Chapter 11: Octane

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Cherries POV

"Octane isn't in the best shape friend." Pathfinder said catching up to me. I glanced at him. "Who would be after all of that happened." Lifeline said catching up as well to walk beside me.

"My bad." I said scratching my head feeling bad for a second. They took me down some halls than we got to a room.

They left me to myself and said they would be nearby if anything happened. They even gave me there numbers to keep in touch. Path was especially excited.

I smiled and waved than turned to the door. I didn't bother knocking and instead popped the keypad open and opened the door than put the pad back.

I walked into the dark room and closed the door behind me. There was neon green lights and the kitchen was turned into a lab.

I heard music blasting form speakers and I don't think he heard me come in. Entering the bedroom I saw a mass under a bunch of blankets and thought he may be sleeping. I went to the speaker and shut it off.

I heard him grunt and growl than get out of the covers looking up at me. He froze. I glanced at the table beside the speaker and saw my knife.

"Not very nice to take others things. Although since you were supposed to kill me I guess it could have counted as a trophy. Either way you should have taken both." I said picking it up.

I took my other one out and looked at him. He didn't have his mouth cover on and was in a grey t-shirt with neon green designs as well as some neon green gym shorts.

He got out of bed and stood beside me. He than removed his goggles and damn, he was quit attractive. He seemed to be out of it. Rubbing his eyes to be sure I was real.

"Did they not tell you I was alive?" I asked as I held the knife out to him. He looked confused and unsure at the knife than at me.

"Or did you want to try again?" I asked turning to face him. He looked down at me than took the knife throwing it to the side.

"My brother gave me those man." I said walking and picking it up. "Geez. I know I can be intense so I'm sorry if I spoked you, but I was being entirely serious." I said turning to look at him. I froze when I felt him grab me. He took both knives form my hands and tossed them onto the bed.

He then moved me to sit on the bed. I sat unsure till he pulled a chair and sat in front of me. He than motioned to my sweatshirt.

"Oh." I said pulling it up. He looked for a minute then covered his face with his hands. I looked down and realized how hard this might be for him.

In the games none of the damage in permanent. They heal and respawn. But I almost died, which was fun, but I can understand how he might be feeling.

"No worries dude, I'm fine. If anything, I wish it did kill me. Im sorry for everything I said about you. I never thought I would meet someone worthy of killing me." I said as I stood up.

"That wasn't ok chika." He simply said than went to his kitchen thing. "But how was I supposed to experience the Apex Blood Games without actually risking my life??" I asked walking over to him.

He didn't answer me so I just sighed. "Well, I'll get out of your hair than..." I said as I went to the door opening it and closing it behind me. I skated down the hallway going back to my room.

I packed all my things as well as my suitcase. I than looked at a calendar and saw all the legends. "Maybe if I made a better impression and didn't act crazy, I might have friends. Than again, who wants to be normal." I put my goggles on as well as mouth cover and sat in the bed.

I grabbed a sticky pad from the kitchen table and wrote a final message.

'I'm sorry if my actions seemed harsh and insane. I don't think like most of you, so please try and understand. I did want to die, and at the time wanted the speed demon to do it. I see now that I may have scared him in a way, so I will look for someone else. I enjoyed the game, and maybe it could be fun to play with everyone again. To be a legend, however I know the current situation has that in the air, so I think it's best I leave.'

I set the pen down and stuck the note to the back of the door. I than opened the door and walked out closing it behind me.

I got to the elevator and made it to the bottom floor. I wasn't in my gear so the only thing making me stand out was my hair, but no one seemed to notice.

Guess Lifeline thought Octane would watch me. I got to the front door and exited. I walked down the street heading for a bus stop but halted when I remembered my knives.

"Well, it's something to remember me by. However, I don't think it will be a found memory." I said as I kept walking. My stomach grumbled so I picked up some dinner.

I ate at a bus stop and got on when it arrived. I opened my phone looking at the maps deciding where to go next.

Maybe I'll stay here for a bit, I don't really have any plans... I got off at a nice hotel near the one I was at before. I went in and booked a room. Although they seemed reluctant because this was high class and I looked like a bum in my sweatshirt and sweats.

I however didn't care and payed in full with my card. I payed for a week which was fine. I than went up to my room.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now