(13) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꫀꫀꪀ

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Hey guys, I apologize for the long wait, I was on vacation and didn't have much time to write.

Stream Dyanamite for clear skin and because I said so, damn it 💀 No, but seriously, it's so good 😫 I can't wait for version B 👀



Jungkook's head falls forward in his sleep, the sudden jolt waking him. His heavy lids open as he brings a hand up to ease the pain in his neck caused by his awkward sleeping position.

A small groan sounds as a pair of arms tighten around his waist, and Jungkook peers down to find Taehyung resting sound asleep in his lap.

The older's hair is a disheveled mess, shielding his eyes as soft snores escape his parted lips. Jungkook smiles lazily at the endearing sight, gently pushing the messy locks from Taehyung's face.

His smile drops at the sight of Taehyung's puffy eyes and tear-stained cheeks, evidence that he must've cried himself to sleep, making Jungkook's heartache in his chest.

The last thing he remembers is Taehyung asking him to stay, and so he did. Even as his phone beeped, dinged and rang with notifications from his friends, probably wondering where he was, he refused to allow even the thought of leaving cross his mind.

That's not to say he doesn't feel guilty about it though. It only took him a week, a measly seven days to break his promise to Jimin, yet still, he can't bring himself to regret doing it. Not with Taehyung lying peacefully in his lap, clutching his waist as if afraid he'll leave.

His wanting to protect the older male confuses him more than anything. How can he care so much for a person he hardly knows?

Perhaps it's because he can see a bit of himself in the older-a tormented little boy, struggling to break free. The only difference is while Jungkook has managed to emerge from his turmoil, Taehyung seems hopelessly trapped in his own.

An involuntary yawn escapes Jungkook's lips, making him wonder what time it is as his eyes lazily scan the room for a clock. Finally, he spots one on Taehyung's nightstand reading 2:43 a.m. Jungkook peers back down at Taehyung before deciding to get up.

Carefully, he lifts the older's head before sliding from beneath him and lifting him, bridal style. Taehyung mindlessly tightens his grip around Jungkook's neck as he makes his way over to the bed and lays the older down gently, careful not to wake him. Taehyung tosses and turns to find a comfortable position, and Jungkook pulls the duvet over his body once his movements have ceased. He releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding before turning to head to the bathroom.


The weak sounding voice stops Jungkook in his tracks, and he turns around to find Taehyung peering up at him lazily, a gentle pout forming on his lips.

"Tae...d-did I wake you? I'm sorry-"

"Are you leaving?" Taehyung asks suddenly, his voice thick with sleep and desperation, "Please...don't."

Jungkook blinks in astonishment. Taehyung's eyes are pleading, practically begging, and never has Jungkook seen him so vulnerable. He always had a shield up when they're together, and even when Jungkook managed to lower it, even a little, It was never completely gone. Not until now.

A whirlwind of emotions swims behind his deep pools of earthy brown, and within them lies all words he could never say out loud. He needs a friend, someone to be there for him, now more than ever.

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