Chapter 15: Embarrassed and broken glass

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Cherries POV

"Sorry about that.." I said embarrassed trying to cover my face with my hoody. Octane glanced over my dads head and chuckled, looking at me.

"It's alright amiga. I don't mind." He said looking over my family. I looked at him blushing and looking to the side.

"Gumdrop. Okay?" My father asked glancing at me. I nodded and told him I was fine and how it will heal over time.

He nodded then looked at Octane. "Scar show growth, growth good." He said. Octane nodded and agreed.

"Silva, like daughter? Or no?" My father asked. He seemed to blush and glanced at me. "Papa." I said with a sigh as I looked forward covering my face with my goggles and mask embarrassed even more.

"Silva like daughter." Octavio answered. I froze and glanced at him. He was looking at me. I was lost for words. "See." My dad said looking at me. "Good husband for gumdrop." He said chuckling a little.

I looked to the side away from them feeling myself blushing more if even possible. He kept walking as Octane gave them instructions.

Then we got to the room and Octane got down with a jump and grabbed the two big doors. "Introducing the Apex Legends, and the boss." He said pushing the doors open and standing aside.

I saw the legends sitting at the table. Some were nervous and others had there guard up. The boss was sweating but looked up to the challenge.

My father walked forward and sat at the table and when he sat he shook the ground a little. It was funny but I didn't laugh.

My mother sat beside him and my brother in front of her. My siblings followed and the two chairs left facing each other were open for me and Octane.

Speaking of which, he had closed the doors and pushed hard because they were big and heavy. He then walked over and took a chair.

"Dear legends and new boss, this is my father Cronus, as well as the Titanus family." I said loud enough for everyone to hear.

It went from there. The boss man spoke to my father about the terms and conditions of the job. Pathfinder than stood up and presented my father with paperwork I would need to sign.

My father thanked them for everything, the entire time his English being harsh but understandable and at times when he didn't know how to explain he spoke in his language and I translated.

He then thanked them for my life, for the opportunity, and finally he stood up and picked up a glass from the table.

It had some water in it. He drank it quickly than slammed it on the ground shattering it. "To new son law!!" He shouted and slammed his fist on his heart.

My family repeated it and did the same thing with the glasses. My brother grabbed another cup and held it out to me.

I was blushing and steaming while covering my face. The legends seemed confused but Path was excited and threw the water over his shoulder and slammed it as well repeating the words.

The legends looked at him confused and he sat back down. I was trying to explain the misunderstanding my family was getting at, until I heard another shout.

"To me!!" A voice shouted. I glanced and saw Octane lift the glass, drink it and slammed the glass to the floor behind him.

My father shouted in a cheer and grinned. I face palmed and after a bit they moved on. I got down taking the cup and drinking it and walking to my seat.

I had the papers as well and sat down reading them. I felt Octane stare the entire time, but I ignored it and kept reading as my mother spoke to the boss. She was making it clear she didn't want me to feel like a prisoner.

After some more talking the meeting was complete and everyone was excused. Octane was speaking to his boss so I went outside and said farewell to my family.

"I forgot my skateboard!!" Seth shouted to me. "I'll get it!!" I said and turned my shoes on zooming into the building quickly.

I grabbed it and looked at the table. I than glanced at the papers which were all signed by me and the boss. I than looked at the cup and held it in my hand.

The sky was dark now and the rooms lights were off. The only light was the moon peaking through the windows.

I then whispers to myself something and skated out of the room throwing the glass over my shoulders. I than ran out heading to the door.

I made it and handed Seth his board. I noticed Octane saying goodbye as well and soon they boarded and we're gone.

I didn't want to face him so I quickly turned my boots on and skated inside. I wasn't fast or anything just like a quick pace.

I made it to a distant elevator and went up to the floor our rooms were at. When I got there I walked to my door.

I stood before it and thought over my new life. The opporuinites I will have, and maybe the friends I'll make.

I gave a soft smile and opened the door closing it behind me. I stripped my clothes and took a quick shower. I was in the process of scrubbing my hair when I heard a faint knock.

I opened the glass door putting a towel on. I than opened the bathroom door and peaked out. "Im showering. If it's important come back in like 20 minutes!" I shouted so they could hear me.

I than went back and finished. I dried myself and dressed into a pair of black fitted sleeping shorts and the apex sweatshirt. I contemplated and decided on light pink fluffy socks that went up to my calves.

I had some undergarments as well and was now sitting on my bed looking over the things I had in my suitcase.

It felt odd so I unpacked everything and decided to go shopping for clothes, as well as necessities tomorrow.

I than dryed my hair enough and put my goggles on with mask feeling safer for some reason. I sat on a ledge in the room looking outside through a window. I held my knees to my chest as I was thinking and pondering on today.

My thoughts revalved around earlier. My family, and what Octane said and did. I looked at a mirror in the room and saw myself.

The last time I felt this certain way, I ended up jumping out a window into a large river. I escaped a controlling relationship that I foolishly put myself into.

I wanted to feel normal, and was at the time resenting my families bloodline of crazy. I wanted to be different and so I left to build a normal life for myself.

I met someone and soon we moved in together. I should have trusted my gut when he started filling my head with poison.

Looking at myself now, it feels weird. He had me dye my hair dark brown, and had me in brown contacts 24/7. He also kept my hair long and always in a braid.

His voice filled my head and for a second I could swear my image changed to his in the mirror.

Without a second thought I stumbled over punching the mirror. It shattered and cut my fist. I was breathing heavily now and after a second it went away.

On the floor were shards as well as pieces of the frame of the mirror. I didn't want to clean it so instead I just sat on the bed looking at my bloody hand.

I than jumped a little when I heard a knock.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now