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"What are you, why are you here." Jack's voice is different, thick, strong, but weak at the same time.

"Where's Molly and Laura?" He ignores Jack's question, causing his fists to ball up at his sides

"Why the fuck are you here?" Jack's eyes flash with anger, I back away.

The mans smile disappears as he looks at Jack, "This is my house, I should be able to come and go whenever I please."

Jack scoffs, "This isn't your fucking house, you haven't been here in years, get the fuck out." He takes a step closer and I squeeze his arm lightly a

I've already guessed that this is Jack's dad, it's more than obvious. I never got around to asking Jack about his family really, I always knew he was uneasy about the subject, so I didn't ask, but I tried harder now.

"Jack," The man breathes, Jack's fists are so clenched that his knuckles are pale white, it's taking everything he has not to beat the crap out of this guy, and im holding onto him tight.

The mans eyes travel to mine, seeming to notice my appearance, his brown eyes are kind, nothing but sweetness behind them. I realize I look like a scared little girl hiding behind Jack so I step away from his back, his hand grabs my arm and I shake him off.

"Hi," He greets me

"Don't talk to her." Jack snaps

I look at Jack, my natural reaction is to say hi back to the man, but with Jack's eyes looking into mine with desperation, something is telling me to stay beside him and keep my mouth shut.

"Why are you here." Jack pushes

"Why can't I?"

"Where's my mom then?" His voice is on edge, I don't think I've ever heard it like this.

The mans face changes, guilt creeping into his eyes "don't talk about her in front of me."

If looks could kill, this guy would be long gone.

"Don't you dare fucking act like you have a right to be upset that she's gone!" He screams, I shrink back, I would never be scared of Jack, I'm only scared of the words coming off his tongue. Gone?

"I miss her just as much as you! I came here to be with you!" He yells, but collects himself quickly, "You don't have anyone but me and your sisters, and I see they've already your juvenile behavior."

"My juvenile behavor?" His eyes widen, "You fucking-" he stops abruptly, frustrated so much he can't let the words out, "Fuck you." He clenches his jaw

He seems unaffected by Jack's words, "I know you're upset with me, you have every right to be."

Jack looks baffled, like this man words can't be real, like he couldn't in any way be serious, "Fuck this." Jack grabs my arm and pulls me from the kitchen, I shake his arm off and he grabs it again.

"Jack." I start, "Get in the car." He cuts me off while opening the front door, I obey him as long as I hear his loud foot steps following behind me

When he slams the car door shut after mine he rushes out of the driveway, "Jack what,"

"I don't want to fucking talk about it." His head is spinning, I can tell by how red his cheeks are, his blood is boiling, but I need to know now.

"Jack tell me." I push and he looks at me, "No." He snaps

"Tell me or I'm leaving." Which is inaccurate, I can't leave a moving car and I wouldn't leave him right now

He takes a deep breath and clenches his jaw tight, "jerk." He mumbles, I shouldn't use his need for me against him, but I want to and need to know why he's that way towards his dad, his mom, his sisters? He's avoided it since I brought it up the first time, and I'm not letting him do it again.

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