Chapter 26: Tone of voice

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Octanes POV

I chuckled a little at her words but looked down at her sleepy body. She was gorgeous. I felt myself get hot as I held her closer and kissed her head. I than kept watching the movie.

When it was over I got up and shut the tv off walking to my bed. I set her down and when I did for a second I wanted to lay beside her and sleep, but I wouldn't be able to. Than again, I know her tiredness would rub off on me and I would be out like a light.

On the other hand, I'm a caballero and shouldn't invade her space while she's sleeping on my bed. Brushing my thoughts away I grabbed the blanket and put it on her than kissed her forehead.

Smiling I watched for a second than grabbed some running clothes. I changed in the bathroom quickly than grabbed some things and left the room heading to the gym.

Catalinas POV

I woke up in a bed and sat up looking around. He probably set me down here. I looked at the clock than got up. I went to the living room and sat in front of the tv for a second.

I got bored and felt kinda hungry. I wonder how long he's been gone. Maybe I'll make dinner. He did make breakfast/lunch for me.

I went to the kitchen and searched till I went through all his food. Nothing concrete to make. With a sigh I grabbed my things and slipped my shoes on exiting the room.

I went to my room and grabbed my card. I than opened my phone to see the photo of the map I had taken. I saw a cafeteria but not a market to shop at.

With a sigh I went to my room and searched in the closet to see extra sweatpants. I stayed in my black long sleeve v-neck, as well as fluffy socks, but I switched my fluffy shorts to the black sweats.

I finished and grabbed my goggles. I made a face and quickly wiped them down cleaning them. I than grabbed a different mouth cover and put it on skating out.

I skated to the elevator and soon arrived at the front. I than skated out the doors. I was slowly and steeply going while putting music on my headphones.

It was calm and I actually spent some time looking out to the sky. The sun was up high but clearly falling down already.

I than came to a downhill and rolled down quickly, slowing down as I got closer to the bottom. When I did I kept going and made it inside.

When I found a market I entered looking around. I grabbed what I needed and began to skate back.

It took a bit to get back up the hill but when I did, I skated freely with my bags of groceries. I got to the front and my card in my pocket opened the door when I stood before them.

I walked in and I only took a couple feet when I was almost attacked. I saw Octane running at me and I could tell he was pumped with stim.

He was being followed by Pathfinder, and Lifeline, but they were behind. He had his goggles but was in athletic clothes and looked sweaty.

He stopped in front of me and was breathing heavily looking down. I watched as Lifeline and Pathfinder ran to his side.

"Did something happen?" I asked setting the bags down confused. "Where were you..?" he asked after catching his breath. It was low and demanding.

The way he was looking at me and spoke made me remember something. I didn't see Octane before me anymore, I saw a feint Kai...Demanding...just like Kai was demanding....

I removed my goggles and my mouth cover. I than looked up at him and threw them at his chest.

"I clearly remember saying I wouldn't leave you...Now screw off, your tone of voice makes me wanna kick your face in. The agreement said I didn't need escorts so you over reacting is really uncalled for!! I thought I would be nice and cook a dinner, so I went out to get things. But now, you should just make it yourself, and kiss my ass!!" I shouted frustrated pushing past him and walking away.

I ignored Lifeline and Pathfinder and just kept walking. I glanced back for a second and saw Lifeline smacking Octane over the head after he picked up my bags and looked inside.

I looked forward with a sigh and went to an elevator. I went to the floor of my room and grabbed all my clothes in a bag. I felt my heart hurting and it was making me angry.

I than looked at my phone to the map I took and saw a laundry room. Making my way to it I found myself almost crying. It felt strange to be talk to like that again, and for it to hurt so much coming from his lips.

His tone and aura he gave off was clearly upset and frustrated. Because I didn't tell him I left for a bit. Kai, he would also get mad when I left without permission or in general without him.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now