Chapter 23: Medical Exmaination and Sleep

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Cherries POV

When I woke up I found the ship empty. All the legends were heading into the elevator and I saw a single Octane grabbing some things and walking over to me.

"Good nap amiga??" He asked sitting across from me. I yawned and nodded sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Come on, that's all for today, so besides a physical review for your stomach to make sure everything is fine, there isn't anything left." He said as he handed me my shoes and phone.

"Ok. Luckily Natalie was nice enough to not hit me in the gut, can't say the same for me." I said as I stood up and stretched.

I than put my shoes on and began to skate forward tiredly. Octane walked beside me and we left the ship. We waited for the elevator so I stood there with my head down and my eyes closed tiredly.

Then the elevator opened and we went in. I stayed standing amazingly but Octane did have a hand over my shoulder holding me.

When the door opened I opened my eyes and he escorted me to a medical center. I glanced around tiredly and we arrived at a room after a doctor talked to me.

I sat on a medical table waiting and wanting to sleep. Octane on the other hand sat in a chair spinning beside me.

We were soon interrupted by a lady. She walked in with a doctors coat and Lifeline beside her.

Growling a little and pouting I removed the hoodie and was left in my sports bra and shorts. I was cold.

I than held my hands up as I was examined from my chest and my back. "You shouldn't have participated in today's exercise. You could have started to bleed." The doctor said.

"Where's the fun in fighting if you aren't bleeding a little?" I commented bored. The doctor looked at me unamused and began to write on her clipboard.

"I'm writing you an excused for any further participation in physical exercise and the games. Not until I clear you." She said walking around to my back.

"Boring...." I said yawning. "Safe is what it is." She replied and left the room after giving me some medication and a prescription for refills.

Lifeline gave me some advice on how to keep the areas clean after I shower and even gave me a lollipop.

I liked that part so I put the loli in my mouth. "And, im sorry about earlier." She said apologetically. I looked at her seriously and shrugged.

"I don't suspect it was your idea." I said than glanced at Octane who was looking to the side whistling innocently.

She giggled and assured me she really was sorry and she would make it up to me. "It's fine, but if you really wanna to do something, maybe some candies." I said putting the hoodie back on.

She nodded and smiled then excused herself. I waved and she was gone. Octane than stood up and opened the door motioning me to go first.

I skated smoothly and slid out being followed by him. "Did you want to head back to your room?" He asked. I nodded and pulled the hood up bitting the lollipop and throwing the stick to the trash.

After another elevator ride we made it back to the main floor and stood before my door. I than realized something and glanced at Octane.

"Something the matter chika?" He asked curiously. "I left my card in the ship, along with my water bottle." I said. I than reached forward to pop the keypad beside the door and noticed it didn't want to come undone. It was tight.

"We had them upgraded a little after how easily you got in to both your room and mine without the keys." He said chuckling. I let the key pad go and rubbed my arm awkwardly.

I did break them open forcefully so I should have seen it coming. Of course they would have fixed the way the keypads open easily. Maybe to ensure the privacy of the legends.

"Tell you what, you can wait in my room, and I'll run up to the ship to get your water bottle and key card back. Sound good?" Octavio suggested as he motioned me to follow.

"Ok, but I'm really tired, so hurry up.." I said yawning and following closely. We than made our way to his room which he opened quickly.

He let me in and I set my phone by the door and walked as he escorted me to his couch. He cleared some cans and actually went on a 5 minute quick cleaning raid of the apartment. Mostly putting a bunch of cans in bags and leaving them by the door.

After a bit I wanted to lay down, but I hate sleeping on couches. I than saw him go into his room with the bag and clean more.

I walked over to him and saw his bed was messy but looked comfy and had lots of blankets. "Sorry for the mess." Octavio kept saying as he finished grabbing the cans and left to the main room again.

He than set the bag down and opened his door. "I'll be right back hermosa." He said and he seemed to leave. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go back to the couch and looked back at the bed.

I stared hard at his bed then decided to remove my shoes and climb into the mountain of blankets. They smelled freshly cleaned. Maybe used once, last night.

Smiling I closed my eyes and enjoyed the growing warmth. I then smelled something I small bottle by the bed on a drawer.

I sniffed and it was cologne. I reached and grabbed it. He smells green, and gives off energetic energy. I sniffed it and it was defiantly what he was wearing.

It felt dark, but when put into light looked like the monster energy drink. Smiling I sprayed it on myself and stopped when I realized what I was doing.

'Weirdo....' I thought as I put the cologne back and closed my eyes getting comfy again. It's smells nice.

I usually prefer wearing cologne because it smells nice. Feeling silly but uncontrolling I opened my eyes a little and lifted the hoodie where I sprayed it and smelled it.

It was comforting so I closed my eyes nuzzled in the hoodie.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now