Chapter 32: Blowing your legs off again?

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Catalinas POV

He told me things about his father specifically and his relationship with it. He got excited when he brought up a pet, and how he became a daredevil. His first Apex game, his stim, his jump pad.

I was left curious and full of questions so when he finished I asked away. When I asked him about his father he seemed unsure of how to feel, but after he told me more about it I was clearly upset at his father. I didn't say anything however and just stayed in my place for now.

When he finished I felt like I knew him better and it made him smile. "Well nice to meet you, Silva," I spoke with a grin as I ruffled his hair. He in return chuckled and stood up grabbing me bridal style and spinning around.

"YOU AS WELL TITANUS!!" He shouted. I pushed him off of me giggling and he let me go. "Anyways, I have to meet with someone later so I need to get some things," I said as I went into my room.

"Because I'm still in a recovery period," I said blowing a raspberry, "I have some free time to burn through," I said as I picked up an electric tablet and began to search through some things. Octane came over and sat beside me on the bed as I pulled up a video from my first game.

I paused at Jesse's face and pulled up another image that I found online with him beside his dad. "OH!!! IT'S THE FUN KID!!" Octane shouted excitedly as he remembered him from my fight. "That's Jesse," I said pointing at him.

"The second-place winner!!! Yeah, I heard of him. He's been taken into consideration for next season's legends. Ajay told me the board is highly pushing him in, but they aren't sure yet because of his performance before he met you and before your fight. She said something like, 'he did not show off enough, so he's still a mystery to them', which I guess makes sense." He inserted as he tried to remember more.

I nodded and slowly went through the video and paused where the camera caught me writing on his arm than his other. Octane tried to look but it was kinda blurry. "What did you write?" He asked as he squinted his eyes to try to see but it was no use.

"I was impressed by his determination and tenacity to win, even though I could tell he was sure he couldn't beat me. He still did his best, even after taking one of my punches to the gut, like Mrs. Paquette. He made me fight him as I do to my brother, and in those cases, we tend to almost kill each other. Anyways, I had written down an address which belongs to Ares. It's in some mountains on a snowy planet that he's inhabiting. It belongs to my little sister for testing out weapons and new gadgets so Aries on occasion gets shipments from her and sends back detailed reviews." I said looking up the planets on my secure channel.

"Since Ares isn't the heir, he became the trainer of the family. So when a Titanus has a child, or when a new one joins, his job is to train them until they are of Titanus statues. He also runs exercise tests and challenges because it is a requirement to be strong. We haven't had new blood in the family since my mother married in, and we haven't had new children since me and my siblings, so he's been bored for a while." I said laying back on my bed. Octane did the same and listened closely, so I could tell he was interested in my family.

"I, as the family heir, am in charge of a certain aspect that I alone must decide. In truth, I will conduct the Titanus Blood Trails on Jesse, and if he succeeds, I'll make him a Titanus." I said turning my head to face Octane. He seemed amazed and shocked.

With a giggle, I turned to face him on the bed and grabbed his face. "It's ok if you don't understand. It's a lot to take in, but for me and my family, my people, this is a great honor. If someone stands against normality, breaks the threshold, they have every right to challenge the Titanus Blood Trials." I said running my fingers through his hair.

I then let go and faced the ceiling. "Can anyone do it?" He asked sitting up. I glanced then closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

"In order to be considered for the trials, one must fight Ares. Named after a God of War, he doesn't dishonor the name. He is chaos and as such, one must be acknowledged by first the heir than sent to Ares. He will run tests and if his trials are passed they are sent my way. Once I see potential in the possibility of them succeeding I commence my trials. In the end, anyone can do it, but few ever get past the trainer much less start the real trials." I said sitting up and nudging him.

He was shaking. I was concerned and looked at his face and saw a wide grin. "Your family likes me, yes?" He asked in a way that already answered his question as he looked at me.

"Yes, why?" I asked raising an eyebrow. His eyes were filled with something. A challenge. My face went blank when I understood and for a second my eyes went dull. "No." I said standing and walking into the kitchen.

"You said anyone can do what's stopping me? I did tell you I wouldn't let you go chika, and that we will kill each other forever. Besides, I am your fathers 'son-in-law', right? I'm gonna go through your trials eventually." Octane said. His footsteps approached and he stood beside me as I turned on a pot and put water in it.

He than put his hands behind his head for support and began to day dream while humming to himself. His smile turned into a smirk and his confidence and cockyness were radiating off him.

This angered me and I found myself shaking when I took tea out of the cupboard. I set it down and heard him laughing to himself so I slammed my hands on the counter.

I than turned around to face him seeing his smile fade as he turned to face me. "That's not funny, Octavio!!!!" I shouted.

"Being a Titanus isn't another one of your games, and neither am I. Think about it, you never know what lies in the future, and no one ever leaves the familia!!!" I shouted at him.

I looked down with my eyes clenched as I took deep breaths. "Once you are branded with the family crest, there's no going back, so think about what you wish for before you blow your legs off again. Next time, it may be your life." I said as I than turned pausing for a second with my back to him.

He didn't say anything so I just walked forward and grabbed some cups. I understand my personality and how rash and brutal I can be with my life, how careless and ignorant I am...but it feels weird for me to see him do the same.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now