(25) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-ᠻⅈꪜꫀ

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Who's been reading since I had that cover ^^

Trigger Warning: This chapter includes topics of statutory r*pe, bullying, and slurs such as f*ggot and qu**r (All are censored)



The last of the ssireum team members saunter out of the gym and Jungkook remains seated on the bench, waiting for Taehyung to finish getting dressed.

They arrived late to practice for the second time this week, subjecting them to run several laps and perform even more push-ups long after the rest of their teammates got the pleasure of hitting the showers.

The two managed to get stuck in an empty classroom after Taehyung's brilliant idea to meet there. They've been doing this all week, sneaking away from their friends, meeting in discreet locations around the school. It was thrilling in the beginning, but the price of lying quickly deterred it to an exhausting task.

It's usually easy to sneak away from his usual circle of friends, make a quick excuse, and bolt, but it's never that simple with Jimin.

Jimin is intuitive, he pays close attention to detail and holds onto Jungkook's every word. If he says he's going to use the bathroom, Jimin questions why it took him twenty minutes to do so while the rest of his friends don't notice or simply brush it off. Jungkook can't even remember the lies he spits out half of the time which leads to awkward and disjointed conversations.

Even worse, the guilt of lying to Jimin constantly eats up at him, making the task of keeping this secret more difficult. He wishes it didn't have to be a secret, but alas, his wishes will have to remain ungranted because Taehyung made him promise not to tell.

And he won't. But he sure as hell will be bitter about it until Taehyung does.

"What do you say to a little rendezvous, this weekend...at my house?"

"You mean your dorm room?" Jungkook shoots Taehyung a peculiar look.

"No, my house. Well, it's technically my dad's penthouse, but forget the technicalities. He's on a business trip for the weekend and I thought it would be nice for us to spend some alone time there. That way, we won't have to sneak around."

"We wouldn't have to sneak around if you'd just let me tell Jimin."

"Koo, we've already been through this-"

"Yeah, well I hate lying to him." Jungkook snaps.

Taehyung continues, voice tender, "Telling him would only complicate things."

"What's so complicated about the truth?!" Jungkook is on his feet in one swift motion.

Taehyung purses his lips, frowning at the surface beneath him.

Jungkook shakes his head, looking down as well. He wills himself to calm down with the help of a few deep breaths. "I didn't mean to raise my voice, I-I just feel like you're not hearing me, not listening to me."

"I am listening to you."

"Are you? Because it seems like you're just dismissing me."

"Koo, he's happy. Why can't we just keep things that way?"

"I think he'd be a lot happier to have his best friend back. Wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would. But that's not the point.

"It never is." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

Taehyung is hiding something and Jungkook knows. He's been trying to pry it out of him all week but to no avail. Every time he brings up telling Jimin the truth, Taehyung shoots him with the same lame excuse. He's happy, let him be. What does that even mean?

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