Chapter 33: The Begining and Acknowledgmet

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Catalina POV

He stayed silent and sat at the table. I made a mixture of herbs with Hibiscus and added the hot water.

When I finished I waited in silence until I could serve it. I didn't say anything and waited for the tea to be done. Then I sat down in front of him.

"His name was Chaos...In my family, the beginning started with pure chaos. Then to begin the world, Gaia, Tartarus, and Eros appeared. Gaia then created her partner and equal known as Ouranos. Together they created the titan age." I said as I then stood and served the tea to both of us.

I drank some and set it down. "One of the titans, though we don't know which, fell in love with humans. As time went on their body and souls began to yearn for a certain human. One born with unnatural hair..." I spoke.

Looking to the side I took a deep breath. "That is how my family was said to have started. A titan and a human gave birth to the Titanus family and started a race of warriors, fighters, and conquerors. There is so much to learn about the familia, and so much to understand. But the trials ahead are more than I think you could manage." I spoke standing. I set my cup down and ran my fingers through my hair.

"You belong here with the games and the legends," I said pouring myself more tea. "Being free has a price, and being in my family is just the same. You must lose what you have in order to acquire something else. That is one of the law of the familia, the law of equivalent exchange." I added and showed him my brand once more.

It was odd to see his face change to one of hurt when seeing my skin. It was a clear mark that I knew made him feel strange.

"I offered this to Jesse because I know he's willing to risk everything to figure out where he belongs and what he could become. In you, I see someone who has accomplished many things and will continue to do so in the Apex Games." I said covering myself up again.

I then saw him look to the side like a sad puppy. I sighed and walked over. He watched as I grabbed him and hugged him. He then stood up and embraced me fully.

"I'm sorry for scolding you Octavio, but this is a choice one has to think about for a long time. Being a Titanus is hard and has its fair share of responsibility." I said as I melted and relaxed in his arms.

"I understand Chika, but is it okay if I think about it?" He asked softly. He seemed determined but considerate of my feeling.

I pulled away from him and grabbed my cup. "I can't stop you from thinking, and I can't stop you from trying....but just please take my advice. If you go through with this, during the trials Ares won't go easy on you," I said taking a sip.

I then set my cup down and sighed feeling my hair drop and cover my eyes. I then in a flash glanced at him. My eyes pierced through my hair glowing and challenging.

He instinctively took a step back and I could tell he was on edge. "And neither will I," I said. There was silence then I turned blinking and my eyes went back to normal. Sipping my cup, I finished it.

"Drink up, or it'll get cold," I said as I walked past him into my room. I laid down and curled up in the covers.

I then glanced at the doorframe because that's where the light came from. His body blocking it now kinda agitated. "You don't like tea?" I asked tilting my head.

"I drank it, but that's not what I was gonna say, do you mind if I stay the night?" He asked looking to the side. Putting my goggles on I looked in his direction.

He seemed to notice the sound and looked over. I was currently looking at him using the heat vision setting and saw his face was red. Taking them off I giggled.

"You're flushed Octavio," I commented. He seemed to get even more flustered as he stomped away like a child.

"Come back, I was joking love!" I shouted jumping out of bed and running after him. I caught his hand and walked back. He seemed reluctant at first but didn't stop me. I stopped at my door and looked at him.

"Do you wanna shower or are you fine like this?" I asked looking at his clothing. He was in some black cargo shorts and a grey t-shirt with green marks on it.

"I'm fine unless you have an extra pair of sweats I could borrow." He said chuckling. Smiling I nodded and took him into my room. I let his hand go and went to my closet.

I took out the largest pair of sweats I had and giggled when I saw the Cherry on the butt. I handed them to him and he went into the closet as I exited.

Closing the doors he quickly changed as I sat on the bed waiting. When he was finished the doors opened. He looked comfy and I grabbed his hand taking him to the mirror. I then motioned to his butt and he glanced then chuckled ruffling my hair.

"It's cute," I said. I then turned and plopped on the bed. Putting a scary movie on I laid comfortably. Octane joined in cautiously and when he was ready I cuddled against him, wrapping my leg over his.

Before I closed my eyes I turned on an alarm to wake me up before Jesse would come. Octavio watched and when I finished setting it we just laid there. The movie was interesting, but my tiredness got the better of me in the end.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now