(34) 𝕥ꫝⅈ𝕣𝕥ꪗ-ᠻꪮꪊ𝕣

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Who's excited for PROOF?

Happy Pride Month 🥰 🏳️‍🌈



Taehyung runs his palm across the foggy mirror, his reflection becoming clearer with every wipe.

He pats and squeezes his hair dry, the dark strands no longer coated in the generous amount of gel he used to hold it in place for the banquet earlier.

"One sec!" Taehyung hollers when he hears a knock at the door, quickly rummaging through his suitcase for some pajama pants.

He opens the door to find Doyeon standing there.

"Oh, hey. Come in, what's up?" Taehyung moves aside to let her in, "Oh right, your scarf thingy. Give me a sec..." he spurs before she can get as much as a 'hello' out.

"-ah, got it." He pulls it off the edge of the love seat and folds it before handing it to her, "Thanks, you're a lifesaver."

"Sure," Doyeon gives him a look, the same skeptical look she's been shooting at him since he returned from his...extracurriculars with Jungkook, "What had you all worked up earlier? Talk about business transactions too steamy for you?"

Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head, "You have no idea."

"Hmm, was it when Hwang mentioned us gaining leverage with the Topsun transaction? I wouldn't blame you. He laid the pros and cons out real nice."

"Yeah, I just couldn't contain myself."

"Kim, seriously."

"How come you never call me by my first name? it's always Kim this, Kim that. What if I just called you Yoon, all the time?"

"You're avoiding the question." Doyeon crosses her arms over her chest, staring him down.

"Yeah, and you're really adamant about it, Yoon."

Taehyung challenges her stance but when she doesn't budge, he gives in, head lolling back as he groans. Now what Taehyung is not about to do is tell his wife that he got hard because his boyfriend sent him a nude. But he can't even think of a good enough excuse right now to save his life.

"Spare me. Just this once."

Doyeon rolls her eyes, "What am I? The favor fairy?"

Taehyung smiles, "I owe you one."

"Yeah, as if I'd ever need anything from you." She waves her shawl at him before heading for the door.

Taehyung takes notice of what she's wearing. It's a shimmery black dress, too fancy to be for anything lounge-related, too revealing to be for anything business-related.

"Wait, you going out?"


"Where? Did my invitation get lost in the mail?"

"Isn't it past your curfew? Appa Kim should be coming to tuck you in any minute now." Doyeon's eyes dart to his pajama pants.

"Shut up, I don't have a curfew. I'm a grown man."

"Yeah, a grown man with Spongebob pajamas."

Taehyung frowns, "You're never too old for Spongebob."

Doyeon rolls her eyes, "Good night, Kim."

"Wait, you didn't tell me where you're going."

"There's a club just ten minutes from here. I'm going to go have some fun."

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