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The next morning I lay on my side and prop myself up on my elbow, watching Taylor as she sleeps, I don't know if that's creepy, but I can't stop myself. I'm actually surprised I found my way to sleep last night, I'm really confused on why I didn't go on a hike to find Cameron and pound his head into the sidewalks cement.

Not like I could've left last night, though. She looks so much better this morning, the color is back in her face, one cheek seems more red than the other, I can't help but think it's a bruise, she must have fallen when she was starting to drink. Her eyes are lightly fluttered shut versus the way they were squeezed and confined last night.

Just watching her slowly breathe in and out makes me smile like an idiot, she really is a beauty to watch. What am I going to do for her birthday? I'm definitely not throwing her a shit party because we all know what would happen if I did, I would like it to be just us, but I can't help but think her mom will "want to be with her," I know Taylor wouldn't want that though.

She really doesn't have any friends anymore, hell, I don't either. Sure she was Miss. Popular while school was going on but that's just a different story, now that we all know Grace and her little friend are faker than their own boobs, she really doesn't have anyone, besides me of course.

She had Mallory, and it blows my mind how she could do something like that to her, they've been friends since Preschool, like me and Johnson, it's crazy how it's all over in a night.

How could that girl possibly think that I would 'hook up' with her? I'm done with all of that stuff, I have been since I started everything with Taylor, her 'best friend.'

If I were to let anyone else spend her birthday with her, it would only be Jack J, not Sam, now that I'm almost sure he's just in love with her, he's just off limits. I roll my eyes just at the thought of him thinking he could ever get close to her.

Now that I think about it, it's always just been me and Johnson. Sure we always hung out with guys like Mike, I bet Jack actually thought of them as friends, but I just thought of them as a way to get drunk, he's rich and gets great beer, but in my mind it's just been us, just Jack and Jack.

Taylor's eyes squeeze and un squeeze and my eyebrows raise at her movement, she groans and her brows knit together, "Taylor?" I try to contain my excitement with a whisper.

Her eyelids slowly open and my heart literally leaps out of my chest as her chocolate brown eyes connect with mine, I smile ear to ear, teeth and all, feeling the blood rush to the top of my cheeks for an unknown reason before I mumble a, "good morning."

Her eyebrows twitch up with an amused smirk, "mhm," she attempts to get in a more comfortable position but her hand goes up to her temple, "ow."

"Are you feeling okay?" I sit up, with my back against the headboard. That's a stupid fucking question. Obviously she's fucking not.

She takes a few moments, massaging the corner of her head in between her thumb and forefinger, "I don't even," she struggles, "why does my head hurt?" She lets out a laugh and I smile at the sound.

Does she not remember anything from last night?

I slide down the bed again to lay in my previous position, resting my cheek in my palm and propping myself to meet her eyes on my elbow, "do you remember anything from last night?" I lightly ask, moving my hand to her forearm, caressing it.

Her eyes become more on edge, "why? What happened?" Her tone changes.

I sigh, and look at her, what am I even supposed to say? I know she's not gonna let me leave the subject alone, not that I would, she needs to know.

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