(2) 𝕥᭙ꪮ

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I'm curious, when you guys read these stories written in english, do you imagine that they are talking in English or that they are talking in Korean and these are just the English subtitles? 😂

(For this chapter, anything in intilices is in english)


"Yikes, you have Mr. Chu?" Jimin gives Jungkook a pitiful look, "Word of advice, don't sit in the front, he spits...like a lot." The older scrunches his face up in disgust, still reading through Jungkook's schedule as he shows him around.

"Well that's good to know," Jungkook runs a hand through his hair, thankful to have received such a vital heads up.

"Looks like we have two classes together, choir and english two," Jimin points out briefly before his brows knit together in confusion, "Wait, you're already in english two? I barely passed english one," Jimin's eyes widen in disbelief and Jungkook laughs at the olders astonishment.

"Yeah, back at home my mom made me study for at least an hour everyday," he releases a heavy sigh of displeasure although there's a hint of appreciation there, "I guess it paid off in the end, huh?" the younger shrugs.

"Ah, well I wouldn't have gotten through that class if it wasn't for my friend Joonie," Jimin smiles and Jungkook raises a brow, as in to ask for further explanation.

"He's quite the intellectual, I must admit. He became fluent in english just by using the TV show 'Friends' to study. You've heard of it, right?" Jimin looks up briefly and when Jungkook nods, he continues, "Yeah, well that's pretty impressive if you ask me. He's quite the infiration." Jimin says and Jungkook gives him a strange look.

"Pardon? I think you meant to say inspiration."

"Well excuse me Mr. Jungkook but I can't exactly keep up with all the pronunciations. They even have Arkansas and Kansas pronounced differently for fucks sake, give me a break." Jimin rolls his eyes.

Jungkook raises his brow in amusement, " well in that case...infires, man, yeah!" He cheers and Jimin shoves him, fully aware that he's being mocked.

"Shut up, I'm your hyung, you are to respect me." Jimin points a finger at him warningly. Jungkook nods his head, quickly straightening up in a soldier's stance as a sign of 'respect',

"That's more like it," Jimin smirks but the expression is immediately wiped from his face when Jungkook suddenly shoves him into a wall. Jungkook doesn't know where the sudden urge came from but he can't help but crack up at the sight of Jimin quite literally flying into the wall.

Jimin bounces off of it with force before stumbling forward and smacking the younger in the back of his head, "I said respect!" Jimin scolds Jungkook before following his previous attack with an even harder smack on Jungkook's ass.

Jungkook barely winces at the olders assault. He doubles over in a fit of high-pitched giggles, struggling not to fall over.

"I'm this close to ditching your sorry ass. Ha jima!" Jimin adds a harsh kick in Jungkook's ass to his list of assaults and the younger finally falls to his knees, clutching onto his stomach as he desperately tries to stop laughing.

An administrator walks by and all its takes is a scolding gaze for Jungkook to cease his laughter and rush back up to his feet. Jimin stands there looking as innocent as ever, trying not to burst out in laughter at the way Jungkook's face turns beet red.

The two of them bow politely as the man walks away but as soon as he is out of sight, the two of them are hysterical. Jungkook elbows Jimin as short bursts of air leave his mouth in his struggle not to completely explode out in laughter.

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