Chapter 28: Shopping and Jester

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Catalina POV

I glanced back at him and thought for a second. "I wanted to go alone, but if you wanna accompany me on your own, I won't stop you." I said as I kept skating.

"We can take a car." He suggested. "The boss let's us use the companies cars for personal use." he added. I stopped and glanced to see he was digging in his jacket.

"I have a key on me from the other day." he said with a chuckle and took out the keys shaking them at me. I shrugged and followed him as we went to a garage behind the building.

When we got there we went up an elevator and at the top floor of this 4 level parking lot I saw a bunch of similar looking cars. It was like the one that Octavio and Crypto used to pick me up.

It felt funny but we arrived at one and I entered. He drove us down a ramp and I just looked out the window looking at my phone and texted Ares.

I told him about my plan to either buy a house to move my larger things in, or just use what I have in that small apartment and buy extra things.

He said it was up to me, but he thought it would be convenient to have both. The house would be a backup just in case something happens. I won't visit often and would use different routes to get there.

I agreed and while Crypto drove to the city, I inputted directions to the places I wanted to go, and than just looked through a catalog on my phone with my sisters second defensive secret line.

I saved the ones I liked and deleted the rest. When I looked up we pulled up to the place I wanted to go. We exited the car and he followed as I walked into the a mall.

Pulling my mouth cover down as well as my goggles, I stretched and prepared myself. I saw a confused Crypto. "You're gonna want to prepare yourself." I said giggling.

I than went into several stores and after a bit I was on an escalator going down and glanced behind me. Crypto looked overwhelmed with bags and had set them down.

I had several in my hands that I set down and giggled which got his attention. "You remind me of my brother when I take him shopping with me." I said covered my mouth.

We took a trip to the car to drop off some things, than drove to other stores. Some were for groceries, others for appliances and even electronics.

I was even able to get some things for a mini working lab. It was now mid afternoon and we were heading back to the main building.

When we parked the car, attendants were called and began to unload the car. I watched as they took the things and left with a large cart.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at it. An unknown number. I was hesitant but kinda wanted to answer.

I contemplated on turning my secure line on and answering but decided not to. After all it's hard to get this number in the first place.

I didn't speak first and waited. Than I heard a voice. "Hello? Is this Cherry?" Someone asked.

"Who's this?" I asked glancing at Crypto who was watching curiously. I shrugged my shoulders signaling I wasn't sure.

"My name is Jesse. I'm looking for someone. I was wondering if you can help me." A voice said to me. I didn't answer and thought for a second.

I than ignored his words and instead gave him the buildings address. "Be here this afternoon at 7, or don't call this number ever again." I said.

He didn't answer for a second than asked for the address again. I smiled and gave him it once more than waited till he wrote it down.

"See you than Jester." I said mysteriously. "You as well Miss Cherry." He said. I giggled knowing he knew it was me. I than hung up and pocketed my phone.

I turned to see Crypto with a raised eyebrow. As we walked and he took me to my room, I explained it was the guy I fought the day I became a legend. The one I wrote my number on.

He understood and nodded. "So what did he want?" He questioned. "A teacher." I said ruffling my hair as I stood before my door.

"I see a lot of potential in him, he just needs to find his style and run with it." I said opening my door. He nodded and I asked if he wanted to come in.

"I have some work to do, but I'll see you later." He said as he rubbed his neck. I sighed and waved. He walked away after ruffling my hair and told me to have a good afternoon.

"An alone afternoon." I whispered as I entered. I saw my things all over the kitchen floors and got ready to sort and put them away.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now