Chapter 4: A trip to the boss

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Cherry's POV

I closed the door and locked it than changed quickly. I removed my goggles and grabbed the blow dryer on the side of the wall.

I finished drying my hair than after a second I removed the curlers and grabbed some oils. I removed my gloves for a second than ran the moisturizing oils through my hair dividing the curles and putting them in place.

I smiled at my hair and how adorable it was. I than did some regular eyeliner and mascara as well as giving a smoky eye around my under eye.

It made my Turquoise eyes stand out against my pink hair. Smiling I put on some strawberry lip balm than pulled my mouth mask up and goggles.

I slipped my shoes on and made sure they were tied up properly. I put my gloves back on and made sure everything was in place than held my raincoat in my arms.

I walked out kneeling in front of my suitcase and grabbing my bombs. I put them around my belt than grabbed two hunting knives with pink blades putting them on my thighs.

I stood ready while slipping my raincoat on. I looked up and they were staring. "What?" I asked curious as I put my hood up.

"What's the raincoat for?" Mirage asked chuckling as he threw an M&M into his mouth. I grabbed a bomb and motioned to if.

They payed attention to it. "When these go boom, the coat stops the debris and blood from hitting me." I said putting the bomb back. They looked confuse till Octane laughed and pointed at the Tv.

It began to show the best parts of the game. They saw my fighting, my bombs, my skating, and finally my hand to hand with the kid.

"That was incredible amiga!!!" Octane shouted and fell off my bed because he was laughing. "Thank you!!" I said proud of myself.

"Shall we go?" Mirage asked strutting over and holding his hand out. "We shall." I said grabbed my medal and official Apex device for the legends.

I than turned and saw Octane and Mirage butting heads and whispering to each other. Lifeline came up and held her hand out which caught their attention.

I took her hand and she led me out. The boys followed behind us which was funny. We were heading to the roof.

First we took the elevator then they exited and took the stairs. As we did I heard voices. I didn't let them noticed so I went to scratch the hair by my audio receiver and put the volume up.

"So, if she didn't come willingly. We were supposed to kidnap here?" I heard a voice say from the outside.

"You guys were gonna kidnap me?" I asked them out loud.

I felt Lifelines grip tighten a tiny bit. I listed closely and heard her heartbeat quicken. I adjusted my hearing to normal and kept walking.

"You would have needed more people to do it. Even than, don't think my bombs only turn on when in the game." I said letting her hand go and kept walking by myself.

They didn't say anything and Lifeline opened the door. I walked out and looked at the ship as well as people waiting patiently.

I saw who I recall was named Bangalore, and Bloodhound. "So that's how you found me...." I whispered to myself. They must have known I left my room, so Bloodhound tracked me.

I approached the airship and thought about my decision. I don't crave or want to be a legend, but at the same time I don't have anything better to do.

What is it I crave in this world?? Why did I start doing this crazy stuff again??? I was normal for a minute in my why did I turn back????

I stopped in my tracks before boarding the ship. I looked down at my hands wondering.

'Catalina...' A voice said in the back of my head. I held the side of my listening device and pressed a button.

A loud specific frequency played in my ears that was painful but loud enough to drown out the noise so I couldn't hear my own thoughts.

After a second I think the legends new something was wrong. I was, after all shaking and trying to endure the loud sounds that were hurting my ears.

Once I thought everything was clear I turned the sound off. I stood there for a second than shook my head.

That's right, I turned to this strange life again to escape his conformity. His rules. He can't control me anymore, and I'm gonna keep it that way. No one will ever control me ever again.

I looked forward at the ship and contemplated. I turned to my left and looked at the city. The wind blew and for a second I wanted to jump off the building and ditch them. But I made a deal...

I sighed and walked forward into the ship. I sat at a table in the corner and waited as the rest of them boarded.

We soon took off and I sat slumped and tired, with my eyes closed. I was in a pretty light sleep. But since I was sitting on a stool, I did not have support, so I found myself almost falling forward a couple of times.

I opened my eyes slightly and yawed a little. I may be hyper and energetic throughout the day, but my body starts to shut down and sleep at 9-10. I did gain a lot of energy earlier by sleeping on the train, but I wasted most of it during the fight.

I glanced at a clock on the wall and saw it was literally only 7:56pm. I closed my eyes for a second but it wasn't helping. I turned to face the small table and laid my head on my arms that I crossed before me.

I was really tired and not to mention hungry. I felt and heard my stomach grumble and I'm sure those around me heard. I felt a tap.

I growled because I was disturbed. I glanced and saw Octane had walked over. He was holding something out to me.

I yawned and looked at him curiously. He than sat beside me on a stool and opened what he had in his hands. He than held it out again. I smelled food. I looked at the item and saw it was a granola bar. He held it closer to my face.

I hadn't eaten much today, other than gummy worms, energy drinks, and alcohol. I reached up and pulled my mouth mask down. I than opened my mouth slightly. He seemed taken aback but chuckled and put it in my mouth. I bit down softly and took a piece.

It was good. I chewed happily and just laid my head back down eating. When the granola bar was done I smiled content. I than stopped when I felt something. I glanced and saw Octane whipping the side of my mouth.

"Crumbs." He said with a chuckle. "Oh, thank you. I hadn't eaten much today. Just some candy, and the drinks from earlier..." I said sitting up and stretching my arms up.

"You're welcome amiga, I always carry some quick snacks. I also have energy bars with me, but I thought you might prefer the granola." He said resting his arms in fornt of him and laying his head to look at me. I rested as well on my arms looking at him.

"How does it feel like??" I asked as I pulled up my mouth cover and glanced at him. He did not seem to understand my question, so I pointed at the circles on his chest and body.

"Oh, you mean the stim Amiga?" He asked with a chuckle. For some reason I realized his acent was funny. He spoke spanglish. A mixture of English and Spanish.

I nodded and waited for him to answer me. He soon did by chuckling a little and running his finger over one of the circles on his stomach.

"It doesn't hurt, and even if it did the adrenaline being shot into my body prevents me from feeling it. I've been riding the high long enough that it doesn't hurt. It's a rush." He said getting excited from just mentioning it.

I felt it earlier but he has a blood lust, well more of an adrenaline lust. He craves excitement and danger. He lives for the rush.

"Interesting. But doesn't the adrenaline naturally pumping through your body feel better??" I asked him. All this talking is distracting me from being tired, which just means I'm gonna have a harder crash.

"If you tried stim, you would know why it feels so good my friend." He said getting more excited and shaking at this point not being able to contain himself anymore.

"Guess I'll have to try it someday amigo," I said smiling. I then closed my eyes and laid down rest.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now