Chapter 37: His complaints and her thoughts

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Catalinas POV

It's been two days since Jessie showed up. I've planned my trip to my planet and even received a call from Ares about coming to see Jessie and me before we depart as well as coming with us.

The legends took a liking to Jessie and he even had a meeting with the boss. Jessie did however ask for his father to not be notified of his presence, for he thinks he's dead.

Turns out the boss doesn't like his father much so he had no problem with this arrangement.

I stood now on the roof of the main building looking over at the city. Sitting on the ledge I thought about my family, and how amazing it would be if Octavio really did join us... It seemed like a dream, to have him beside me, but I began to think of Kaius and quickly brushed the thoughts off.

There were bad sides to Octane joining the family, and one of them was that he would have to fight a fully powered Titanus and stand his ground or win. The second would be the high possibility I would have to be the one to fight him, and I wonder how that would turn out.

I was taken out of thought by a ship flying overhead and circle around to land on the landing pad out front. I stood up with a grin as I tried to contain my excitement, but of course, I would need to smack him around a little for taking my book without permission.

I watched as the ship powered off and he emerged not long after. Someone from the building came out and handed him a visitor's parking permit to which he looked confused then slapped on the ship.

It was enough to get the guy to leave him alone. I smiled and saw Jessie come from the entrance of the building below me. I in turn stepped off and fell off the building. I heard some distress but didn't care as I landed in a squatted position holding the earth with one hand.

Standing I glanced at Ares who was a bit ahead of me. "Cherry." Ares greeted. "Catalina is fine dork.." I said walking forward.

A bright light seemed to turn on in his eyes as he seemed excited to have me back after so long.

Passing Jessie without acknowledging him, I walked over keeping my eyes on Ares. I then stopped and he did too.

My shoes turned on by themselves and like a car revved their engines. Some of the mechanics moved and locked into place showing glowing parts beneath them. Smoke now coming from the sides and getting ready to glide.

"Someone's ready to get their face smashed in.." Ares said grinning wide, his goggles from his gas masks glowing almost.

In a swift movement, he extended his arms causing two titanium batons to slide out of his sleeve and grasped firmly by his hands. He then connected them by slamming them together and creating a larger pole. He spun it in his hands, and as he did it got longer and formed a strong, durable staff.

He then held it to his side and tapped it to the ground. This caused a spear to form at the stop. A line formed from the tip of the spear to the bottom which then began to glow a neon pink.

"I didn't know there was a mirror in front of you," I spoke as I unhooked my two titanium orbs. Holding them up, I pressed the buttons and they quickly traveled up my fingers to my wrists where they covered and consumed my flesh.

The gauntlets formed and completed their transformation by letting out some steam and flipping some parts to show glowing pink just like my boots. I then grabbed a part of my raincoat and took it off, tossing it to the side.

"Oh, please. I'll break your arms." He added spinning his spear and squatting down to a ready position.

"And I'll bust your kneecaps," I said. My goggles are glowing now. Our glares in an instant intensified as our grins stretched and showed our naturally sharp canines.

With a burst, we collide. Sparks flew as his spear and my gauntlets clashed. Our speeds were inhuman and normal eyes must have been confused as the blurs moved and created sounds.

Then we broke contact and launched back. I caught myself with my boot's strength and planted them firmly. He caught himself with his spear and laughed as he composed himself.

"It's good to see you up in spirits Catalina." He said to me as his spear went back to being two buttons. He put them in his sleeves and bowed. I chuckled and adjusted the setting on my boots to convenient usage and put my gauntlets back on my belt in their sphere forms.

He walked forward and I did as well. We hugged each other and said a few things in our old language. Then together we turned and walked forward to Jesse.

I gave him a good scolding as we walked and smacked his head but he just laughed.

Jesse on the other hand was blown away but his jaw wasn't on the floor. I'm guessing he had witnessed Ares in action, but of course, seeing two Titanus fight is another matter, especially when they fight partly seriously.

All together we entered the building where I welcomed Ares to my home. Octane was coming by later because he was currently returning from a game.

When I opened the door he quickly looked concerned and stepped in. He examed every room then looked back at me.

"Pretty small for a legends quarters." He said sitting on the counter having a disgusted face as he examined the ceiling.

"Well, I heard most of the legends have their own places beside the complimentary apartment," I replied walking over and smacking him.

"Oww! That's no way to speak to your big brother! It's normal for me to be butt hurt about the size, besides....a titan needs a bigger space." He mumbled as he jumped off the counter rubbing his head and sitting in a chair.

"Well, it's not like my current body cares for the room. It's just something for me to temporarily live in.." I commented as I sat across from him.

"That's strange coming out of your mouth Mrs. Bringer of Calamity. You are the one who has a high for risking her life. It's just weird to see you cooped up in this little broom closet when you have an entire planet and tribe you rule over." Ares added as he glanced at Jessie sitting down than looking back at me.

I looked to the side and ignored their eyes. "I'm just dodging my responsibilities at this point..." I admitted as I put my hand over my brand.

"It's not always the greatest thing, ya know. To be the heir of the Titanus family. To know that one day, I'll be the leader who guides us through this existence, and in battles, if it comes to it...Just imagine it, big brother. Having the commanding power to move fleets of warriors who individually can conquer planets, and with some having armies of their own I could also command. And I know if I fail, the tribe could never see me as a leader, much less a Titanus, so I must be perfect." These words that left my mouth felt empty and emotionless.

I was like a machine understanding its purpose for once and it felt like before. When I wanted to be perfect and normal. I hate this...

"No one can do it but you Catalina." My brother said which snapped me back. I looked up at him and saw a small smile which assured me.

"I can think of no other Titanus who has the raw power and strength to lead the family. Regardless of my birth, you were always destined to be the successor to grandmother and the chief of the family. Plus, the family is full of imperfection so no need to dwell in the past... we accept with faults." Ares stated as he stood and tapped the family earring that singularly dangled from his ear.

This made me smile as I stood up as well. I have always felt discouraged to wear that earing after all these years. The passing of my grandmother had me feeling a certain way which resulted in me taking it off and abandoning it at her grave.

But now, I feel like I'm worthy to wear it again. After all, that's what marks me as a Titanus in the first place to the world, so might as well take back what's mine.

"Seems like I have something to retrieve after Jessie's trials on Tartarus," I commented as I rubbed my neck.

"I knew you would come to your senses." Ares boasted as he looked around for something to drink to celebrate which made Jessie giggle when Ares kept finding monsters.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now