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"Don't you guys think we should get jobs?" Sam asks as he drives down the long road.

A few days have passed since everything settled down, we all decided it was time to head home though, even though I didnt want to.

I knew I had to face my mother, I couldn't go back to Jacks house, I can't ignore her forever.

"I was thinking about getting one at the pool." Mallory says as she picks chips from the crinkled bag in the middle of her and Johnson

"I don't need one." Jack G mumbles as he scrolls through his phone

"You should get one, I will if you do." I suggest

He looks up from his phone, "what would we even do?"

"I don't know, just a summer job or something."

He rolls his eyes, not at me but at the thought of actually having a job.

We pull into my driveway first and I try to climb over the seat in front of me before falling onto Mallory's lap, Jack begins to climb over the seat as well, "what are you doing?" I raise my eyebrows as I step foot onto the Omaha ground

"Coming in with you?" He says like it's so obvious before climbing over the backseat.

"No I need to go in alone so my mom doesn't kill me more than she already wants to." I smile, he looks at me for a few moments, "okay." He says

I begin to walk away but his big hand grasps my wrist, pulling me back where the car door is wide open. He kisses me on the lips for a few seconds, nothing but sweetness, which he doesn't really do.

I smile and grab my bag from the back, "What a whipped pussy!" Sam chants and I see Jack slap the back of his head.

I begin to walk up to the big front door with something kicking my stomach from inside, I had run out on my mom and left with all my stuff last time I was here, because I was frustrated with her, which I'm still surprised I did.

I open the door without knocking and turn to my left, to see my mother with her
legs crossed on our old chair, a cup of coffee in hand, staring out the window.

"Hi mother." I say and let my bag fall to the floor

She continues to stare out the window before bringing the mug to her lips, "I see you and Jack are together again."

"We were never not together." I lie, I don't want to give her satisfaction that me and Jack are barely dating

She rolls her eyes and brings the drink back up to her lip sticked lips, she's holding back a big blow, something that will make me frustrated with her in seconds, and it eases my shoulder knowing she doesn't want to get a rise out of me this early in the game.

"How has dad been?" I walk over

She's dressed in her work clothes, just about to leave out the door I'm sure.

"Down in Florida, working." She says

I've always wondered ever since I was little, when my mom and dad leave to go to such nicer and better states, why we live in the middle of the United States, in the middle of Nebraska.

We do have one of the best houses in the town, even though I could care less, it's obvious that people know we have money, and that's all my mother cares about.

I suppose she picked a place where it's normal, so that she could have the best place and everyone would know it, she wouldn't want the competition of the rich people in LA or some parts of Florida.

"When will he be coming home?" I ask as she stands up and flattens the crinkles in her tight skirt.

"I'm not sure, Taylor." She strides to the kitchen and I follow behind her, I sit on the stool and watch as she washes her coffee mug out, "he's very busy where he is, I don't attempt to bother him."

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