(43) ᠻꪮ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-𝕥ꫝ𝕣ꫀꫀ

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If you didn’t see my message board, then surprise!! After a prolonged hiatus, I'm thrilled to finally be back with an update. School has been demanding all of my attention, but fear not, I'm committed to finishing this story. Thank you for your patience and unwavering support. Now Let's dive back in! 

(PS. You probably wanna go back and refresh your memory before continuing)


It’s day one of the National Ssireum Tournament, and people from all different provinces are lined up, waiting to claim their spot on the bleachers. Excited chatter fills the crowded hallway, and it only grows in volume when Jungkook emerges from the double doors.

Flashes from cameras and items of all sorts are thrusted in his direction. Reporters and fanatics shout Jungkook’s name in hopes of getting his attention but he only cares about one thing right now.

“S’cuse me! Sorry!” Jungkook shoulders his way toward the exit. 

He was warming up with his teammates when he got the text. Coach Kim is strict about phones during practice, but Jungkook was willing to run all the laps in the world if it meant knowing the exact moment his mother arrived. He had been waiting all morning for that message, sprinting for the double doors, with Taehyung hot on his heels as soon as he got it. Coach Kim is going to kill them both if they’re not back in time for drills but they don't care. 

"Koo, slow down!" Taehyung stumbles in pursuit, but Jungkook only relents once outside, chest heaving as he scans his surroundings.

“Jungkookie! Over here!” Jungkook hears her before he sees her, eyes following the sound of her voice before spotting her a few yards away.

“Mom!” He starts toward her with open arms.

Daeun’s eyes light up, arms opening wide enough to welcome the entire world. Then they do close around her entire world, her Jungkookie. The two of them embrace one another with such raw emotion anyone within a five mile radius can feel the love radiating off of them.

Jungkook sweeps her off her feet, twirling her around in a whirlwind of joy. Breathing in the comforting scent of home, he sighs softly, "I missed you so much."

Daeun's laughter fills the air, her embrace tightening with joy. "Oh, my sweetheart! I missed you too. No hugs, no kisses for months! My poor heart couldn't take it anymore!" Tears of happiness glisten in her eyes as she speaks, and Jungkook, overcome with gentle amusement, buries his face into her shoulder, shaking with laughter. As he finally sets her down, she showers his face with kisses before stepping back, her gaze filled with affection as she takes in every detail of him.

“Oh my gosh, you’ve grown! Where’s all the baby fat I sent you with? There’s none left! Are you eating enough, sweetie? I can’t even grab your cheeks anymore.” Daeun holds his face between her palms, frantically examining him.

"Mom, stop. You’re embarrassing me," Jungkook whines, glancing at Taehyung, who watches the heartfelt scene unfold with a smile. 

Daeun gasps, "Taehyungie, is that you?! Why are you just standing there? Come give me a hug, sweetheart!" She beckons him into her eager embrace.

She might be small but damn, is she strong. Taehyung doesn't mind though. It's endearing. It reminds him of his own mother; how they both love so fiercely. There is no shortage of affection when it comes to them. They are alike in that aspect but different in every other way.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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