Chapter 9: A worthy death

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Cherries POV

"I'm gonna make you eat your words Cherry." He said. My name leaving his lips fired me up even more and in a way made me feel turned on.

I wanted to run at him now and cut him down, but I controlled myself. Than I saw him check his amo reserves and put my headphones up hearing him curse.

He must not have a lot left. I grinned turning my shoes on and running in a big circle around him dodging at cover and kept going. He saw and began to shoot me.

I got behind a bolder and took my raincoat off. I then threw a pink grenade over the rock and one under my feet.

I had some time left and skated out of there. He used a jump pad and jumped over the rock but didn't see me.

He looked at his gun and dropped it because he ran out of amo. He had a Hemlock before but was now left with a Havoc.

I watched from a bush than grabbed another pink smoke bomb but stopped when I felt bullets hit my arm. I dropped the grenade causing it to go off and giving me cover to run to one of the buildings. I dodged his bullets as I ran and closed the door behind me.

I held my R-301 in my hand as I looked at the bullet holes in the other. He had grazed me and shot through my arm.

Grinning I felt my blood pumping. It was such a rush. The blood dripping and running down my arm was exhilarating.

I heard him running than dropped my guns. He busted the door open and saw me taking my shield off.

"I want to hear you take back the words you said earlier amiga." He said as he entered. He stopped when he saw what I was doing.

I emptied my inventory and everything. He looked confused. "I declare you the strongest Octane, and will proudly fight you." I said taking my knives out shaking in excitement.

He didn't say anything than bursted out laughing. He stripped himself of everything and took out a butterfly knife.

"Let's do this." He said as he began to circle me. I did the same shaking and giggling under my breath. He than busted out a Stim needle injecting it into his chest.

I in turn used my boots and we began to fight each other swiftly. He dodged, I dodged, he got sliced a little, I got sliced a little.

It was truly the best way to die. "OCTANE!! I take back everything I said!! You're the most fun I've had in years. I promise I'll kill you!! And if it's the other way around, SO BE IT!!!" I shouted as I jumped back than got low and launched at him.

He laughed and we kept going. After a bit his stim was out and my boots were over used. We stood in front of each other breathing deeply and still holding our weapons up.

"I can't think of a better way to bite the dust Speed Demon..." I said as I mustered my energy into a cross slash. He quickly pulled back and launched forward dropping me to the ground.

I had let my weapons go and they clanked as they fell.

He was now above straddling me as he slammed the knife down. I caught it and it was a difficult struggle. "GLORIOUS!!!" I shouted laughing like a maniac.

He giggled and pulled back than slammed it down to my gut. I stopped and he did to. He jumped up cheering.

"Now for the finisher my friend..." he said darkly as he took out a grenade. He turned and saw the blood oozing out of my body.

He seemed to freeze. Maybe they don't bleed this much? I took hold of the butterfly knife as I sat up against the wall.

I took my mouth cover off and blood gushed form my lips. He seemed unsure than I heard through his ear piece someone was yelling at him.

I heard bits and pieces of the voice telling him it was real.

He looked distracted than panicked as he got on his knees beside me. "What a pity. They found out." I said as I pushed the knife deeper.

He grabbed my hand trying to prevent me from pushing deeper but it was to late. I felt the knife hit the wall and I couldn't go deeper. He seemed fidgety. He than looked me in the eyes and removed my googles.

I winced than opened my eyes looking him in his. "What fun would it be if this wasn't a real blood sport?.... Don't worry, my will was written 3 years ago. No one will ever be arrested for my murder, you're fine. I on the other hand, finally get what I've always wanted. A death and a killer worthy of snatching my life from me." I said smiling. I then coughed and slumped to the side and threw up feeling the blood in my throat because he grazed my lung and as I was breathing the cut got bigger.

He panicked and tried to cover the bleeding. He even tried to heal me but it wasn't working. "Thank you Octane." I said closing my eyes accepting my fate as I heard ships landing close by.

I was fading and with a smile I felt the pain leave my body and fill with bliss. I felt like I was in a pool of black water and was just floating. It felt calm.

I liked it. Suddenly I felt my body pulsing and I opened my eyes feeling blood and air fill my lungs. I was feeling massive amounts of adrenalin. It was filling my veins and I could swear I was hearing colors and shapes.

I was to spaced out to notice what was happening but my body was on fire and I couldn't stop shaking. I than felt tired again and looked beside me to see a medic injecting me with something as another tried to stop the bleeding.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now