(15) ᠻⅈᠻ𝕥ꫀꫀꪀ

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Hey everyone, I apologize for being gone for so long, school has really been kicking me in the ass and I haven't had the mental energy to write much. I finally sat down and finished writing this chapter today so I hope you guys enjoy reading. It's a little longer one than usual :)

Also, check out 'Blackout' by DaydreamAintReal, and show it the love it so deserves 🤧. She will be posting it as a completed work, so you don't even have to wait for updates, yay!!


Jungkook hisses in discomfort, the walk- more like a limp- back to his dorm quite painful. He figures he deserves it, considering he's about to lie to Jimin about where he's been all night- not that he has much of a choice. He promised Taehyung he wouldn't say anything. Then again, he also promised Jimin he was done interacting with Taehyung.

For everyone's sake, he hopes he can keep this promise better than the last.

Jungkook fumbles with the fabric of his jacket, palms sweaty, nerves raging in the pit of his belly. How does one even stomach the daunting task of deception? To Jungkook, lying is his own personal kryptonite.

Even as a child, while he often managed to charm his way out of trouble, it was clear he lacked the useful skill of deceit. He could've easily blamed the empty tray of cookies specifically baked for his school's bake sale on his dog, Doggy (he was six, give him a break) but what would've been the point? His mom could sniff his lies out better than Doggy could sniff his own butt. That, and the fact that his face was covered in more chocolate than visible skin.

But that's all in the past. He's since polished up his act. Now he can lie about as good as a fish can swim, a dead fish that is.

Jungkook rehearses the mental script Taehyung helped him write in hopes he can stick to it. At least that's what Taehyung referred to it as, but Jungkook knows it's just a clever way to mask the true nature of his tale.

Oh, how a three-letter word could be so intimidating.

"Theref you argh!" Jimin says the second Jungkook enters the room, voice muffled by a mouth full of toothpaste.

He spits it out. "Where the hell have you been? Felix gave Hyunjin a lap dance for the last slice of pizza last night and you missed it!"

Jungkook laughs awkwardly, too nervous about screwing up his lines to react appropriately to this riveting information.

"You would know if you bothered to check your phone." Jimin states as a matter-of-factly, "I sent you a video, along with a few other specially worded messages." He crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Jungkook's explanation. It better be a good one.

"My phone died." The words race to leave his mouth and Jimin shoots him a strange look. "Okay..." He seemingly brushes off the younger's peculiar behavior. "So, where have you been...and why are you walking like that?" Jimin giggles a little, brows furrowing at Jungkook's inability to stand still, making his limp quite obvious.

Line....what's his fucking line? There's nothing about his limp in the script. How could Taehyung leave out such a vital piece of information? He caused this! His dick has temporarily crippled him and he failed to mention anything about it- Some scriptwriter he is. Now Jungkook is stuck having to improvise. That's fucking fantastic-

"Is that a hickey?"

"What?" Jungkook whips around to face the mirror before muttering an array of words almost as colorful as the bruise on his neck.

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