Chapter 29: Gauntlets and Octane

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Catalinas POV

I was now left with some things left to build my little lab. I used a corner in the bedroom and began to work. I had the window open for any smoke that would arise and kept going.

When I finished I put my computer and gadget on and actually got distracted and started to work on the gauntlets.

I was almost done but needed a welding machine to add some parts. That's like the only thing I didn't get...

With a sigh, I stopped and spun in my chair rolling away thinking. I then realized what I needed and stood up. I had picked up a mechanics suit so I had a black one on and had black smudges around my face and arms.

I'm gonna keep working so I don't care if I'm clean or now. I grabbed my things in a crate and slipped my shoes on grabbing my phone and key card in my pocket.

I then skated out of my room while looking at a map. I found a basement that was labeled workshop. I took the elevator and eventually made it to a dark corridor.

I walked down and flipped a light switch. At the end of the hallway was a large room with levels divided by metal bridges and chained metal floor panels.

I heard voices and searched quietly. I saw Rampart working on Shila while taking to Bangalore. They noticed me and I waved.

"What can I do for you?" Rampart asked as she set her gloves down and helmet up. "Oh, I was looking for a small welding machine so I can work on my gauntlets," I said smiling.

"Let me see." She said walking over. I handed her one and she examined it. "I can do it for you if you want. It doesn't look like much and I have the machine up and running." She commented blowing a bubble with her gun.

"Sure, I don't mind," I said smiling. I set my box down and began to explain the structure and plan of the gauntlets. I put the blueprints on one of her boards and she understood and quickly got to work.

As she did I stood beside her talking to Bangalore while looking at Shila. I didn't touch her and just admired them from afar.

When she stopped I looked over and saw her smiling while looking at the gauntlets in her hand. I walked over and she held them out grinning.

"What gorgeous jewels," I said. I then clicked the release button and they returned to balls. She examened them excitedly and asked to try them.

"Of course. They were made to fit my hands, but are big enough that if I grow a little they would adjust naturally when activated." I said having her hold them in both hands.

"I knew you can handle them, after all, you use Shila," I said as I stood in front of her. He smiled and pressed the buttons.

The gauntlets activated and covered her hands quickly and efficiently. They took an extra second to adjust to her hands then settled.

"Now there is a little pressure point that sets off explosives when you make your hands into fists," I said standing back.

She nodded and went over to a test room beside the workshop. She put goggles on them put her hands in front of her preparing herself.

She then set off the gauntlets. They pushed back on her with force but she stood her ground firmly and adjusted quickly when they stopped.

"If you want the larger explosions, like the ones I use to fly, you would need to go outside or be in an open area," I said showing her the blueprints again.

I showered her the radius increase when the explosions went off in a larger area. The damage also increased drastically.

She got excited and suggested we go outside to a sparring area behind the building. I looked at Bangalore who shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her water bottle.

We collectively went outside with the gauntlets. I was waiting patiently with Bangalore on the sidelines as Rampart stood on a rock. She had a safety mat behind her and got ready. She then jumped and shot an explosion.

I burst out laughing when she fell on the mat after going up a little. I got flicked on the forehead by Bangalore and contained myself as she tried again. She squatted down this time and shot herself higher.

She adjusted quickly. Then she fell but pushed a smaller explosion stopping her fall and lessening it as she landed on her feet stumbling a little.

I clapped loudly and she got excited walking over to me. "I guess you had a lot of practice." She said turning the gauntlets off and handing them over to me.

"Of course. With different models and prototypes." I said as I held them and activated them. I then moved past her jogging a little adjusting my mouth cover.

I then jumped and when I landed I squatted down. Blasting off with an explosion I flew up into the sky. I kept going till I was so high I felt like air.

I then used explosions to project myself downwards and stop my fall from time to time. When I landed I planted my feet firmly and bowed over dramatically as Rampart laughed.

We did this for a while till Rampart got as high as a building and used different magnitudes of explosives.

It was fun and even Valkyrie came over. She introduced herself to me and watched as Rampart went up again.

"I guess I'll be seeing you in the sky." She commented as I got my gauntlets back. I giggled and nodded. "Of course. But I would never dream of trespass on your turf. Besides the ground is where I belong for now." I said as I turned my gauntlets back into balls and put them on the belt I had on for now.

We all chatted for a bit then I excused myself. I turned my sneakers on and went back to the basement. I grabbed my things and made my way onto the elevator.

I set the box down after pressing my button and put some music on my headphones. I adjusted my goggles and knelt down looking through the box.

I searched for the key card I threw in the box earlier when the door opened. I didn't care who came in and instead glanced at the number on the screen.

I have 8 more floors to go. Bopping my head to the music I stood up picking the box up and facing the door. The person was a bit behind me at the other side and I paid them no mind.

When the door opened I walked forward and slid out. They got off as well so I just kept going. When I got to my door I held the box in one hand and opened the door with the card.

I hummed to myself as I opened the door and went in kicking the door softly behind me, but suddenly I heard something. I kept my cool and pretended not to notice.

Through my music, I heard someone grab the door before I shut it. I set my things on the kitchen table and softly mimicked drums from my music as I took my orbs from my belt. I danced a little as I grabbed my phone in one hand and held an orb in the other, with the second being set on the table.

I then touched the activation button quickly jumping back a little and pausing my music. I got ready to set off an explosion when I saw Octane. He had his hands on his goggles and wasn't fazed by my actions.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now