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When we arrive back at the house, I get Taylor, carrying her inside. Her lips are dry and the color in her face is completely drained, I'm so worried about this. She has one of the worst drugs in her body and she's never had any in her before. I can't imagine what she feels. Nothing, she feels like nothing, she's so far asleep right now that if I were to drop her on the hard ground she wouldn't feel anything, I cringe at the thought.

I lay her on my couch and stare at her in the light, how could I have let something this crazy happen? I should have called her, this is what happens when I leave her alone, she just cant help herself.

I lightly shake her shoulders, "Taylor." I try and wake her up but I know she won't.

"She won't wake up by that." Jack states the obvious.

"Well she fucking should. Do we have to take her to the hospital? Drugs don't usually do this shit." I stand up.

"Well considering she's never done them before it's just taking her body faster, she's not gonna like, die."

Nash sits across in a chair looking at her with worried eyes as he rubs his palms against his jeans, "what's up your ass? If anything I should be the one pacing the damn floors and sweating like a fucking dog, you need to chill out." I remark

His eyes nervously snap up to mine before snapping them away again, I give him a weird look before turning my attention back to where it needs to be.

"Okay, um," Jack leans down to put his ear on her chest, I watch him with caution as he takes her small wrist into his hand and putting his two fingers on her veins, "what are you doing?" I ask

"She's breathing fine, I think it's just her brain or something, like she got too scared and just snapped to sleep,"

As he comes to a conclusion my heart breaks, what happened? What did he do?

My eyes widen and I turn to the lanky brunette tapping his foot against the wooden floor, "what the fuck did Cameron do." I step closer to him and he jumps up. I don't like that were the same height, I'd enjoy this much more if I hovered over him.

"I, I-"

"Stop stuttering like a fucking baby. What the fuck happened," I turn to Johnson, "both of you."

"Nothing, we were sitting around and Cam just kissed her and she just, lost it, like she just got loopy and then he seemed confused on why so we thought he was taking her to get help but, I just, don't know." Johnson tries to explain it himself but he's just as confused as me.

Nash nervously runs his hand through his long hair, does he ever cut it?
He bites his lip like he's going to cry.

I quickly pace over to him and grab the collar of his loose t shirt, "tell me everything you know or I'll bash your head through the fucking glass window." I lie. I would do it, most definitely, not now though, not while she's practically dead on the couch.

My transparent threat most definitely gets to him as he frantically nods his head, grabbing my hand and pushing it away from him, "I didn't want to do it but," he reaches up to run his fingers through that mop of his, "Cameron wanted to piss this girl and I guess Sam off, and you and, Mallory just," he raises his palms do his head, holding it before sitting back down.

"Chill, it's fine, just tell us what happened." Johnson soothly says, "I'm gonna get some ice though," He nods.

He gets up and when he leaves the room I look at Nash, his eyes are on Taylor with such guilt in his light blue eyes and I'm growing sick with anxiousness, nothing is making sense.

I feel the odd need to lift Taylor's head so it's on my lap as he continues to look at her, Jack comes back holding a soft towel with ice gathered in the middle, I grip the top of it so the cubes don't fall out as I barely place it on the corner of her head.

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