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"It's vanilla but plot twist it's actually chocolate." Jack J badgers in his mischievous tone as he enters the kitchen with a tray and cake in his hands.

My eyebrows raise at the dessert and Jack G's hand brushes up and down my back, "wow, it looks um,"

"Original." he concludes behind me.

The entire day Jack had avoided my messages and texts and I was beginning to get paranoid and upset, thinking this was going to be the worst birthday ever because my mom told me she had to "work." I know she actually doesn't, I've apperceived her schedule.

My dad didn't call me at all, and of course Mallory didn't text me. So when Jack told me to come over, I found out that him and Jack J were working on concocting this cake for me all day, my hopes were turned back up.

"It does. It's perfect." I concede and look at the cake that is incautiously slanted to the side and sprinkled with hard work, "you didn't have to do all of this though." I tell them.

"We know." They say, concurrently. When I gaze between both of them, I can't help but desolve into laughter, "I just wanted you to have an alright birthday, this is a big enough party, right?" Gilinsky leans down as he speaks, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Definitely. Best party I've been at all year." I can't help the stupid smile on my face as Jack J begins to light the crappy candles. I haven't had an actual cake since I was very young, four. I always go out to a petite dinner with my parents but this year has been flipped around and they won't be by me anytime soon.

Jack turns his head as it still rests my shoulder and kisses right under my ear, and another one in the middle of my cheek, I laugh at the feeling before shifting my shoulder at an attempt to margin him away.

Johnson's gaze lightly moves away from the two of his, a somewhat vague look of disappointment passes through his blue eyes before it seems to shake off immediately as he impetuously begins to sing Happy Birthday in an abhorrent way before the asshole behind me decides to join in. They make sure it's loud and emphatic, heavy and crazy, but I wouldn't want another duo to do it for me.

As they hold onto the last note in a rather dramatic way, I wish a meager wish before I blow the fire off of the thin wax. Jack J claps his small hands together in a youthful way with a big smile plastered across his white face. I grin as Jack's arms wrap around the front of my chest as he still stands behind me.

"Do you wanna go somewhere? Like bowling or something? Jack J asks as he sits down.

"Bowling?" Gilinsky makes fun of his suggestion in a pestering way, leading Jack to rolls his eyes.

"I don't know, it's only eight, why not?" He shrugs and takes his phone out. I reach across the table for the large knife and slice it down the middle of the frosting, the vanilla coating covers the actual chocolate cake and it looks much more flattering on the inside rather than the outside.

"Not before the cake, I wanna see how it tastes." Jack admits before unwrapping his arms around my shoulders and sitting down at the chair next to me.

He takes the sharp object out of my hand and begins to cut the rest of the small cake into thick triangles before placing it on each napkin in front of us. "You go first." Jack G eggs me on.

"What if it's poisoned?" I turn to him, my eyes full of jest and humor.

"Damn it, the secrets out."

I giggle before turning my fork over and cutting a corner off of the piece, as soon as it goes on my tongue I'm authetically taken aback on how favorable it is.

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