Chapter 18: Watson outburst and air ship

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Catalina's POV

I opened my eyes to an alarm and looked at the digital calendar. It was blasting an alarm and the visual photo was a happy face with a sweatband on its forehead.

I than heard a knock. I put my goggles on and went to the door. I opened it and saw Octane. He looked exhausted. "Goodmorning amiga!! You're still sleeping? We have exercise and combat review today!! So get dressed and come out to the roof." he said jogging in place.

I just looked at him and yawned. "What time did you wake up?" I asked. "I wake up at 5am everyday to go for a run!!" he said energetically. I looked beside to the door to a clock and saw 7:10.

I looked back at him and groaned. "Fine.....I'll get dressed..." I said and close the door after he jogged away.

I ploppped back on the bed and didn't want to get up but I knew I had to get dressed.

I stripped my clothes and examined the injury. It looked better, especially since I know my family has quicker healing then normal people.

I ignored it and grabbed some short black volleyball shorts I use when I play. I had packed a pair just in case, because they are comfortable. They even had a pink cherry on the left at the bottom.

I also grabbed a breathable t-shirt that was pink like my hair. I use it for lounging these days, but I used to exercise with my family so I still have it. I was even able to find my sports bra that I use when running.

I put on some long black socks stopping at my knees, with 2 pink lines at the top. After some searching I found my sneakers and put them on.

I did a quick check and zoomed across the apartment. Smiling I shut then off than grabbed some knee pads and elbow pads as well as my fingerless gloves.

My hair was still in there roles so I removed my silk cap and took the curlers out. I than undid them and fluffed then up.

Washing my face I grabbed my googles and mouth cover putting them on. I luckily found an apex watterbottle and filled it.

Quickly before I forgot I packed my belt and put some bombs and even some special gadgets I had yet to use.

I than grabbed my card and phone putting music in my headphones skating out of my room. I was skating down the hall yawning when I felt someone walking behind me.

I held my phone up looking over my messages and when I turned the corner I moved it enough so I could see who it was. I than kept going putting my phone down.

It was Watson. I don't think I've talked to her yet. I sighed as I turned my music off and kept skating. I felt her speed up and when the elevator came I went strait not turning but closing the door behind me. Before the doors shut all the way I glanced and saw her rushing over.

I held the door open and she stood before me. She hesitated than came inside. She than stood beside me as I pressed the button to the roof.

I could tell she wanted to say something to me but wasn't sure. She currently had her hair half up half down and was dressed in a dark blue track suit.

I kept standing and moving my body like I was listening to music. Than suddenly she turned to me and opened her mouth but nothing came out.

I pretended to turn my music down and listened. "Yes?" I asked. She seemed timid now but determined. "Octavio." She was able to muster.

"What about Octane?" I asked glancing at the number about to get to the roof. "What is your relation with him??" She asked in an almost shout.

I glanced at her and she almost shrunk down but kept herself up. "I don't understand your question." I said and the doors opened.

I skated forward and she rushed to my side. "I mean, I see how you two act. Like with your family meeting him. You barely met!!" She said in a winning manner than shouted the last part.

I saw the legends in front of us boarding the ship and some of them stopped and looked when Watson yelled the last part at me.

I halted and looked at her. "Huh?" I asked completely acting dumb. It was convincing and she got red in the face stomping forward boarding the ship.

Rampart and Lifeline looked at each other than Watson as she stormed past them. They than looked at me as I skated forward. I shrugged my shoulders boarding the ship.

"Don't look at me, I haven't the slightest idea what her problem is." I said sitting at the table from before. They seemed to share a glance than sat at the table with me.

The legends all sat in their areas and I was left glancing at Watson who was sitting at a booth with Caustic.

"She has a thing for the idiot." Lifeline said. I looked up when she said that and saw a sad expression as she looked at Watson.

"The girl expressed her feelings, but it was one sided." Rampart said adjusting her ponytail. "Oh." I said watching as she stared at Octane. He was currently playing a game while standing on the chair swinging side to side.

"Unrequited love." I said as I than fixated on my water bottle. They agreed than got up and left to their groups and station areas.

I saw an empty corner that was just kinda like a desk and some compartment cubbies covering the other wall. All grey with a white light above it all.

I approached and saw a little sticky note with my name on it. I tilted my head and held my thumb up. The potential.

I could add an L shaped desk in the corner with one side being my computer set up and the other a little lab for my gadgets and weapons.

Maybe even have some clothes in the cubbies or tear them out for a poison collection lab. Smiling now I went in and sat at the chair contemplating on what I wanted. A throwing knife stand would look darling in that ceiling corner.

I than heard a sound and spun around in the chair looking at Octane. "Lots of potential, right amiga?" He asked leaning at the frame.

"Yeah, a lot to add, a lot to remove." I said standing and walking to the other side of the frame and posing like him. Just leaning and looking it.

"Grey.." I said to him while looking at the room. "Such a dull color when alone.." I said glancing at him.

"Maybe a bright neon pink would feel more homey." He said chuckling and getting closer ruffling my hair and turning to look at the other legends.

I blushed a little and calmed myself turning when I knew it was gone. My hair, it's something that's embarrassing but I like how it feels when someone touches my hair.

I saw from the corner of my eye, Watson going red in the face. I didn't acknowledge it and notice Crypto at a computer station.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now