Chapter 5: A deal

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Cherries POV

-some time later-

I was having a pleasant dream when I was suddenly woken up. I felt someone touch my shoulder and immediately I pulled a pink hunting blade from my thigh. I stood swiftly and held the sharp end to whoever it was.

It was Octane. My memory came back to me immediately and I lowered my weapon. "...sorry." I said and sheathed the blade. He seemed to study me with a tilted head. He looked like a curious puppy, which almost got a laugh out of me.

He was gonna say something put I held my hand up. "Its nothing.." I said and looked around. Everyone else was off the ship and when I glanced at the opening they were walking while others waited. I took a glance at him than walked out. I pulled my hood up and yawned because It was at best 30 minutes of travel.

I looked around we were on a rooftop. I went towards the entrance and noticed it was an elevator. We all crammed in and after a second we began to move down. I quickly noticed I was in the middle with Bloodhound and Bangalore behind me. Mirage and Lifeline stood in front of me with Octane beside me.

I quickly evaluated them and thought of an escape just in case I needed one. "You brought me here to join the games,...." I said as I looked up at the ceiling.

There was silence for a second than Mirage and Octane said yes. Bangalore complimented my fighting and Lifeline turned and gave me a smile. "Was it better than letting me run free? I became a danger in your raidar right? Better to have me distracted and in a position where I can be monitored." I said.

There was silence again and that answered my question very quickly. "Im not stupid. You guys aren't the first ones to try this, and I doubt you guys will be the last. To be honest with you I don't really care what happens to me. All that matters now is that I die knowing I did crazying shit in my life and got my blood pumping. If you really think about it, I wouldn't mind going out with a bang in an elevator..." I said chuckling a little. I glanced back and saw Bangalore glancing at Bloodhound.

I looked beside me and saw Octane glancing at me. "Don't worry I won't. After all, I have to kill you all in the Apex games first." I said chuckling as I yawned and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Get this through your heads first..I'm not joining you guys. I'm gonna play a single game with you guys to kill you all, especially you speed demon." I did glancing at Octane.

"Than if I like it I'll consider it. But at the moment I have no plans to." I said crossing my arms and closing my eyes. I felt tired again and felt myself falling forward.

I opened my eyes when I felt someone put there arm on my shoulder so I could lean on them. I knew it was Octane so I said thank you under my breath so he could hear.

"De nada amiga." He said lightly and I closed my eyes again. I've slept leaning against a wall before, but this is new.

After a minute or so the elevator stopped and I opened my eyes. We walked forward and they stayed in their formation.

I on the other hand had my hands in my pockets yawning every now and than as we walked. We stopped in front of glass doors that were blurry and I could only make out certain things.

Lifeline knocked and presented her Apex device to a scanner. Than it beeped and we waited for a second. A voice told us to go in and the doors opened showing a short hallway with another door.

In the halfway were metal detectors and a check. "Fun...I never pass these." I said as we walked forward. I was the only one told to remove their items. I wasn't allowed to take anything in.

I was fine with that. Although I had a little trick up my sleeve which they couldn't detect with there machines. It was sown into my shoes so it doesn't look off.

Smiling I went threw the detectors and stood with the legends at the doors. After a sec there was a beep and the doors opened. I went in and saw the rest of the legends standing behind or beside the desk of a man.

I approached and sat down on a single red chair in front of him. There was silence than he opened a bottle of champagne and had Pathfinder pour everyone glasses.

I watched him cheer for me and had confetti fall from the ceiling. I chuckled which got there attention. I than stood and grabbed the glass looking at it.

"Do you value your life?" I asked looking at him. He chuckled awkwardly and said 'yes of course'.

"Most do. But what if you have nothing to lose? Nothing else you want to do? Wouldn't you want to go out with a bang? Imagine how immortal the memory of blowing up a whole building with the Apex Legends and their boss would be..." I said glancing around than looking back at the man. He looked unsure.

"Don't worry. Im just teasing. In all seriousness I came here as a deal to play a single game and kill some people." I said more cheerfully, glancing at Octane.

"Of course, I have no obligation to stay after that. As you may have seen in my files you most definitely looked up, I have never committed a crime, I am medically sane, and I am within my rights to carry the weapons I had earlier." I said, sitting back down very seriously.

It became really quit and I could tell they were nervous and unsure of what to do now. I knew their plan and they couldn't really keep me here.

"Now, let's have ourselves a little party, and escort me to a place I can sleep because I am hella tired, plus maybe some food!!!" I said jumping back to my happy self and tasting the champagne.

The man chuckled awkwardly and held the cup up drinking as well. He than excused most if not all the Legends but had Bangalore, and Gibraltar stand by the door.

He began to explain how I could be a valuable new member of the apex games as a new legend. He told me all the perks, how I would get a private home or apartment, be a part of the games themselves, have my own gear and team for upgrades. He was selling me everything he had to offer.

"I understand sir, I really do. Let's say I enjoy myself with the one game I came to play today with all the legends. If I come back defeated or victorious and I had blood pumping fun, I'll defiantly join." I said holding my hand out.

He seemed unsure because it was a 50/50. But he had to trust his legends, and trust they could convive me, so he took my hand and we had a deal.

After that he told me more about my win and when I asked him, he told me how Jessie was doing. I was content and he even brought in some food when he heard my belly grumble. I ate....a lot....and was than excused to stay a night with them in the main building.

He informed me that I would have my own quarters to sleep in with all the necessities and that they brought my stuff from the hotel. "Hope none of my bombs and mini grenades go off." I said smiling as I bowed slightly and left the room.

I was back in the detector room and stood beside Bangalore and Gibraltar. I stopped which caught there attention. "Wanna see something funny?" I asked Bangalore.

She glanced at her partner than I giggled and walked through the detectors. I kept eye contact and saw there confused and concerned faces when the detector went off.

"It's a magic trick." I said giggling taking my things and left the small hallway. Other legends joined us and I was escorted to my room.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now