Chapter 34: Tartarus, and his return

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Cherries POV

The alarm went off and after the first second of it going off, I shut it down. Octane moved a little in his sleep but soon settled down.

I carefully assessed our position and he was actually spooning me. I carefully removed his arm from my waist and got out of his grasp.

I then went to my closet and grabbed clothes to change into. After removing my comfy attire, I put on my gear.

After adjusting my grey camo one piece I slipped on the long socks, as well as the arm guards. I made sure everything was comfortable, specifically the guards because they were just long fingerless gloves and sometimes they feel off.

Once I was sure I put on my neon pink body harness. I was sure to secure it and included my knife holsters and the knives, as well as my elbow and knee pads.

This part took a while but when I finished I slipped my shoes on, tied the laces then put my utility belt on adding everything. Including my orbed gauntlets, I also added two pistol holsters. I however couldn't find my guns in my closet.

Carefully I opened the door and looked at the bed seeing him still asleep. Cautious and alert I glanced at my work table and saw my pink and silver twin 45's. I went back into the closet and grabbed an extra pair of goggles. Putting them on I adjusted the setting and listened closely.

I listened to his breathing and exited the closet. I then slowly picked up the guns and checked the ammo making sure I had filled them. After I cleared both of them I put them in their holsters and glanced at Octavio.

His breathing and heart rate were consistent so I relaxed a little. I then turned my boots on and had them on a low setting so I glided softly.

Grabbing my raincoat I slipped it on and went to the bathroom. I adjusted my hair and did a bit of makeup which looked cute.

Titanus eyes have a unique dark look to them so I didn't do much but add lipgloss and pluck my eyebrows a little. My bright eyes contrast the dark look which makes my eyes look intense.

I finished by running my fingers through my hair and putting my goggles on as well as pulling my mouth cover up.

Glancing out I saw Octane and exited the room. Snatching my phone and my key card I exited my small home and swiftly went to the elevator.

I went to the third floor and looked around. I than approached a railing that lined the middle of the buildings.

Looking down I saw the second floor railing as well as the main floor. I leaned and watched keeping my eyes open for Jesse.

I waited for some time then got a call. I looked at my phone and saw the number that called me earlier. Glancing down I saw someone enter the building. They stood out and I could tell they didn't quite belong.

They had a gas mask-looking cover that had big goggles attached. His hair, which was once a mid-neck long ginger mop, was now cut short all around and left at a medium length at the top. Some locks of his hair dangled in front of him but overall looked messy.

He had a black coat that was kinda long and black cargo pants. His belt had some things that were hard to see from here, and he had heavy-duty boots.

It was funny to look back on that football makeshift armor he once had and what he looks like now. The only real color I saw was his hair and the goggles which had a bright pink lance tint to them.

The Speed Demon and the Suicidal Maniac (Octane x OC) (Apex Legends)Where stories live. Discover now