Chapter 16: Memories of the past, and possibilities to the future

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Cherries POV

It was odd that I didn't hear them walking. Especially when my hearing is sharp and have my headphones.

I went to the door and opened it seeing Octavio. I didn't look up at him and rather just kept starting at his chest.

I knew it was him as soon as I saw the funky black and neon green shirt. Not sure what to do I leaned against the doorframe while still holding it as shut as possible. My hand was hidden at the door on of course.

"Can we chat for a bit? I brought some monsters from the vending machine." He said cheerfully while holding up a little bag. I thought for a second and moved to the side letting him in.

He passed with a skip in his step and came inside. I closed the door and stood there for a second than turned hiding my hand in my pocket.

Octane was looking around at the room and chuckled. "I forgot what they look like new, I've had mine for a while now and I've totally wrecked it." he said. He than plopped down on one of the chairs in the kitchen.

He had comfy clothes on but had his goggles covered his eyes. I walked over and sat down on the kitchen counter swinging my feet with my elbow on my thighs holding my face.

I just watched him as he unpacked the little bag setting the cans on the table. My other hand stayed in my pocket which was fine.

He than looked up at me and held out a can. I stayed silent for a second then reached forward. Before I grabbed the can he seemed distracted and looked past me to the bedroom.

I saw a reflection of light on his face and he seemed to be looking for its source. I took the can and he stood up glancing into the room.

"Did you break something? Wouldn't want you to get hurt." He said standing and walking over. I was gonna stop him but instead went to the fridge.

I took out the tequila and poured some in a glass cup. I then heard Octane kinda freaking out. He stormed out and walked to me.

I set the bottle down knowing he was gonna grab my hand. He did and looked it over it. "Did you break the mirror?" He asked.

He than dug under the sink and took out a first-aid kit. I shrugged my shoulders pouring the monster into the glass as well and icing it.

He put the kit on the table and began to take things out. I sat down with my drink pulling my mouth cover down.

"I fell." I said as he grabbed my hand and began to remove any shards from the cut. "Like I would ever believe that amiga. You're not the best liar." He said as he patched me up.

"Up to you to believe." I said drinking more and looking to the side. He looked up at me and for a second and just watched then slowly got back to doing what he was doing.

"That should do it." He said as he did a little bow. I looked at it and shrugged drinking my beverage. What I didn't expect was him going into a little closet beside the bathroom.

He took out a complimentary broom and pan. "Just leave it, I'll clean up later." I said standing and setting my cup down. "No can do hermosa. I would hate for you to hurt your feet." He said walking into my room.

"Not like I care." I said walking in behind him. I plopped on the bed watching as he began to sweep. I glanced at his legs when I heard a crack.

He had stepped on a piece of glass. Instead of panicking like a normal person, he kept sweeping and made sure nothing was left on his legs.

He than dumped the glass into a trash and exited into the first room. I walked over and followed him sitting down on the counter.

"Do you ever miss your legs?" I asked swinging mine. He closed the door, his back to me, and just kinda stood there.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now