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"Taylor, wake up."

My eyes open a little just so I can see through the opening of my eyelids, Jack stands over me, already dressed.

"What?" I mumble

"I just want you to wake up, I'm bored."

I roll my eyes and fall back down on the bed.

Last night was easy to sleep, but I still haven't forgotten about what happened with Grace.

And I know, in all reality I shouldn't be upset because me and Jack weren't and aren't official, but the fact he did things with me, and jumped right to the girl that happens to hate me, hurts.

In all honestly I don't get Jack at all, I get he wants me to be with him most of the time, but he had hooked up with Grace, and he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend, I'm not being needy I just want to know what he's doing with me.

"I have to take a shower." He says

"That's great." My sleepy, sarcastic voice peaks

"Do you need one?"

"I'll just take one later."

I hear him move around a little while I try to go back to sleep, "just take one with me." He says and my eyes widen

"What?" I sit up

"Don't wanna waste water." He smiles

I begin to smile but I shake my head.

I admit I would love to, but taking a shower together is too much, especially when I'm still now over seeing him kiss someone else. Ouch.

He shrugs, "suit yourself." He says

I smile as I watch him walk into the bathroom, I get up and start to go downstairs to make myself breakfast.

I don't want to ask, but I want to know what me and Jack are, I want to know what I'm supposed to call him if someone were to ask. I'm not the type of person that can be thrown around, taken in by Jack only when he wants me, and thrown out when he's found someone better.

I don't think I would be able to handle it.


Jack walks down the stairs with wet hair and only a towel around his waist, I try my best to act like his appearance doesn't cause me to be any other way than normal.

"What did you eat?" He asks as he opens the fridge


He sighs, "I need more food I guess."

"No it's fine, I don't need much." I assure him

He closes the fridge, turns to me and rests his elbows on the counter, "how's your eye?"

"It doesn't hurt." I partially lie

He looks at it for a minute, "Sammy's so fucking stupid." He breathes

"It was my fault that I didn't have my seat belt on, don't blame him, please." I beg.

"I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just saying." He takes out a water bottle

I continue to scroll through my phone, "I'm guessing we're not going back to school then?"

"Of course not. It's Summer."

I nod.

"I should go to the store and get groceries." He says, annoyed

"I'll come with." I say

He nods, "I was gonna make you come with anyways but," he shrugs

I laugh and go to the bottom of the stairs to grab my suitcase, grabbing running shorts and a t shirt.

"So you just, packed your bag and left?" Jack sits on his bed.

I nod, "Not all of my clothes, but whatever was folded in my drawers." I breathe a laugh, now that I look back at my actions, I did look insane.

I walk to the bathroom and change, putting my hair into a effortless pony tail before walking back out.

"You wanna go now?" He asks

I nod, "I don't wanna stay in all day."

He grabs his keys and slips on his shoes, "we should go get your car from Mallory's later," we both get in his car at the same time.

"Yeah," I play with my finger nails before speaking again, "so what did Sammy say last night to you? After I called him?" I ask as he begins to pull out

"Um.." He tries to maintain a conversation while keeping his eyes on the road, "he said where you were and stuff and then he said you needed someone, and he knew that he wasn't the one you needed."

My cheeks burn at his words, he looks at me and smiles, "aw, don't be embarrassed baby." My heart leaps at his name for me, and I get more red, which causes him to laugh.

He pulls into the grocery store, we get out and meet on the other side of the car. I begin to walk next to him and he takes my hand in his, entwining his fingers with mine.

I look down at our hands and back up at him, his eyes are forwards, acting as if his gesture was regular and that it isn't a big deal towards him when it's making me insane.

He lightly swings our arms back at forth, causing me to smile. We walk in the grocery store and he let's go of my hand to grab a cart.

"So you come here to get food for one person a lot?" I ask

He continues to roll down an isle, looking for a box of granola bars, "i guess, but now I'm buying for two people." He smirks at me

"You don't have to buy me a thing."

"Yes I do, you're with me-"

"Jack?" A women's voice says behind us, I turn to see an older women, with dark hair looking at Jack contently.

"Hey aunt Claire." He smiles and walks towards her, she looks at him before they wrap their arms around each other. I stand their awkwardly before they part, I smile big at her.

"Hi honey." She puts her hand out for me and I shake it, "hi, I'm Taylor."

"Is this your girlfriend?" She raises her eyebrows and smiles towards Jack, my stomach twists in a million knots and my eyes get a little wider, not much so she can see.

He looks down at me, studying my eyes as I look back into his with nerves.

"Yeah." He turns his head back and smiles 

My heart lifts at his words but I know that he had to say that, wether or not it was true, which it isn't.

"Beautiful, both of you!" She laughs, "how's Laura?" She asks Jack

"She's good." He nods

"Alright, don't be a stranger, come by soon Jack." She smiles

He laughs, "okay." Before she walks away

His fake smile comes off his face and he rubs his temples, "she's sweet." I smile

"She's fucking annoying." He says before throwing the box in the cart

"She's just being polite, Jack."

"No she's being nosey and rude."

"Oh and you've never been either of those things?" I make sure the sass in my voice is obvious

He begins to speak, but looks at me and stops, he laughs, "touché."

His 'comeback' makes me laugh as we continue down the store together, as if we were a couple.

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