(26) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ડⅈ᥊

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^This is currently my favorite photo 😌



Beams of light pierce the sliver of the uncloaked window panel and Jungkook groans, blinded by the sunrays.

He raises his hand to shield himself from the obnoxious intrusion as his eyes adjust. The first thing he sees is a doodle of ink on the back of his hand. It's a heart-shaped smiley face, clad in a polka-dot onesie.

Taehyung drew it as a joke, saying Jungkook should get it as his first tattoo after the younger expressed his desire to get a full sleeve.

Jungkook drew a bunny on Taehyung's hand in return. He had to alter the facial expression after Taehyung dared call it 'cute'. It's not cute anymore. It's badass. Tata and Cooky are the names they decided on for their little creations. The thought makes Jungkook giggle to himself.

He muffles his amusement with the palm of his hand, not wanting to wake Taehyung. Not yet, at least.

Call him a creep but he enjoys observing the older in his slumber. His barely fluttering lashes, the gentle part in his lips, and his soft snores. He looks so relaxed, no longer vexed with the pressure and stress life burdens him with. Jungkook only wishes to make him feel this secure and tranquil in his wake.

He turns around to find his boyfriend's spot empty. He props himself up on his forearms to scan the room. No Taehyung.

He supposes he should've known when he felt a pillow beneath his head instead of Taehyung's chest. Taehyung has a habit of hogging all the pillows so it's only fitting that Jungkook uses him as a pillow in return. He's certainly not complaining. The steady beat of the older's heart is what lulled him to sleep last night. And like that, he slept sound as a baby cuddled into his favorite teddy bear.

He's usually a light sleeper, circadian rhythms sending his senses on high alert once his usual hour of wake arrives. How Taehyung managed to leave without him noticing is beyond him. Jungkook knows he's not far if the sound of clanking pots and pans downstairs is any indication.

The clock on Taehyung's desk reads 12:27 p.m. His brows raise in astonishment. He hardly ever sleeps in. But he also doesn't usually stay up till three a.m. either.

Jungkook smiles giddily, the events from last night flooding his conscious.

After soaking in the jacuzzi for a while, he and Taehyung ordered dinner. They stayed up for hours telling each other light-hearted stories about their pasts and reminiscing about the good times each of them had when everything was less complicated.

It was quite therapeutic, especially Taehyung's story about getting his foot stuck in a jar of peanut butter when he was six. That one did a number on Jungkook.

Jungkook stretches before getting out of bed. The first thing on his to-do list is to give his boyfriend a morning kiss- well early afternoon kiss. He usually wakes up first and gives Taehyung a plethora of kisses until the older wakes up and shoves him and his morning breath away.

It always gives Jungkook a chuckle. Taehyung isn't a morning person so he makes it a point to annoy the shit out of him until he gets out of bed so they can start their day together. He leaves his poor baby alone on mornings he goes to work out though. Not that it would take much convincing anyway. On those days, Taehyung willingly gets up so he can shamelessly watch Jungkook lift weights.

Morning sex is very common on those mornings. Shocker.

Jungkook leaves the room to go find the older, carefully padding down the stairs. He hears the clanking of a pan and follows the sound.

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