff as well and we stared for a second.

"Would you prefer I don't have my cherrys?" I asked while taking a grenade off my belt. He took a step back cautiously and nodded. "Thought so.." I said dropping all my cherries. I call them cherries.

"I took 2 down on my own. Its gonna be 3 soon." He said as we walked twords each other. "Im impressed. I honestly thought you would be dead, but don't get to cocky." I said as I pulled my mouth cover down. "Whats your name?" I asked stopping 10 feet from him.

"Jesse, my friends call me Jester. What about you, miss kill leader?" He said getting in a fighting stance. "Maybe when you kill me, Ill tell you. You see, Im sensitive on just anyone using it. They got to earn it. But I go by Cherry Bomb, Cherry for short." I said getting in a stance as well.

We stood in silence for a while till the ring started to get smaller, which was when we ran at each other. I first started by analyzing his fighting style which was interesting. I dodged everything of course, and I did see openings that I did not take.

I than jumped back a bit than launched myself forward low to the ground punching his gut and slamming him to the ground. He tried to get up but couldn't. "How do you want to end this kid?" I asked stepping back ready just in case he stood up.

He didn't seem to move so I got closer and watched intently. "Hey—." I said but was cut off by him punching me across the face.

I quickly regained my composer and felt blood so I spit. He groaned as he stood up and got ready as well. "Till I can't fight anymore." He said coughing a bit. "Give me your all!!!" He shouted.

"OH IM STARTING TO LIKE YOU!!!" I shouted smiling and laughing forgetting about the pain on my cheek.

So thats what I did, I gave him everything I could muster with my normal body. He didn't want to give up but eventually his health was low and the fight was called. He fell to his back as my victory was announced and looked exhasted.

I got on my knees and took out a pink sharpie from one of my pockets on my harness. I wrote a number and adress and stood up. "You got potential kid. Call that number and tell them Cherry sent you. He will train you into shape until you can one punch someone," I said pulling my mouth cover up.

He seemed to pass out after. I also wrote my phone number on his other hand with my name and a little cherry drawing. Soon ships came in landing on diffrent parts of the island to pick up the 'dead' participants.

I waited patiently and picked up my bombs and raincoat. I was then taken away as well, with the medics in the ship congradulating me. I was honestly quiet happy with my win and the potential diciple I found today.

When I got to the main building I went strait to the ceremony area. No one was here yet so I grabbed the official Apex device for the legends, as well as my medal. I than went out the back exit.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now