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I woke up late the next morning, still upset and with absolutely no energy. I drove myself to school and only a few people walked the halls, most stayed home, obviously.

I went to my classes without Mallory, I didn't pass Jack or the boys in the hall once, and all around had an awful morning.

"Taylor Greyson?" My teacher snaps me out of my daze, I look up and her eyes watch me, "Are you okay?" She asks and every head turns to me, I look around and connect with every eye, my shoulders shrink, "Yes." I mumble

She looks at me for a few moments before turning back around.

I have some sort of relationship with every teacher at this school, I'm the type of student that's very upbeat, and active I'd say, so I suppose seeing me droopy is probably a bit weird.

After the last period I go straight home to an empty house, I don't turn on the tv, I don't get any food, I just don't know what to do. It may seem as if I'm overreacting at such a stupid thing, but I can't control it.

Honestly, it's unlike me to react to anything this way, but I can't stop being unhappy, it's hard to hide it too.

I lay down on my couch and stare at the ceiling.

I just don't understand this.

I had felt something so crazy with Jack, something so indescribable I couldn't put it into words. And the fact that he absolutely felt nothing, less than nothing, makes me so disconsolate.

I have to snap out of this, I want to be alone but I don't at the same time. I don't want someone bugging me and asking me about everything, but I want someone here to tell me it's going to be alright, but I also know that I don't just want someone, I want Jack.

Wow, I'm sort of pathetic. 

I walk up to my room and change out of my clothes, putting on sweatpants and a big sweatshirt on, because it's cold. Which makes me more upset because it's supposed to be the end of the school year and it's rainy.

I put my hair in a bun, take out my contacts, put on my glasses, and lay back down on the couch.

I scroll through my phone aimlessly, before a message from Sam comes up.

open ur front door fag

My eyebrows pull together but I manage to get up, I open the door and there's Sammy, with his arm against the door frame.

I roll my eyes and walk back to my couch, letting him come in.

"What's goin' on?" He asks as he sits next to me

I shrug, "nothing."

I see him looking at my face in the corner if my eye before he speaks again, "I know you like Jack." He says. Wow, he really is a smart one. How could he have known that?

"I can't stand him." I cross my arms

"Yeah, well he can't stand you either."

I look at him, "that's cool. Did you come here to remind me of everything?" I sarcastically ask

"No, I came to see if you were okay."

"Well, I'm not. So you got your answer, you should leave." I get up off the couch to dramatically escort him out.

He stands up, towering over me, "yeah, you're right. I got my answer, considering its not the one I wanted to here, I'm not leaving." He tells me, pretty forcefully and harsh. 

I disconnect eye contact and look at the ground, "Wanna at least go get something to eat? Try and get your mind off the annoying stuff?" he suggests.

I take a moment and play with the sleeves of my sweatshirt before slowly nodding my head.

"Alright, c'mon." He leads me towards the door.

"I have to change?"

"We'll just get something in the drive thru and eat it back here."

I sigh but follow him out to his car.

He slips on his seatbelt and as soon as he starts to drive down the street, my mouth opens, "Why do so many girls like Jack?" I ask out of curiosity, besides the obvious reason that he's the most attractive person I've ever met, most people that meet him hate his personality and negativity, a month or so ago I would have hated it too, but something about his tone draws me in, but I know most girls aren't like that

"They don't." He says and I look at him

"You said yesterday that so many girls like him."

He shakes his head, "they have things for him, apparently, he's really good at putting a show on in bed, never experienced it, but that's what I've heard."

I laugh at his choice of words but stop as soon as I realize what he said. The more I think about it, the more upset I get, Jack had just used me for one night to have some fun and now he hates me just like before. I just don't understand it, and every time I think of it I want to break down.

As we reach the end of my street and are about to go onto the busy street, Sammy continues without stopping. A car continues in front of us and my ears fill with slaps, crashes, and booms before something punches my body as hard as ever, my eyes close unwillingly and I can't hear anything besides muffled screams.

*if you didn't fully understand Sam and Taylor got into a car accident. So glad you guys are liking this story though because I have so many good ideas for it.. I wanted to get this up today, I can't tomorrow because I'm going to Jack and Jack🎉🎉so let's pray that one of them will fall in love with me, okay bye.*

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