Chapter 31: The Titanus Blood Trials

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Catalinas POV

I opened my phone and carefully sat up. I made sure he was ok and stepped into the other room. I answered and leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Cherry," I stated. "Hey hey, little sister. So Jesse left earlier in a rush." I heard Ares say. "I assume he contacted you after he got released from the hospital," I said.

"Indeed, and while we had been working on his training together, he didn't bring you up until we finished. I gave him a good beating after he did because we could have gone through more intense and rigorous training but he was eager to get started." He said to me.

"Maybe it's because standing behind anyone's name to get something else bothers him. Like his dad for example." I noted to him.

"Most likely, but anyway, he left with a prize from my arsenal so be ready Cherry," Ares said with a chuckle.

"From your arsenal?" I asked grinning. "I was surprised too, it was amazing. After his defeat to you in the games, he trained intensely in such a short time and even got me by surprise once. And you know my rules little sister, anyone who can impress me at my own games gets anything from my arsenal. No one has ever come close, but Jesse is something else." He said chuckling with glee and psychotic thoughts.

"Well, I guess I'll have to see how he does. If he fails, I'll send him right back to you." I replied to him giggling. If he fails I'll rube it in Ares's face forever because he always brags he's a better instructor since he's the official family trainer.

"You know, no one has ever beaten my trials and gotten a prize from my arsenal before Cherry. So what happens if he wins your trials?" Ares asked seriously. My smile dropped and I spoke seriously and clearly.

"If he succeeds I'll make him a Titanus," I said coldly. "We haven't had a new Titanus since mom," Ares replied with the same energy. "She proved it could still be done, to join the Titanus family without being born into it. Before mom, it had been almost two whole decades since anyone attempted the Titanus Blood Trails." I said.

"It's in your hands then Cherry. As the successor to Grandmother Catalina, you are the only one of us with the power to announce a new Titanus. As the heir of course." He said with a chuckle.

"You don't have to remind me. Besides, it was your birthright, it wasn't my place to challenge you, Ares. I was rash and out of place when I came back." I said feeling bad. My ears suddenly perked when I heard the bed move.

I glanced to my side and saw Octane yawn and walked over plopping his head on my shoulder while holding me from behind.

"Sorry if I woke you," I whispered. He shook his head and just relaxed. "You did win after all, anyway, I'll talk to you later. I'll be stopping by soon enough to see how things are going. Mom wants a progress check." Ares said and quickly he hung up.

I turned the phone off then stared into space for a while. Turning I faced Octane hugging his chest. I slumped and melted into his embrace with my eyes closed.

I felt Octane hold me then bent down and pick me up bridal style. "What's the matter, Catalina?" He questioned nuzzling me. "A family burden that weighs more than you could ever know," I said as I sighed and tried to relax in his arms.

"Can I asked?" He questioned. I opened my eyes and saw him walking over to the couch and sat down. He paid attention and was all ears.

I got out of his grasp and stood in front of him. I then pulled my hoodie down from the neck and showed him my chest.

He looked away blushing but I smacked him. Over my heart, I was branded with a T. It was in strange lettering but it looked similar to a T with borders of leaves and vines.

"It's a T for Titanus. The family crest of my people." I said. I made sure to not show him my boobs but it did go a bit on my left side.

I pulled the sweatshirt up and saw a weird look on his face. "Don't give me that look, you blew your legs off," I said flicking his forehead.

He chuckled and rubbed his head. "I don't mind hurting for my stunts Chika, but seeing you hurt is another matter." He said.

I gave him a raspberry then got serious again. "I was branded after stealing it from my brother," I said sitting on his lap sideways.

He looked confused but put his hand on my back motioning me to continue. I sighed and looked to the side.

"When I returned to my family after leaving...Kai...I was crazier than ever. I was dancing with death and didn't care what I did every day. So when I saw Ares again we made jokes about his responsibilities as the older brother. By birthright, he was the heir of the Titanus family...." I said closing my eyes and leaning on Octavio's body.

"He always complained about it when we were children, but the family had yet to commence the trials so only by name was he held as the heir. So one day, when I was bored I hung out with Ares and he brought up his title and how he wasn't looking forward to the tests the following month. I was an idiot and challenged him for his name. His role in the family as the firstborn heir. It was a joke but I really wanted to fight him to prove I could if I wanted to..." I said. I then stood up and stepped away for a second. Turning I looked at Octavio.

"My father heard of my joke and took it seriously. My grandmother always wanted me to have the role, so my father started a duel between my brother and me... and I won..." I said looking to the side and holding my hands.

"I was excited and Ares was happy to be rid of the burden, but after the trials, after my head slowed down. My heart caught up and I realized my mistake. It wasn't my place as his younger sister to question his ability to lead the family, and it wasn't my place to challenge him. It was disrespectful." I looked at Octavio and stood proudly but sadly.

"I am Catalina Titanus. Daughter of Cronus and Valentina Titanus, heir to the family thrown." I said running my hands through my hair. He stood up and held his hand out.

I was confused but took his hand. "Octavio Silva, former heir to the Silva family." He said. I got curious and sat down patting the spot beside me.

"So what's your story? I know bits and pieces from media but I don't know much." I said as he sat down.

He scratched his head then turned and began to speak to me about his family.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now